Taming The Villainesses

(EP-188.2) Own place #4

188 – Each in their own place #4

Jjak, jjakjjak-.

From afar, Hynax and his fellow Sages of the Sage Council applauded.

“You’ve made remarkable progress, Sir Theo. With so much talent while being so young, your growth is limitless!”

Receiving the towel Hynax handed over, I wiped away the sweat on my forehead after demonstrating several spells. Through the cloth, I could see the bright smiles of the old mages.

━This is great. At this rate, you’ll be the best mage among us.

━We now have more researchers exploring the truth.

━Half-Fairies have a long lifespan, so someday, you’ll surely derive meaningful results!

The old mages seemed to think that I would be an explorer for a new era.

What was the ‘truth’? Where was the door to it, and how could one reach it? They wanted me to uncover its secrets.

But I had no desire approaching that amalgamation.

They didn’t seem to know because they could only see a blurry figure, but what I saw wasn’t something I wanted to get close to.

“I wish you good luck in tomorrow’s duel, Sir Theo. I am a little worried, but it’s worth a shot with your skills. Besides, duels can deepen your mastery of magic.”

“Thank you.”

“And please, tell Kasim-kun to attend the mage conference, including your Queen.”


Bidding farewell to the venerable mages, I headed towards the street.

Although I sought answers from the Sages, all I got were more questions.

Meanwhile, someone caught my eye.

“What great progress. Y-you’re indeed Theo-nim. The magic in your body is different.”

A woman wearing a purple dress and high heels praised me with a stuttering voice. It was none other than Professor Balan, with her rich blue hair cascading down.

She was watching my demonstration in the training ground. It seemed that she was waiting for me to finish.

“What’s the matter?”

“Well, th-there’s quite a few eyes and ears here….”

Balan looked around.

From the looks of it, she wanted to discuss something confidential.

So, Balan and I relocated to the narrow gap-alley between the nearby buildings. It was only when she knew that there were no people, and only discarded garbage around, that Balan was relieved.

“As Theo-nim asked, I did some digging.”

“What kind of digging?”

“It’s about the Hunter who tried to assassinate the Queen. You asked me to investigate the existence of a strange guide in his party….”

“Ah, I did ask that. So given that you’ve waited this patiently, it seems that it bore fruit.”

Professor Balan chuckled in response.

“Like what Theo-nim foresaw, that man was suspicious. Very, suspicious.”

I guessed Professor Balan found something through her ways.

“So what is exactly suspicious about him?”

I asked in anticipation, to which Professor Balan replied with.

“That man, from the start in the morning to sleeping at night, repeats th-the exact same routine every single day!”


Wasn’t that just an ordinary person thing?

What was so suspicious about having a daily routine? Didn’t most people have one that they follow?

“From the number of tomatoes he eats in the morning, to how many toothbrush strokes before going to bed – he rigidly follows the same pattern to a tee!”

“Wow, that’s suspicious…”

“Yes, it is suspicious! Al-almost like he’s trying to hide something. You wouldn’t be able to notice it unless you pay close attention.”

“I see, you did well…”

As I nodded, Professor Balan gave a faint smile of relief.

“I-I just followed Theo-nim’s instructions. I’m glad it was helpful.”

She seemed to respond to my positive feedback.

Well, from Balan’s point of view, it was like being acknowledged by the King. It could be seen as an accomplishment. I also felt good when Aira praised me before.

Since I was thinking about it, I might as well ask.

“Is there something you’d like as a reward?”

“A reward…?”

“Yes. There should be compensation for your efforts. I believe in the principle of give and take.”

“Reward…. To be in the service of Theo-nim is already a reward in itself. The opportunity to serve once more in the lineage of Angmar, which was thought to have been completely extinguished. Thank you-.”

A lengthy oath of allegiance followed. Did she think I was testing her loyalty?

“So, you don’t desire anything? I’ll ask one last time. If there’s anything I can offer, I’m willing to reward you.”

Just to be sure, I asked one final time.


Professor Balan hesitated for a bit, before cautiously speaking out.

“Then one imp….”


“Imps have traditionally been helpful companions of demons, perfect for running errands. With an imp, the work efficiency will be better….”


“I-I apologize! I’ve asked for something unreasonable-“

Professor Balan jumped up in fright, trembling noticeably.

Reflecting on it now, she seemed to fear and revere me more than necessary, likely due to the formidable and terrifying presence of my predecessor, Solomon.

I shook my head.

“If you want an imp helper, I know some, so I’ll send one your way. Though, you must keep many things confidential.”

Purpur or Tartar should suffice.

“Th-thank you, Theo-nim. I’ll strive harder for your kindness!”

I said to the bowing Balan.

“Let’s do our best in our respective positions.”

The sun was setting over my head.

Tomorrow, I would have the chance to demonstrate the efforts I had put in so far before everyone.

Edited by: faker

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