So I Am A Demon Descendent!

Chapter 303: Don’t Need To Thank Me, My Name Is Red Scarf

Translator: Larbre Studio Editor: Larbre Studio

The deeper he went, the heavier he was breathing. Li Peiyun’s heart was beating faster and his muscles were tense, as if he was about to meet a big enemy.

“Relax, it’s okay.” Hu Yan patted him on the shoulder. “I came here for the first time and was super nervous all the time. When I saw that thing, I almost knelt.”

Li Peiyun looked at all the protectors in front of him, and found that they unconsciously slowed down their pace, and their feet became heavier. They walked forward step by step. Obviously, they were also under some pressure.

Was the breath from the Emperor?

I only went near it, yet I felt such a huge pressure. This is… Gokudo Path indicator? Li Peiyun was shocked by his own speculation. There was only one Gokudo Path expert in the Chinese demon descendant community. Even the boss of the Baoze Group, known as a bizarre genius, was stuck at the state of Half-Gokudo Path.

When Li Peiyun wandered all over the world to sharpen his swordsmanship, he once heard about that man. He had just started his journey not long ago, but he was unique and left his peers behind. Then, he surpassed the old generation of experts, and then, was only behind one person.

Presently, no one could restrain him except Buddha Head. He advanced at a terrifying speed all the way into Half-Gokudo Path, where he finally met a bottleneck. Li Xianyu today resembled him in some ways, but he was a cheater. His progression speed could be attributed to certain miraculous encounters.

People like him were even stuck there. It could be seen how hard it was to attain Gokudo Path. Li Peiyun did not believe that the leader of Great Demons’ Alliance was a Gokudo Path expert. However, it was hard to explain such a terrifying sense of intimidation.

Was there such a sense of oppression given off by Half-Gokudo Paths?

Li Peiyun, who had fought with Taoist Venerable, felt that it was not the case. He was not sure for a while.

The water of the Great Demons’ Alliance was a little deep…

With a sense of wonder, Li Peiyun walked along with the rest of the protectors. The feeling of oppression became more and more intense. His heart was beating like a drum, and the blood in his blood vessels were rushing wildly to resist the pressure.

When the pressure reached its peak and the sound of breathing was heard, they finally walked through the long corridor. Li Peiyun was stunned at the sight.

At the end of the corridor was a small cave. There was no electricity or light. Protectors Left and Right turned off their flashlights, took out the lighter and lit the candle embedded in the wall groove.

More than a dozen candles were lit, and the flames swayed violently amidst some kind of breathing.

In the center of the cave hung a mass of brown meat, like a spider’s prey wrapped in silk. There were many flesh and blood tissues on the surface of the meat, which were crawling all over the four walls of the cave. The scene was like the incubation nest of some evil creature.

The breathing sound came from the brown piece of meat hanging in the center. It bobbed up and down rhythmically. Each up and down represented a breath.

Li Peiyun, struggling with great discomfort and pressure, stared at the brown meat and murmured, “That is your Emperor?”

Hell, is this an alien?

“It?” Hu Yan laughed uncontrollably. “It is the most precious property of our Great Demons’ Alliance, but it is not the Emperor. The Emperor is the one who owns it.”

“What the hell is this?” Li Peiyun frowned.

“It’s a treasure. It’s hard to find. Do you know why there are so many new demon descendants in the Great Demons’ Alliance?” Hu Yan walked into the cave and scraped some of the substance from the flesh and blood tissue on the ground. The mass of flesh and blood in his palm quickly withered and dried up, from brown to dark black.

Hu Yan grasped the piece of meat with his hand. “With such a large dosage, three people or animals can awaken and become the fresh blood of the Great Demons’ Alliance. We call it the Meat of Evolution. Of course, no ordinary human or animal can awaken. When we select new members, we will do screening, and only those who are qualified will be fed with this.”

“Out of ten animals that swallow it, five of them would die by having their bodies burst, and the remaining five would awaken. Four of the five awakened demon descendants are unqualified. They may be mentally or physiologically disabled. We will give up on these kinds of unstable individuals. So, the probability is one tenth, but the actual probability is lower, because we have to select qualified animals or humans.”

“Nowadays, human beings are so terrible, and their bodies are generally sub-standard. Bodies with poor physical constitutions will burst after swallowing the Meat of Evolution. Animals are the same. Domestic pets are just as bad as their owners. Wildlife is the best candidate for catalysis, but these days, even wildlife is rare.”

As Hu Yan mentioned the difficulties of the Great Demons’ Alliance with regret, Li Peiyun was not listening. There was only one idea in his mind: Lunatic!

“If the awakened swallow it, they can also profit hugely from it. It can optimize the ancient demon genes in your body, and make your powers better developed.” Hu Yan put the meat in front of Li Peiyun. “As long as you join the Great Demons’ Alliance, you can enjoy it, but the effect of the first ingestion is the best. After a few times, there will not be much benefit.”

“That’s what you… are made of?” Li Peiyun finally understood why there were so many new demon descendants in the Great Demons’ Alliance and why there were such top experts as the seven protectors, who were unknown before.

