Lie Xin was not interested in more company. The only thing that caught her interest here was Wang Zheng. There was definitely something attractive there, so much so that even Lie Xin felt that something was unusual.

Wang Zheng had also sensed it a little. The strange charm that Lie Xin was emanating from her body was too strong, although this seemed to be unrelated to him.

Clearly, the scientific experiment this time around on Gemini Star was related to the Zerg and perhaps, Wang Zheng suspected, even concerned with the abyss Zerg.

But all these experimental details were not really their concern. In the upcoming days, Wang Zheng continued to accompany Zhang Shan and supervise his special training, while Lie Xin and Ao Ziwei were getting along well. Ao Ziwei’s personality was more reserved, while Lie Xin was more outgoing, and their differences seemed to complement well.

Zhang Shan was kicking himself. Single men and women, an interplanetary vacation. What else could it be?

What a wonderful time for romance. Even if he could not stand Lie Xin’s personality, this did not mean they could not enjoy time in bed. Alright, even if Lie Xin was not at all interested, that was fine. There was still loli Ao Ziwei. That prim and cute girl, nicknamed Gemini’s Angel, and she was really fetching as well.

But all of this was just a dream.

In the training program that Wang Zheng had designed for him, he could not even sleep properly. Bed? Dream on. He tautened a steel wire on which to sleep. This was one of the ways to train spatial balance.

This trip was undoubtedly Zhang Shan’s first metamorphosis. In new environments, especially such an enclosed one, people were often able to quieten their hearts, especially Zhang Shan.

Zhang Shan was giving it his all. Play hard, but work hard too. He wanted to be Saruman Snake Battle team’s sword, and not a burden.

And then…

Zhang Shan was discovering how immature his imagined limits were. Wang Zheng was always finding ways to breakthrough his limits and drive. That guy was not human. How could he find so many flaws???

Of course, Wang Zheng was happy. He understood why, in the military, the instructors would always treat their subordinates so harshly. They had come from the same era themselves, and they saw an image of themselves. It was a good feeling.

Qi Bin and Kulifa, the two Zerg scientists, often came to chat with Wang Zheng about the abyss Zerg. Perhaps because of Butcher’s praise, and also that Wang Zheng was the only one to come out of the abyss alive, the two wanted to understand how Wang Zheng saw the abyss and the Zerg. Of course, they laughed off Wang Zheng’s prudence. Humanity had conquered every last corner of the world. What reason was there to seal off the abyss? It held many of the new biological technologies that humanity needed, and was vital for humanity’s development.

Of course, Wang Zheng had learnt much from the two as well. They were after all professionals, and their research on the Zerg tribe was at the forefront of the galaxy’s, although they seemed more concerned with the economic and military value.

As Qi Bin left, Zhang Shan, who had just finished a set of pushups, said to Wang Zheng: “Wang Zheng, this Qi Bin seems to have intentions towards Lie Xin.”

“Don’t spout nonsense. Next up, five sets of situps. 500 in each set.” Wang Zheng grinned.

“No way. Wang Zheng, don’t you think we should show a little more care and concern to our sisters from the Solar System?” Zhang Shan rubbed his neck, purposely looking for conversation and fighting for each second of rest.

Should they go show some concern to Lie Xin?

Wasn’t the person who had intentions on Lie Xin the one who needed the most concern? Heaven knew what danger such a person would be in.

Faced with Zhang Shan’s clever skiving, Wang Zheng was speechless. But Zhang Shan was indeed pushing himself, and achieving the desired training result. More, in Zhang Shan’s own words, he was after all “no genius”.

That night at dinner, Qi Bin did not make an appearance, under the pretext that he was not feeling well. But under Zhang Shan’s gossiping soul, Ao Ziwei revealed the truth. Qi Bin had “approached” Lie Xin, and had his face “accidentally” hurt. His features had almost been melted off. Now he was still soaking in the nutrient mix, recovering.

“Why do you ask so much?” Lie Xin turned to stare at Wang Zheng. It seemed like whoever had started the fire had not put it out. Bumpkin Shan wanted to stoke the fire more. If they had not been on a mission, she would not have stopped at “accidentally”.

“Nothing.” Wang Zheng smiled. He felt maligned. The one who had pressed was Zhang Shan, why did Lie Xin fire back at him instead? Oh, since Zhang Shan seemed to still have energy to gossip, perhaps he should raise the difficulty of his training?

What Wang Zheng did not expect was that, for the remainder of the trip, Qi Bin and Kulifa did not appear in the communal space of the shuttle again. He only met them occasionally when he was looking for Butcher. It seemed like the Lie missy’s temper was not good.

The journey was quick, and after a few more leaps, the shuttle finally arrived at Gemini Star.

