Son of the Hero King

Chapter 624: Too weak

Sol ignored the sudden flash of light as well as the subsequent sounds of relentless lightning bombardment that echoed from behind him, and the muted, drowned scream of Eins. It was a foregone conclusion for Sol, as Ambrosia was one of the strongest demigods he had ever come across.

Things might have unfolded in a different route if Hypnos was present here in his real body, instead of one of his avatars. There was no way an Avatar of any demigod, be it from the past or the present, could ever hope to match Ambrosia.

I wanted to test my power against a proper demigod but now isn’t the time for that.

Thinking so, Sol leisurely walked toward the four Kings who were now at a standstill. The world had never felt so vivid for Sol. Everything he did had a distinct and natural purpose, every step he took, every breath he made, all were small actions that determined events on a much, much larger scale.

I feel great.

He felt high, he felt more powerful and stronger than he ever did in any state. All he required now was to test this power and figure out all the intricacies.

“There comes the perfect victim.” Sol ignored Zwei who was currently keeping Lilith busy. After all, the opponent his aunt was facing was but a simple avatar, nothing more— definitely not worthy enough to warrant his personal attention. Yet the fact that she could create an avatar so powerful could only mean that she had newly ascended to the demigod realm, a cause for concern.

“Lilith, end the fight quickly, it's just a puppet. You don’t need to hold back.”

With a simple wave of his hand, space fractured and both Zwei and Lilith vanished from his sight as if they had teleported somewhere. In the past, Sol could only switch places between things in his dimension or rather invert their positions.

Now though, he did not need to use the principle of inversion. He had nearly full control over the space in this place now.

Watching this, Sun Wukong’s eyes couldn’t help but twitch a little. If he had to calculate, less than an hour went by between the moment they first met today on the battlefield and now.

Yet, the current Sol was in a whole other dimension than the one he had first met. Such a difference and power could not be brought simply by an increase in realm.

“Thank you for helping, I will take things from here.”

Sun Wukong tsked and placed his staff on his shoulder with his remaining arm.

“Ah… Let me help you with that.”

「Boundaries of Spacetime -::- Rewind」

A small clock manifested over Sun Wukong’s arm and immediately started revolving counter-clockwise before infusing into his arm. In just a few seconds, the wounds that had been seemingly unhealable were now gone, the severed hand now becoming as good as new.

Wukong looked at his arm with a stunned expression. He had been resigned to being armless for the rest of his life as the power Lilith had used while inflicting this wound on him made it so that all forms of healing became impossible.

But now… Wukong couldn't help but show a bitter smile.

“I guess monsters can only bring birth to greater monsters.”

He sighed and walked a certain distance before using his staff as a pillar to rest.

He wished to see it…What would most likely be the end of the one known as the Tyrant Wolf?

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Wind stirred as Sol and Lupus faced each other.

“You truly look ugly.” Sol showed clear disdain on his face as he looked at Lupus.

The current Lupus was nothing but a shell of what he once was. All his pride as a warrior and a king was all but gone; and what was left was a mindless monster that looked like a giant deformed wolf.

His golden fur was now pure blood crimson and his blue eyes were only darkness, ruthlessness, and not a smidgen of intelligence left.

In a way, he looked pitiful. A man who sought the heavens, only for him to fall to the depths of hell, all because of his greed— truly, it was one of the most pitiful sights someone could witness.

“Let’s end this dark story.”

The Wolf despite its lack of intelligence seemed to understand the intent behind his words and howled at the sky. Clearly, while he was afraid of Sol’s power, his instinct and desire to live overpowered his fear.

As the howl went on, mana particles gathered in such high quantities that they became visible. The Wolf swallowed the condensed ball of light and then…


A beam of pure light was launched towards Sol at staggering speeds. The distance between Sol and Lupus was less than 20 meters, and at such distance, the attack might as well have been made point-blank.

This was an attack fast enough that few people should have been able to respond to it and yet,

「Boundaries of Spacetime -:: Slow」

The laws of Spacetime distorted and the light beam slowed down to a crawl, allowing Sol to avoid the attack simply by taking a few steps aside at a leisurely gait. A huge shockwave rocked the terrain when the beam finally came in contact with a small hill hundreds of meters away.

The explosion that followed was powerful enough to ruffle Sol’s hair, however, he received no damage.

“You know, I have been thinking about how I should handle you many times you know?”

Sol waved his hand and started walking slowly toward the beast,

“I have considered torturing you, making you understand even a hundredth of the pain you inflicted on Setsuna.”

Another attack came but this time Sol did not even bother using a skill and simply swatted the beam away as if he were dealing with a mere fly.

“I wondered if I should imprison you and put you to trial in front of the whole of Wratharis.”

The Wolf howled and lunged at him; its body was covered in a lightning cloak, enhancing all its abilities so that the beast could tear Sol apart before he even had the chance to react. However, all he managed to hit was air as Sol teleported right above the deranged wolf.

“In fact, I even imagined that we might have quite the epic fight. One where you repented and showed your chivalrous spirit and pride. One last hurrah for a not so cliché villain. I truly had high expectations of you.”

He landed on Lupus’ head, his hand in his pocket and a melancholic look on his face.

Lupus tried to shake Sol away but,

Do not move.”

His golden eyes shone as he spoke and what came out of his mouth was not just an order. It was an absolute law as if a god had relayed them to a mortal, words that could never be disobeyed. It was a rule Lupus could never hope to go against… because he was just that weak.

Yet, there was no glee on Sol’s face, only deep disappointment. He found no joy in beating a mindless monster.

Should I heal his spirit?

Sol considered for an instant but ultimately shook his head. Lupus had already died under the blade of Ayame in the hand of Lilin plus the combined efforts of all his girls.

What stood here was nothing but an abomination.

“In the end, I realized one thing. You were not even a mad dog. Dogs at least are loyal. You were nothing but a hyena. So die like the pitiful beast that you were.”

「Boundaries of Thermodynamics: Heat Death」

Sol closed his eyes as a chilly air covered his body. The cold made him feel right at home as if he was once again part of the whole universe.

Adam’s memories are affecting me a little.

Sol jumped and landed lightly on the ground,

“Haaa… Truly you were a disappointment until the very end.”

Behind him, all that was left was the frozen body of Lupus. Cracks and fissures started spreading and limbs broke and fell and soon, nothing but snow and ice dust were left drifting in the wind.

Watching the end of what was once the King of Wratharis and a Blessed, Sol found himself feeling quite melancholic.

After all… “I didn’t even have the chance to use my Avatar.”

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