“Some of them were originally S-class, or near the level of S-class, and the Meat of Evolution just raised them to a higher level.”

Hu Yan continued to explain, “It’s a pity that at this level, the Meat of Evolution doesn’t have much effect anymore because any further progression will lead to Half-Gokudo Path.”

Those who could reach peak S-class, regardless of body and power, had reached a limit, and the benefits of the Meat of Evolution would not be great.

“Li Peiyun, this is the biggest secret of the Great Demons’ Alliance. If you control the Meat of Evolution, you will control the world. Do you want to join the Great Demons’ Alliance?” When he uttered the last sentence, his eyes were burning. He had both the piety of the preacher and the madness of dedicating himself to the Lord at any time.

A wise man was not terrible. The real terrible one was a wise man who found faith.

Li Peiyun looked at him and suddenly understood why he had brought him here.

“So I was not brought here to see the Emperor, but to be forcefully recruited.”

“He wants to force me to join the Great Demons’ Alliance, but if I don’t agree with the biggest secret of the Great Demons’ Alliance, I think it’s difficult to leave safely.”

“They are not stupid for their false promises. They will certainly control me in some way.”

“What do you want… Oh, I know.” Li Peiyun stared at Hu Yan. “I always know that you wanted to shake up the demon descendants’ community, change its pattern, and improve the lives of foreign species, but I didn’t expect how crazy you would be, no, it’s you guys.”

Hu Yan was stunned and looked at him quietly.

Li Peiyun glanced at the crowd and continued, “I don’t know what this is, but I know that if you abuse the Meat of Evolution like this, the result will only overturn the order of the demon descendants’ community, and more and more new demon descendants will appear. They will break the balance between demon descendants and ordinary people. The key is that these people were suddenly empowered, and their inflated desires will dominate them and cause social unrest.”

The looks of each protector turned cold. Hu Yan smiled, with some irony. “Li Peiyun, are you preaching justice to me? You’re a member of an unorthodox cult. You want to talk to me about justice?”

“Hu Yan, if I was greedy and afraid of death, would you let Great Demons’ Alliance extort a confession out of me?” Li Peiyun asked suddenly.

Hu Yan was silent.

“You see, this is our relationship: allies, not friends. The interests of allies are the same. If we have different interests, we can only be separated. You and I are both fighting against Taoist Venerable, so we are allies. But why do you think I have to join the Great Demons’ Alliance?”

Before, they had a common goal: Taoist Venerable. However, now that Taoist Venerable was dead, the basis for their cooperation was no longer there. Without the consensus of working towards a common goal, Hu Yan would not rest assured and trust him. Therefore, in order to get the key to the Great Deities Palace, Li Peiyun must have agreed to join the Great Demons’ Alliance.

Protector Dragon giggled. “If you don’t want to join the Great Demons’ Alliance, turn in the key.”

Li Peiyun ignored her, but stared at Hu Yan. “This is not justice. I never take good and evil into consideration. However, my grand-teacher is racist, and so am I. Most of the Great Demons’ Alliance are made up of foreign species. They are not in line with human morality. Suddenly, a large number of unscrupulous foreign species appear. What do you guys want? Competing for territory with human beings? For the top of the food chain?”

From a human point of view, he didn’t want to see this happen.

For example, I could love animals and not eat dog meat, but if one day, dogs wanted to share the world with me, and climb on my head to defecate and pee? I’m sorry. I will only kill you then.

“That’s not what I want to see. I just want to create a pure land for the foreign species and live in peace with human beings.”

Hu Yan sighed. “I’m trying to do it, I’m trying to educate them.”

“The premise of peaceful coexistence is fighting, not negotiating. Without fighting, who will fucking talk to you? In any case, conflict is inevitable. Besides, can you represent the foreign species behind you?” Li Peiyun sneered.

Protector Bull was furious. “What do you mean, are you looking down on us foreign species?”

The look in the eyes of the protectors was cold.

“That’s right,” Li Peiyun said, looking at the crowd. “I mean, everyone here is rubbish.”

The light of the sword of qi suddenly lit up the dark cave. Li Peiyun swivelled his body and waved his sword. The light of the sword rippled all over the cave. At the same time, his mental power had created seven Sword of Wills, which was invisible and immaterial, and they rushed out to attack the eyebrows and hearts of the protectors.

Everyone was caught off guard. No one expected Li Peiyun to launch such a surprise attack without warning. The caves were narrow and lacked space to move around, so everyone took a blow.

Hu Yan, who was nearest to him, held his head and yelled in pain, “Li Peiyun, you idiot!”

However, Protector Left, who was beside Hu Yan, blocked the Sword of Will. He was a spiritual awakener, but he failed to block the sword of qi. He was struck in the chest by the sword of qi. He hit the stone wall heavily, as blood gushed out.

He first attacked with the sword of qi, then attacked with the Sword of Will. There was always a way to attack. However, Li Peiyun knew that his surprise attack would hurt them a little at most. At this time, he should retreat strategically!

His backhand was a sword. His sharp sword aura flew towards the meat in the center of the cave, in order to make the enemy retreat. He rushed towards the corridor in the opposite direction.

