Stealing Spree

"Will you be fine going back?"

I asked Hiyori after separating from me. Her head was hung low once more. Probably thinking about Miyako in that room.

"Yes. I'm now fully recharged by your energy. I should ignore what she keeps on saying about you, right?"

Hiyori raised her arms cutely and spun once. She really became energetic after spending time with me. Now it's a wonder if there's a scientific basis about that Ruki Energy she's talking about.

"You can. However, what she's saying is not necessarily false. You see, each of you has a different perception of me. And for her, that's how she sees me. I couldn't deny any of her claims or rather I will not."

If the other girls who didn't chase after me saw me again and spouted the same words Miyako spouted, I will face them all. There's no way to atone for what I did but if they want me to do something to somehow give them peace of mind, I'll do it as long as it will not concern my girls. That's my bottom line. Otherwise, I will be dragging them with me which is something I don't want to happen.

Hiyori accepted my words. She then turned around before telling me what's on her mind.

"I see… I'm not really good at judging people. But what you've shown me is far from what she's saying. That's why I'll trust myself rather than the words of others."

Hearing that from her, I couldn't help but step forward and put her in my embrace once more. Slipping my arms to her side, I locked my fingers as they rested on her navel.

"Thank you Hiyori."

"Un. Ririka is right. It's much better to hear you saying your gratitude now."

She turned her head slightly to face me and gave me another one of her beautiful smiles as she put her hand over mine.

"All of you believed and chose to be with me. If others find out about this, they will surely think you're crazy for agreeing in this unrealistic situation. The best I can do is to keep making you all feel special and to say my gratitude where it's due. After all, now that you're back, I don't want to lose any of you again from my stupid decisions."

"I know that my decision now will be the same as in the future. Meeting you might be a tragedy for some but for me… it's the best thing that happened."

Hiyori shook her head and kissed me on her own initiative while we're in this position. Unlike earlier where she's the one on the receiving end while we pass the remaining time in silence, this one's more heartfelt.

After a while, she whispered her I love you once more and left the room even more energetic than earlier. The smile on her face was too bright that someone would be dazzled by it.

Well, as long as she's happy.

A minute later, Yua who probably gave way for the others to go first arrived, with a flushed face. She closed the door behind her and wordlessly closed the distance between us.

Slipping her arms to the back of my neck, she tugged at it which resulted in me leaning my head down where our lips could reach each other.

With her aquamarine blue eyes staring intently at me, Yua passionately took my lips into a kiss.

We already had our talk earlier and this time, this girl most likely wanted a more memorable time during our reconnection. I'm of the same mind though... I've already rested enough after that time with Miho. Before the confrontation with Miyako, I want to focus on this girl in front of me.

"What has gotten into you?"

I asked when our lips and tongue separated. Yua even sucked on it hungrily. If I didn't pull it back, she would continue at it until we fell in the right mood.

I'm already aware of her intention, of course, I just wanted to know what's on her mind at the moment.

"You did it with Miho… Can I ask for the same treatment?"

As expected. That is why she's like this.

Of course, I knew they would notice it. That girl was still in a slightly dreamy state when she left the room. Even if I wiped the traces off her, if one will look at her eyes and the way she walked, it's easily noticeable.

"You don't even need to ask for that, you know?"

I slipped my hands to her butt and grabbed it firmly. When she felt that, Yua closed in even more before nodding her head.

I was about to pick her up and sit her on the table again when a knock interrupted me. Our eyes both have a questioning look as we stare at the door.

It couldn't be Miyako, those girls will surely stop her from coming here to interrupt our few minutes.

"Yua, is that you in there? Can I talk to you?"

A voice of a guy rang out along with another knock. And if I could recall correctly, that's someone familiar.

"Why now of all times… I already told him to give up…"

Yua certainly recognized that voice and with a sigh, she apologetically stared at me.

"Ruki. It's him. I haven't told you yet but he still keeps trying to… take me back."

That ex-boyfriend, huh? What was his name again? Amamiya Takeru. First that persistent senior and now this guy… This girl is really popular. If we opened that door and let him see us in this position, will that not be enough to make him stop?

But somehow, I wanted to do something that will let the guy ultimately give up on her. But in a way that she wouldn't be troubled.

"It's fine. You don't need to feel apologetic. I stole you from him in a way that he couldn't really fight back. And you had just broken up with him, right?"

Most of the girls in that group still maintained their relationship with their boyfriends to appeal to me, only when I told Aoi and Ria that it's not necessary anymore when they finally broke up with them.

Perhaps most of those guys haven't given up yet but these girls wanted to deal with their exes by themselves since I haven't heard anything about it again from Ria and Aoi. And now, because she still hadn't dealt with it, Yua felt apologetic that we arrived at this situation.

"Un. He kept asking me the reason. Even if I told him that I already got a new boyfriend like how I told everyone, he refused to believe it without any proof. Maybe someone told him that they saw me with a guy. He's still as popular as before and his friends are anywhere."

"I see. Well then, let me introduce myself to him."

"He knows who you are… and Akane. You're a popular couple to those who know both of you. Let me send him away…"

Yua released her hands on the back of my neck and walked towards the door. She looked back at me first to probably somehow assure me before opening the door slightly, only enough for her head to peek out of the room.

"Yua! What are you doing there? Morita told me she saw you with a guy… Is that who I think it is?"

With his voice that loud, I could hear him loud and clear. Well, he's someone good at singing, that voice is his asset.

In any case, I couldn't just stand here and wait. Yua wanted to settle it by herself but this guy was probably more persistent than that senior who tucked his tail in after I told him off.

"Amamiya-kun. That's none of your business, isn't it? And whoever I am with, you don't have to concern yourself over it anymore. I told you already…"

Yua replied to him without fully opening the door. She didn't want him to see me here after all.

These girls also wanted to protect our secret. She knew that if my relationship with them was exposed, everyone would be implicated.

"We've been together for two years… Even when you started being cold to me, I continued loving you. Even now. I can't just give up like this!"

After saying that, that guy put his hand on the door and tried to push it open.

Yua being the girl that she is was easily overpowered. She was immediately pushed back.

Upon seeing that, I instantly rushed behind her and supported her back. She turned her head on me and expressed her gratitude by nodding her head.

"I'll help you."

I whispered before I positioned myself in the corner where I wouldn't be seen. After that I slipped my arms on her waist to pull her back slightly and pushed the door close, all the while making sure it would appear that it was Yua who did that.

As soon as the door closes, knocks from the guy instantly rang out once more.

"He's more persistent than that guy, huh?"

"I'm sorry…"

"No need to. I'm actually the one who's supposed to say that for what I'm about to do."

"What are you—"

I pushed her back to the door before Yua could finish her question. And right after that, my lips promptly sealed hers, ignoring the knocking on the door. One of my hands also moved towards her legs and crawled up inside her skirt.

At first, Yua was surprised at my sudden action but when I didn't let go of her lips and grew bolder at how I kiss and touch her, she opened her eyes and looked at me.

"I'm sorry but let me help you stop that persistent guy."

I let go of her lips and whispered to her.


Understanding my intention, Yua's arms naturally embraced me.

For sure, that guy could already guess that she's with someone else inside this room. If he heard Yua's moans, I wonder what that guy will do?

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