After bidding Meng Hanan farewell, Ye Mo could only be arranged to stay at Truth Treasure Alliance's place. He was still digesting the news Meng Hanan gave him. The 12 Pill King Steps was just an immortal artifact. He didn't expect cultivators from the cultivation realm could forge immortal artifacts, how powerful must that forgery master be?

But he wasn't bad either. In such a short time, he could already forge extreme grade spirit artifacts. The only concern was that he didn't really trust Meng Hanan's promise, "Yong Lanyi won't do anything to you in the tournament."

What about afterwards?

It was not that he didn't trust this woman's character but he didn't trust her strength. In the cultivation realm, power was everything.

If that obnoxious girl wanted trouble with him, then as long as the alliance leader of the Sea Cultivator Alliance agrees, Meng Hanan wouldn't be able to protect him for sure. The reason Meng Hanan gave the jade slip to Ye Mo straight away was that she wasn't afraid Ye Mo would run off. Ye Mo never thought of running anyway. Plus, he knew he wouldn't be able to run away even if he wanted to, that's why he asked Meng Hanan if he could leave in Qu 18 Disks.

Meng Hanan said that no one has ever reached the top of the 18 disks and the most anyone has ever reached was 12. He wouldn't be teleported out unless he reached the 18th disk. But could he reach the top?

If he could, he wouldn't let Meng Hanan be responsible for his safety. His greatest assurance was his level eight formation skills. No one is allowed to know this.

He believed that even if there would be a level eight formation grand master within 100 years, it would be extremely rare. Meng Hanan said that formation skills were more important than power in the Qu 18 Disks. Perhaps he could use his formation skills to reach the 18th disk. Then, he would be able to leave whenever he wanted.

Thinking about this, Ye Mo felt a little reassured. Just when he wanted to look at the jade slip about Immortal Curl Flower, his spirit sense noticed someone at the door. It was that hollow spirit state girl, Meng Qi.

Ye Mo opened the restriction before she knocked and saluted with his fists. "Martial sister Meng, do you have any business with me?"

Meng Qi also bowed to Ye Mo and said uneasily, "Meng Qi greets martial brother Ye, I'll be relying on your help for the Qu 18 Disks later."

Her voice was soft like a bird singing, Ye Mo couldn't help think. Both her and the Yong Yuer who stopped him were extremely beautiful but why was the difference this huge?

Ye Mo smiled and put away the jade slip. "I'll need to thank Sister Meng for helping me get the Immortal Curl Flower's location."

Meng Qi smiled, she looked at the restriction on the door but didn't speak.

Ye Mo thought and immediately shut the restriction before asking, "Martial sister Meng, do you need to say something? Come in and have a seat first."

Meng Qi saw this and sighed, "Martial brother Ye, if you offended Yong Yuer, then I suggest you not to participate in the Qu 18 Disks. She won't let you go, it's useless even if my master helps. The cult lord of Tong Hai Cult adores Yong Yuer extremely, he won't do anything to you before the competition but he will look for your trouble after it and even kill you for sure. Sea Cultivator Alliance martial uncle Wang won't get on Yong Lanyi's bad side for you. Plus, you damaged Yong Yuer's favourite flying cart."

Ye Mo's heart sunk, he knew that Yong Yuer was not easy to deal with but he didn't understand why Meng Hanan used him and Meng Qi came to tell him this. He didn't know Meng Qi at all.

Meng Qi continued, "A foreign cauldron filling state cultivator offended Yong Yuer, but to be honest he just called her spoiled and then in the end, the cultivator fled to the Cang Hai Three Islands, but he was still caught by the cult leader and even his soul was burned in the end."

Ye Mo took a cold breath in, this was too cruel and that cultivator only called her spoiled. What was she going to do to him for damaging her chariot?

"Why are you helping me?" Ye Mo asked.

"Because I have a way for you to escape and if you want I can help you but there's one condition," Meng Qi said.

"Tell me about your condition," Ye Mo said.

Meng Qi suddenly waved her hand and set up a few more restriction but they were too low level. Ye Mo smiled, "Don't worry, no one will know about what's happening in here. Don't forget, I'm a formation master."

Hearing this, Meng Qi blushed. She soon recovered and bit her lips before saying, "I'm not from Luo Yue continent nor Ling Island. Ten years ago, I came to a barren island in the Heartless Sea and my master passed by and saved me. In order to thank her, I stayed with her. Time went on and I got used to here so I didn't think of leaving."

Hearing this, Ye Mo wasn't too shocked, he came from Earth too. She said she didn't leave meaning that she had a way to leave.

Meng Qi was not too used to Ye Mo's unsurprised reaction but she recovered quickly and continued, "But last year, the Tong Hai Sect's Young master Yong Wuzi came to Ling Island and saw me. He immediately proposed to me with my master and alliance leader Wang. My master had no ability to reject and the alliance leader didn't say anything."

Ye Mo finally asked with surprise, "Yong Yuer has a brother?"

If she was already this bad, wouldn't her brother be worse?

Meng Qi said pitifully, "You can tell who that Yong Wuzi is from his sister. He's a demon, he raped his father's concubine but after his father knew, not only did he not blame him, he gave his concubine to him instead. Yet, he said it wasn't exciting anymore and killed her."

Ye Mo was dumbfounded. What was this?

"There's a Space Breaking Rune hidden in my dan tian but I don't have an opportunity to activate it. It must be activated in a place with very dense spirit chi, then I can go back to where I came from. I was planning to find this place when my power was high enough but I can't wait till that moment. After the Qu 18 Disks, I will be sent to the the Tong Hai Sect."

Ye Mo fell silent and seeing this, Meng Qi said desperately, "I can use my identity to take you out of the formation on the island."

Ye Mo suddenly asked, "How do you know I can take you to run away? I'm only body condensation state power, how many powerful beings are on Ling Island? If that really works, you can do it yourself and run."

Meng Qi stared at Ye Mo and said, "I can't run very far but you're different. You have an extreme grade cultivation artifact, a flying magic artifact. Without it, there's no way Yong Yuer's flying cart couldn't chase up to you. "

Ye Mo was shook, her mind was so calculated.

Ye Mo nodded. "Martial sister Meng, you're very meticulous but I'm sure you've thought things too simply. I don't need to try to know you won't be able to take me out of the island. Even you won't be able to leave the island at all, if you don't believe me you can try. Even if you don't watch me that Wang Cang would. I don't suggest you try because it would make things worse for you."

"Huh…" Meng Qi heard this and dazed for a moment before slumping down. She knew this but just didn't want to face reality.

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