Supreme Magus (Web Novel) Novel Chapters
List of most recent chapters published for the Supreme Magus (Web Novel) novel. A total of 3001 chapters have
been translated and the release date of the last chapter is "Chapter 3262.1: Clockwork (Part 1)"
Latest Release:
Chapter 3262.1: Clockwork (Part 1)
- 2501Chapter 2494.2: Strain of power (Part 2)
- 2502Chapter 2495.1: Creation magic (Part 1)
- 2503Chapter 2496.2: Creation magic (Part 2)
- 2504Chapter 2497.1: Three years ago (Part 1)
- 2505Chapter 2498.2: Three years ago (Part 2)
- 2506Chapter 2499.1: Second wave (Part 1)
- 2507Chapter 2500.2: Second wave (Part 2)
- 2508Chapter 2501.1: Ruthless Strategy (Part 1)
- 2509Chapter 2502.2: Ruthless Strategy (Part 2)
- 2510Chapter 2503.1: Natural Selection (Part 1)
- 2511Chapter 2504.2: Natural Selection (Part 2)
- 2512Chapter 2505.1: Gods and Demons (Part 1)
- 2513Chapter 2506.2: Gods and Demons (Part 2)
- 2514Chapter 2507.3: Gods and Demons (Part 3)
- 2515Chapter 2508.4: Gods and Demons (Part 4)
- 2516Chapter 2509.1: Necessary Sacrifice (Part 1)
- 2517Chapter 2510.2: Necessary Sacrifice (Part 2)
- 2518Chapter 2511.1: Clean Up (Part 1)
- 2519Chapter 2512.2: Clean Up (Part 2)
- 2520Chapter 2513.3: Clean Up (Part 3)
- 2521Chapter 2514.4: Clean Up (Part 4)
- 2522Chapter 2515.1: Lost Childhood (Part 1)
- 2523Chapter 2516.2: Lost Childhood (Part 2)
- 2524Chapter 2517.1: Trust Issues (Part 1)
- 2525Chapter 2518.2: Trust Issues (Part 2)
- 2526Chapter 2519.1: Underground Fortress (Part 1)
- 2527Chapter 2520.2: Underground Fortress (Part 2)
- 2528Chapter 2521.1: Ubiquity (Part 1)
- 2529Chapter 2522.2: Ubiquity (Part 2)
- 2530Chapter 2523.3: Ubiquity (Part 3)
- 2531Chapter 2524.4: Ubiquity (Part 4)
- 2532Chapter 2525.1: Rogue Soul (Part 1)
- 2533Chapter 2526.2: Rogue Soul (Part 2)
- 2534Chapter 2527.1: Voidfeather Dragon (Part 1)
- 2535Chapter 2528.2: Voidfeather Dragon (Part 2)
- 2536Chapter 2529.3: Voidfeather Dragon (Part 3)
- 2537Chapter 2530.4: Voidfeather Dragon (Part 4)
- 2538Chapter 2531.1: Dangerous Truth (Part 1)
- 2539Chapter 2532.2: Dangerous Truth (Part 2)
- 2540Chapter 2533.1: Thin Ice (Part 1)
- 2541Chapter 2534.2: Thin Ice (Part 2)
- 2542Chapter 2535.1: Rites of Passage (Part 1)
- 2543Chapter 2536.2: Rites of Passage (Part 2)
- 2544Chapter 2537.3: Rites of Passage (Part 3)
- 2545Chapter 2538.4: Rites of Passage (Part 4)
- 2546Chapter 2539.1: No I in Funeral (part 1)
- 2547Chapter 2540.2: No I in Funeral (part 2)
- 2548Chapter 2541.1: They Come at Night (part 1)
- 2549Chapter 2542.2: They Come at Night (part 2)
- 2550Chapter 2543.3: They Come at Night (part 3)
- 2551Chapter 2544.4: They Come at Night (part 4)
- 2552Chapter 2545.1: Bloody Hands (part 1)
- 2553Chapter 2546.2: Bloody Hands (part 2)
- 2554Chapter 2547.1: Curse And Wish (part 1)
- 2555Chapter 2548.2: Curse And Wish (part 2)
- 2556Chapter 2549.1: Prismatic Wind (part 1)
- 2557Chapter 2550.2: Prismatic Wind (part 2)
- 2558Chapter 2551.1: Monster and Hero (Part 1)
- 2559Chapter 2552.2: Monster and Hero (Part 2)
- 2560Chapter 2553.3: Monster and Hero (Part 3)
- 2561Chapter 2554.4: Monster and Hero (Part 4)
- 2562Chapter 2555.1: Both Sides (Part 1)
- 2563Chapter 2556.2: Both Sides (Part 2)
- 2564Chapter 2557.1: Children of Glemos (Part 1)
- 2565Chapter 2558.2: Children of Glemos (Part 2)
- 2566Chapter 2559.3: Children of Glemos (Part 3)
- 2567Chapter 2560.4: Children of Glemos (Part 4)
- 2568Chapter 2561.1: Counter Offer (Part 1)
- 2569Chapter 2562.2: Counter Offer (Part 2)
- 2570Chapter 2563.1: Poisoned Chalices (Part 1)
- 2571Chapter 2564.2: Poisoned Chalices (Part 2)
- 2572Chapter 2565.3: Poisoned Chalices (Part 3)
- 2573Chapter 2566.4: Poisoned Chalices (Part 4)
- 2574Chapter 2567.1: Blood Bonds (Part 1)
- 2575Chapter 2568.2: Blood Bonds (Part 2)
- 2576Chapter 2569.3: Blood Bonds (Part 3)
- 2577Chapter 2570.4: Blood Bonds (Part 4)
- 2578Chapter 2571.1: Changed Man (Part 1)
- 2579Chapter 2572.2: Changed Man (Part 2)
- 2580Chapter 2573.1: A Different Power (Part 1)
- 2581Chapter 2574.2: A Different Power (Part 2)
- 2582Chapter 2575.1: Two Magi (Part 1)
- 2583Chapter 2576.2: Two Magi (Part 2)
- 2584Chapter 2577.1: Square One (Part 1)
- 2585Chapter 2578.2: Square One (Part 2)
- 2586Chapter 2579.3: Square One (Part 3)
- 2587Chapter 2580.4: Square One (Part 4)
- 2588Chapter 2581.1: Frail Alliance (Part 1)
- 2589Chapter 2582.2: Frail Alliance (Part 2)
- 2590Chapter 2583.1: Trade of Secrets (Part 1)
- 2591Chapter 2584.2: Trade of Secrets (Part 2)
- 2592Chapter 2585.1: New Home (Part 1)
- 2593Chapter 2586.2: New Home (Part 2)
- 2594Chapter 2587.1: Extended Family (Part 1)
- 2595Chapter 2588.2: Extended Family (Part 2)
- 2596Chapter 2589.3: Extended Family (Part 3)
- 2597Chapter 2590.4: Extended Family (Part 4)
- 2598Chapter 2591.1: New Neighbors (Part 1)
- 2599Chapter 2592.2: New Neighbors (Part 2)
- 2600Chapter 2593.1: Old Neighbors (Part 1)