Fuck your idea of controlling the world. I’ll kill that thing with one strike.

The cave was illuminated by the sword aura, glowing blazing white, and the candle was extinguished under the pressure of the sword aura.

“Damn it!”


“The Emperor is still inside practicing.”

Everyone was furious and wanted to fight, but there was no one present with the ability of speed. It was impossible to catch up with the sword aura and fight it. They were afraid of damaging the Meat of Evolution as well. They had come to welcome the Emperor, but they forced her to come out of seclusion.

The breath of the Meat of Evolution stopped. Before the sword aura landed, a white and thin wrist popped out from the brown flesh and blood. With a gentle pat, the sword of qi was blown away and a violent gust of wind blew in the cave.

After dispelling the sword of qi, the delicate, fair hand flicked lightly, and a gigantic ball of fire flew out. It expanded rapidly as it travelled with the wind. When it caught up with Li Peiyun, it was already a ball of fire with a diameter of half a meter.

There was a strong wind behind him. Li Peiyun’s hair was standing straight, and his level of vigilance was rising. He turned around and clashed with it using his sword.

As the sword of qi landed on the fireball, a loud explosion echoed. Both objects were dispelled.

There was a blazing wind in the caves and corridors, and the rays of light were scattered. Li Peiyun’s hair and eyebrows burned up in an instant, and the smell of burning organic matter filled the corridor.

He snorted, and his blood surged.

“You can’t escape.” When the cold voice sounded, the piece of meat separated automatically, and a pair of rare long legs stepped out of the brown piece of meat. She was wearing shin-level digital pencil pants, and a white vest. Her waist and legs were long and hot, as her hair scattered on her shoulders.

She was wearing a silver mask made of some alloy. The face under the mask could not be seen, only showing a pair of deep, cold eyes.

“She is the Emperor?” Li Peiyun was frozen in place and dared not move. He felt that he had been locked in place. If he moved, he would face the blow of destruction.

“Emperor, have you advanced into the Gokudo Path?” Protector Right asked with expectation.

She represented everyone’s thoughts. The protectors looked at the Emperor and held their breath. Even Li Peiyun didn’t care.

Great Demons’ Alliance had been looking forward to the birth of a Gokudo Path. If the Emperor were to become a new Gokudo Path, they wouldn’t need to talk with Baoze at all. They would destroy them and divide the territory. They would become the kings themselves, and become a major force in the demon descendants’ community.

The boss of Baoze Group would be powerless in front of the Emperor, unable to hurt her.

However, the Emperor’s answer disappointed everyone. She shook her head slightly and said calmly, “I failed.”

Hu Yan closed his eyes and sighed gently. “The Gokudo Path is so difficult.”

After lamenting, he looked at Li Peiyun and said, “Emperor, how do we deal with him?”

Two lights fell on Li Peiyun.

The woman thought about it and asked, “If we kill him, will we get the key to the Great Deities Palace?”

Hu Yan smiled wryly. “With this kid’s temper, it is difficult.”

The woman nodded and used her two long legs to walk to Li Peiyun. “Why don’t you want to join me?” she said. She was very close to him, less than one meter apart. She was not afraid of Li Peiyun’s surprise attack.

By the light of the flashlight, he carefully looked at the woman in front of him. This was probably the most powerful and perfect woman he had ever seen… He didn’t know why, but this notion flashed across Li Peiyun’s mind at an inappropriate time.

He had not even seen the woman’s face before. He had seen the Unparalleled War Spirit’s charisma, the extremely charming Aoki Yui, and all kinds of beauties. However, in the moment of seeing this woman at close range, this absurd idea arose.

“I’m simply not willing,” Li Peiyun said.

The woman gazed at him in silence, and her cold eyes seemed to see through him. For a long time, she said, “His character is pure and he has determination. Indeed, he is the perfect candidate for practicing the Tri-Elements Sword Technique.”

“In that case, let’s make an alliance,” the woman said. “This is your only choice. Make an alliance with me and let’s share the key of the Great Deities Palace. The time limit is the opening of the Great Deities Palace.”

Li Peiyun was quietly relieved. The key of the Great Deities Palace had saved his life again.

All of a sudden, he had some sympathy for Li Xianyu, who perhaps had been repeatedly saved by the Great Deities Palace. The Great Deities Palace was his nightmare and his talisman simultaneously.

“You’re not scared that I will go back on my word?” Li Peiyun probed.

“Unless you want to die.” The woman’s answer was brief and comprehensive.

He was quiet. After thinking about it, Li Peiyun chose to accept the proposal. Although he and the Great Demons’ Alliance had said that they were different from each other, they could only cooperate in the current situation.

“You can’t leave here until the Great Deities Palace opens,” the woman said.

“I understand.”

“But, before that, you have to solve some problems,” Li Peiyun said.

“Say it.”

Li Peiyun looked at Protector Left and shrugged. “Don’t need to thank me. I have reopened your clue.”

Protector Left was shocked.

At this instant, the whole mountain rocked as if there were an earthquake.

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