A few seconds

That was all it would take before the Mages would experience death.

It wasn't as simple as closing one's eyes and never opening them again. No, this was something crueler.

The sight of the booking ground, and the feeling of extreme heat, was enough to tell the defeated ones of the fate that awaited them.

Still, they were not done!

"Rise!" The leader of the Mage Squad screamed, rising to his feet.

None of his injuries had been serious, so he could cope.

The others were the same.

They rose, unsure of what else to do. If they tried using Advanced Magic, the monster would charge at them before they could complete the chant.

If they used simpler attacks, their efforts would be rendered useless.

It was at this point that the Mages realized their error.

'We shouldn't have told the Guards to retreat!'

They could have at least served as some form of vanguard for them while they prepared their Spell.

Ultimately, the only reason for their current state was their overconfidence.

They thought they could handle something beyond their purview, and now...

'Even then...!!!'

The men gritted their teeth and gathered their Mana.

They had no intention of letting the innocent ones beyond the walls suffer for their arrogance.

Even if it cost them everything, the Mages were prepared to fight the horrifying creature.

Their eyes brimmed with a sense of duty, and they were resolved to break through their limits.

Even as the earth shook with each step the monster took, the Mages began preparing their Mana.

It was now clear that they couldn't beat the thing.

However... they could at least buy time!

"Hold your ground!!!"

Gritting their teeth and gripping their wands, they were prepared to risk it all—even Mana Shock—as long as they could complete their duties!


"That's enough!"

... Unexpected help arrived right on time!


Descending from the sky, like a pillar of light, a being crashed upon the monster with deafening pressure.


Everything around them broke apart!

The Mages had to cover their eyes and brace themselves, as the impact shook them even to their foundations.

As their eyes were glued shut, they felt the immense presence of the monster slowly dissipate.

'WHAT?!' Their minds rang.

If they didn't know any better, the Mages would have believed that the creature was dead.

But, that was impossible... right?

As they opened their eyes, the twelve men were made to know the extent of their foolishness.

The burning creature had lost all its flames, and there it lay on the ground... completely and utterly destroyed.

Yes, it was dead!

Standing at the center of the molten ground and the dead creature was someone they couldn't recognize.

Of the Archmages and Grand Mages, none of them fit the description of the person who made an appearance.

Not only was he too young, but his calm and innocent demeanor made them doubt he was even a Mage.

But, could they really deny what they had just seen?

There he stood, a teenager that was not qualified to be called an adult, staring at the beaten Mages.

The men felt a wave of humiliation, but a stronger sentiment of gratitude and relief made them swallow their broken pride.

They had just been saved. That was all there was to it.


Steam rose as the ground began cooling, and the mysterious man approached them. His white coat fluttered with the wind as he kept moving.

"Good evening... I have urgent news for the King!" He spoke in a refined manner.

His voice contained both calmness and urgency. Still, something about him made them listen with rapt attention.

Before they could open their mouths to reply him, or even thank the young one for saving their lives, he spoke again.

"... The Demons have begun their invasion!"


'As expected, it works!"

The moment I uttered the words of Demons invading, the Mages all stiffened and displayed horrified expressions.

Normally, they would have dismissed it as immature words from a kid, but after everything they had just seen, I doubted they would resort to that.

A monster they all struggled to defeat was taken down by me... in a single hit, for that matter.

Their pride had been crushed, and they had no choice but to respect and listen to my words.

The damage done was minimal, and I ensured that no one was seriously hurt.

Some of them may have been scarred or traumatized by the monster's assault, but if they were fazed by only this much, then they would be better off quitting the security division.

'Still, to think they were so weak...'

Sure, they were simply the first response squad, but I expected more resistance. After all, the more of a threat I made the monster pose, the better my case would be.

As for how the 'horrifying creature' spawned, it was simply a Golem I made with the Highest Tier of Advanced-Level Magic. I added Miasma to the mix, making it appear to be a Demonic entity.

Of course, this Golem was meticulously made, so, even experts would determine it to be a living entity if they attempted a Magic Autopsy.

My goal was to create an urgency that would give me an edge for my request.

An audience with the king.

'So far, so good!'


I was brought into the Capital immediately after I made my declaration.

Usually, there would have been a thorough identity check, but the situation was too urgent for that.

After being directed to the interiors by the head Mage, I followed him to an area within the gates.

The other Mages had to take care of investigation and other affairs. Since I was with the Superior officer, it was clear that my position had been properly established—at least, to an extent.

"I need to report this matter to my Superior. Please come with me!" He said in a frantic tone.

I could sense his discomfort.

The man was struggling with how to address me, considering I was more powerful than he was, yet a younger individual.

It didn't matter to me, so long as my goals were achieved, but Magic was meritocratic in nature.

Age wasn't synonymous with respect—power was!

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