Stealing Spree

As soon as Haruko arrived, I pulled Nami up the sofa as we both went towards the door, normally.

While Ogawa was trying to think of a way to answer Haruko's question, we opened the door which immediately stumped him.

Of course, there were no more traces of what we did but the fact that we're together was enough for Ogawa to imagine numerous scenarios in his head.

"Haruko-senpai, Kazuo." Nami acted normal and called out to the two which further stumped the guy.

Now he didn't know what to do. Would he confront us or act as if there's nothing wrong and he was just here to check on us?

Because I asked for Haruko's favor, I stayed silent and calmly placed myself behind Nami watching this scene unfold.

"Great, you brought your boyfriend like I told you. Let's enter then. Is it fine? It won't take much of your time."

With a teasing smile on her face, Haruko turned her eyes on me, asking for my opinion.

I see. So that's the scenario she cooked up. In context, she asked Nami as her mentee to bring her boyfriend. Perhaps she would tell something about teaching her regarding relationships. And instead of bringing Ogawa, Nami brought me here.

That's another slap to this guy's face, isn't it? Let's see how this will unfold first before bringing this guy back in that room where Izumi-senpai and Arisa-senpai are.

Like I thought, when Haruko's words registered in his mind, Ogawa looked as if he ate something bad. His mouth opened and closed without any words coming out of it.

He turned mute or he's deliberating about telling Haruko that he's the boyfriend and not me all the while thinking why Nami brought me and not him.

Since Nami already calmed down, she instantly read the situation and rode it.

"Un. Senpai, this is my boyfriend, Ruu, Onoda Ruki." She first introduced me to Haruko before doing the same to her. And this is Kojima-senpai, Ruu."

To complete her act, she turned her head to Ogawa who's staring blankly at us and winked at him. To let him know that it's all an act. Perhaps that will calm him down but we just have to continue this farce and make him believe that it was real.

Acting like I only just met Haruko, I stepped forward and bowed towards her. Seeing that teasing smile of hers, I'm sure she'll bring this up when we're alone.

"Hmm… Onoda-kun, what do you think about my mentee?"

"Of course, I love her, senpai. Is that even a question?"

"Such a decisive answer. Well then, you can leave now. I only asked her to see you. Good thing you're not an indecisive guy or else, I'll advise her to break up with you."

This girl… She's firing shots against Ogawa.

From the corner of my eye, that guy's face is now turning green and he's firmly gritting his teeth, restricting himself from doing something he will regret.

"Senpai, I think that's going below the line, he will not be my boyfriend if he's indecisive, right?" Nami interjected to save the day.

This girl, she's now into this act more than me. She even took my hand and clasped it tightly with hers, showing it off to Haruko with a meaningful smile on her lips.

Wait. I suddenly sensed more of a rivalry than just showing me off… This scary girl… Is she taking this chance to also take a jab at Haruko?

She didn't know that even though Haruko often concedes her place to the other girls, she's retaliating when provoked.

With a raised eyebrow, her expression says she accepted Nami's challenge. "Is that so? Well then, let's test his faithfulness to you, let's go in."

Scrapping her words about letting me leave, Haruko pushed me and Nami back to the room.

With Haruko pushing us back inside, Ogawa was left behind, dumbfounded and lost.

When he saw the door closing, he rushed forward and tried to come in. However, his way was barred by Haruko.

"Now that I think of it, I forgot about you, who are you?"

"I'm… their classmate."

Not knowing how to introduce himself as, he settled to being just a classmate, not even a friend. This guy...

"Classmate? Then shouldn't you be with your Mentor?"

"Ah, senpai. He's probably here to pick me up. Ogawa, a favor, can you tell Izumi-senpai that I will be coming in a while?"

I ignored the way he called for Nami's name earlier and acted as if I didn't hear any of that as I gave him another reason to go and leave us alone.

Looking at Nami at my side, she's more focused on Haruko now than Ogawa's presence. It's much better to let him leave and that's a valid excuse to have him do it with no choice of rejecting.

That guy… is too pitiful. But hey, he brought this upon himself.

Well, he still has Izumi-senpai coming after him anyway. Hina too and perhaps there are more that I haven't met yet.

Unfortunately, he's too hung up on Nami while Nami has long been stolen from him by me.

Having nothing to say in refute and probably restricting himself to make a scene for Nami's sake, he had no choice but to pick up on what I said.

"… Alright. Take care of Nanami. And let's have a talk later."

"I will naturally take care of her. Don't worry."

Without agreeing to that talk, I closed the door on him.

I waited until I felt his presence disappearing from behind that door before turning around to check on the two girls.

As expected, they're in a standoff.

To stop the sparks from starting to shoot off, I immediately went and put myself between them.

"Thank you, Haruko. You saved us." Since I couldn't talk to them at the same time, I turned to Haruko first. "And Nami, you forgot about Ogawa's existence, are you sure that's fine?"

"Anything for you, hubby." After saying that, she pulled on my arm and dropped her lips on mine. Kissing me in front of Nami, I saw how her eyes were not staring at me but the girl behind me.

"Ruu…" In a pleading tone, Nami pulled on my other arm as if she's trying to pull me away from Haruko's clutch.

However, with how good Haruko's kisses are, I got too absorbed into it.

With her tongue wriggling its way in my mouth, I hungrily sucked on it as my arm, gradually pulled her closer.

But being absorbed and being aware was different from each other. It can happen simultaneously.

That's why even if my lips were busy responding to Haruko's kisses, my arm that was being pulled by Nami circled around her waist and pulled her to me just the same.

With two girls in my lips' reach, I broke off from Haruko and switched towards Nami's side.

I wanted them to get along. With Nami provoking her and Haruko being provoked in turn, I had no choice but to take it upon my hand to calm the situation down.

Dealing with two girls isn't new so as soon as my lips dropped on Nami, her slightly pouty expression upon seeing Haruko kissing me relaxed. Afterward, she too got absorbed in our kisses.

And in time, I switched back to Haruko and alternated on the two of them.

Only when I judged that the two finally got their fill and calmed down, I opened my mouth.

"Nami, you know that I want you girls to get along. Besides, Haruko is your mentor… And Haruko, you're the older one and has more experience, to think that you got provoked that easily."

"Sorry, Ruu." Although satisfied from the kiss, the way I reprimanded her deflated Nami resulting in her lowering her head in shame.

"I admit, I got provoked when she tried showing off that she's the known girlfriend and not me."

Right. In the end, it's still Nami's fault. That girl, what entered her mind? Is it because it's the first time for her to see me interacting with another girl aside from Satsuki, Aya and Hina?

With Haruko already calmed down, she took a step back and sat on the sofa. Perhaps it's her way to let Nami have peace of mind. She also noticed that our interaction somehow triggered her.

"You shouldn't say sorry to me, I called Haruko to help us, right?"

And because of what she did, the scenario turned into this. It should be me leaving the two of them alone here and going with Ogawa while making the excuse to him that I was there just because Nami's mentor wanted to see me.

That way, he could rest his mind before the reveal that will happen soon.

"Look at me. I love you all the same. I don't know what happened that led you to do that. You even ignored Ogawa and focused on Haruko." Before Nami could reply I continued telling her what's on my mind. "Nami, tell me what happened?"

"Ruu… This is embarrassing and I don't know if you will understand… I think my period is coming soon." While covering her reddened face, Nami confessed.

Haa… so this is her monthly visit's quirk?

"… As I thought, she's acting well and everything was going smoothly but she suddenly flipped and tried to show off." Haruko then commented from where she was while shaking her head.

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