Gemini Star’s most unique feature was not, in fact, the star that balanced perfectly between two gravitational fields, but the two stellar systems Aipu and Zarro. Under all kinds of complex magnetic field effects, the two stars seemed to almost meld together. In their revolutions and rotations, the two stars could be as close as a few hundred meters apart, and were no further than 100km at the furthest.

The dual gravity system that the two planets exerted caused Gemini Star’s gravity to be seven times the usual. The moment the shuttle reached Zarro, everyone switched to a special anti-gravity suit to counter the difference, with the exception of Ao Ziwei.

After the shuttle passed through the security inspection of Gemini Star, it directly entered Zarro’s atmosphere. It was connected to a secret air channel, and sped its way to Zarro’s biggest natural forest “Good Gift”.

Gemini Star’s Aipu was richer in comparison, as the governmental and economic hub. And as the other star, Zarro’s planet quality was only a third of Aipu’s. Furthermore, the relatively unforgiving gravitational environment stunted the development rate considerably. Besides about 10 rich megacities, the other regions were only sparsely populated. Good Gift’s natural rainforest, in particular, was one of the harshest and unpopulated regions in Zarro.

The shuttle descended in the heart of this natural forest, which was surprisingly a military encampment.

Zhang Shan, who had been dispirited from all the special training, came to life. He stared out the shuttle window at the base outside. “Damn, there’s a Wind God mecha here!”

Wang Zheng turned his head to look as well. Two Wind God mechas were returning from outside, and were passing through the base doors. After passing through safety procedures, the automated mechanical nozzle sprayed copious amounts of disinfectant to thoroughly clean the mechas.

It seemed like OMG’s Wind God mecha was really popular. But in such forest terrain, Wind God’s mobility was indeed put to good use.

Wang Zheng was indeed happy to see Wind God mecha. If Earth’s products wanted to spread across the galaxy, it would take more than a few short months. A few of the popular empires’ militaries were still considered the big names in the galaxy. And to see Wind God here meant that OMG had truly entered the watchlist of some countries. Even though usage was not wide-spread, but it was a heartening step indeed.

Wang Zheng’s anticipation for the runic mecha tests grew now. There were many customizations in it, and Wang Zheng had used the Wind God as reference, although he had made the operational ability stronger, and also improved the endurance of the mecha.

“We can go down now.”

At this moment, Butcher walked out from inside. He had already confirmed his identity with base personnel, and allowed them to disembark.

At this moment, the elusive Kulifa appeared, although Qi Bin was still absent.

Wang Zheng sneaked a glance at Lie Xin. He wouldn’t be still injured until now, would he? Or was the trauma psychological?

Lie Xin’s gaze was apathetic. Clearly she was not too affected. Anyone trying to take advantage of her was a fool.

Leaving the shuttle, they saw a general hurrying over, accompanied by armed guards. On the other side, a specialized docker was unloading cargo from the shuttle. It looked like it had been going on for a while. Those belonging to his runic mecha was among them, although he did not know which crate.

“Professor Butcher, welcome to Good Gift base.”

“General Bredt, thank you for your efforts.”

Butcher smiled, and reached forward to grasp hands with General Bredt: “How are things with Professor Beko?”

“Presently, all good…”

Wang Zheng and the rest surveyed their surroundings. The bodyguards were all Gemini people shorter than 1.6m. Clearly, the base was a cooperation between Gemini Star and Roland Garros.

Once they entered the main research building, it was another layer of stringent safety checks before they could enter the core facility in the basement.

General Bredt stopped in front of the sealed doors. “This is as far as I escort you. I hope everything goes well.”

“Roger that.”

Butcher nodded towards Bredt, and went in with Wang Zheng in tow.

What greeted their eyes was a pristine, shining research hub. Numerous people in white lab coats were busily recording pages cluttered with research goals and mission details. Things were zooming around in the air. At each step of the pipeline, information exchange was occurring with a different researcher.

“Everyone, put your work aside for a moment. Let us welcome Professor Butcher.”

Butcher’s arrival immediately halted all operations across the research center.

And then there was thunderous applause.

“Professor Butcher, I’m the program in charge Siemen Kuang. So glad that you could make it in person. Our research is currently at a most crucial stage…”

Siemen Kuang immediately drew Butcher into the work details.

Everything here was of excellent quality, and Butcher nodded with satisfaction as he browsed through the research and experimental progress.

“Not bad at all. The tests on the Zerg’ mental link strength – are they finished?”

“They’re still ongoing. But the test results have already exceeded our predictions, and we are very optimistic.”

On this note, Siemen Kuang threw a pointed look at Wang Zheng and the rest, as though enquiring about matters of secrecy.

“They’re alright. They’re here this time to conduct stress tests on the manmade abyss Zerg clones.”

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