Shoujo Grand Summoning

Chapter 788

Ailu empire, imperial capital . . .

The development and infrastructure in this capital is the best in the entire empire, after all, the imperial palace is situated here . The resources here were inferior only to the supply town that has new stuff coming in from the Giant Beast Forest . It is easy to get dizzy after seeing the items exhibited here .

Shops of different sundry nature littered the streets of the capital . The shops were also upscale and posh . The establishments here looked like they belonged to a western medieval museum . The prices were also inflated, reflecting the background and clout of the merchants here .

Opening up shop in the imperial capital isn't something one could do with just money . There are nobles, relatives of royalty roaming the town . High-class nobles like these aren't going to be satisfied with your run-of-the-mill mum & pops shop .

The businesses here are backed by influential persons, some are even operated by the royal family itself . For example, the only auction house in town is operated by the Ailu imperial family .

Sure, you can try to mess things up . But, be warned, anyone who mess around in the capital without sufficient strength to fight off reactive forces from the imperial family should be ready to die when they are caught . There were knights on patrol everywhere, they are bored out of their minds so they wouldn't mind a rebel or two trying to start things up . Then, they can show them the skills and training afforded to the peace-keeping corps of the imperial capital .

Today, the capital is brimming with activity, an increase from past year . The merchants also brought out their prized collections . They also made sure to jack up their prices . Almost every merchant in town is doing it!

The guards were also increased in terms of manpower and skills . Each of them were at least tier 6 in power . The captains were also tier 7 individuals . Showing off is just part of the reason, the other reason is that this is only proper to welcome the guests today .

Ailu empire invited all the major forces in Silvaria, including the other two imperial families, the 9 major noble houses to a ball in the imperial capital!

A ball where all the forces in the world gathered is almost unheard of . There were only a few cases in the entire history of this world where all the powers that be came together in unison for a function . Normally, those events were world-changing or where a succession of power would take place, not for a ball, this the first of its kind in the history books . . .

The parties involved knew it must be important enough to come here . The balls is just icing on top .

Fortunately, the theme this time is a ball, not a summit . Balls are usually reserved for happy events, at least, fortuitous for the reigning family . It would be a total waste to throw a ball like this just for the sake of a ball, not to mention the ensuing PR disaster that's going to come out of this if it tanks .

The guards escorted the big wigs from the other houses as they demobilized from their airships . The imperial escorts led them to the palace . The patriarchs from the major families are also here . Except for the emperors of the other two empires, they sent their crown successors to participate in this fight . There are also talented VIPs from each faction that came due to recommendations . This ball is veritably only for the strong and mighty .

Besides the twelve major factions, there is a small group who were also invited to this ball .

It's a small group, however, each of the members had powers no faction dared to rub the wrong way .

An airship came flying from afar, it slowly descend upon the landing field . A group led by four individuals started moving down from the ship .

Leading the faction is a beautiful lady with silvery-white hair and an agile-looking sword . Beside her is a lady with long raven-black hair . She's wearing a magician's robe that looked like a dress too . She looks a bit young but her charms are already showing through .

Fei Fei and Lulu has arrived!

Standing behind Fei Fei, and Lulu is Zeus who was unseen for a long time since the last incident . As for the last member, it was a middle-aged man . . .

The middle-aged man looked sharp and composed . He had his hands behind his waist like a firm statute . Even the raging winds can only make his clothes flutter, his figure remained steadfast . His calm eyes flashed with the light of someone who attained the peak of his strength and has maintained his position as someone of power for a long time now .

He's the current patriarch of the Luo Li family, Lei Wang's son and Lulu's father . He's the one who mentored Fei Fei and Zeus . Larl Lori is his name .

When the airship finally landed, Larl looked in the direction of the imperial palace . He started talking with a firm voice .

"We are here . . . "

Fei Fei, Lulu, and Zeus were standing behind him .

"Remember, the ones here today are all in similar positions as us . Rein in your attitude, don't embarrass the family in front of others . . . "

Larl might look like he's talking to the three of them . Upon closer inspection, he's actually saying this for Lulu .

Zeus and Fei Fei nodded . Meanwhile, Lulu saw the look on her father's face and she started throwing a tantrum .

"Do I look like I get into trouble a lot?"

Larl said nothing with a pursed lip . Clearly, he is of the belief that his daughter liked fooling around .

Fei Fei and Zeus started snickering in secret which made Lulu even angrier .

"Don't laugh!"

Zeus shut his yap but Fei Fei had trouble stopping . Her shoulders were still trembling . Lulu looked very aggrieved as she held Fei Fei's hand .

"Sister Fei Fei~"

"Okay okay . . . "

Fei Fei surrendered .

"I won't laugh anymore . . . "

"You . . . "

Larl shook his head .

"You throw a tantrum when you should be learning, when will you grow up?"

"Don't look down on me!"

Lulu puffed her chest out .

"One more year, then, I am an adult!"

"Oh, so you're aware you're only one year away from attaining the age of majority!"

Larl chuckled .

"Before that, you're still a kid . Actually, even if you're an adult, you're still a kid . "


Lulu stomped her feet .

"How can an adult be a kid at the same time?!"

"Li Lu, no matter how old you get, in the eyes of your teacher, you're always going to be a kid . . . "

Fei Fei helplessly laughed .

"Unless, of course, you change your personality . "

"Why does growing up require me to change my personality, I am not going to do that!"

Lulu stood with arms akimbo as she smugly told everyone her future plans .

"When I am grown up, I am going to bag myself a husband, just you wait and see, let's see you call me a kid the!"

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