At this moment, Asura Battle Team versus super Zerg was at the critical moment.

The tentacle monster’s moves were all played out. Burrowing, sudden strikes, sneak attacks, even feigning injury. But Asura Battle Team had completely defended against all of them.

In this battle, Beo had thoroughly proved his worth as the main tank of Asura Battle Team. He had not only taken the brunt of the tentacle monster’s frenzied attacks, but had provided ceaseless support, completely throwing off the tentacle monster’s attack pattern. Whoever was targeted by the tentacle monster saw Beo rush over to their side as quickly as possible. His tank hounded it relentlessly while ensuring his own safety.

Of course, they took losses. The tentacle monster’s attacks were not easily dodged even when one was familiar with them. The sheer ability was not something that one theory could save you from.

But because of Beo’s support being on point, Asura Battle Team’s mecha only suffered controllable and acceptable damage. The damaged units did not succumb to the injuries. After retreating to recuperate, they could again operate at the needed battle power. They constantly repressed and disrupted, using angles and distance. They created a difficult attack situation for the tentacle monster.

Beo’s Ox Demon mech this time round was the core of the nucleus. He bore the brunt of most of the attacks, and his mech hull was covered with holes, scratches, and rot. His injuries looked horrifying, but upon closer inspection, these wounds were not at critical points. And this was all thanks to Wang Zheng’s last demonstration, which had brought Beo to this level. As long as one knew the opponent’s attack patterns, he could achieve a perfect defense!

Other tank fighters were watching, eyes shining. This was a real tank. This was not just any defense, but rather “Defending while supporting and countering”. A perfect approach.

This type of heavy mech pilot was a blessing for one’s allies, and an enemy’s worst nightmare.

Of course, it was not only Beo who could fight this well. Wang Zheng had shown everybody the ideal – to attack and defend together, to fight as one!

Exhaustion and impairments gradually materialized on the tentacle monster’s body as wounds. It created an advantage that belonged to Asura Battle Team.

Olivios was happily cutting and killing. The Overlord constantly suppressed the tentacle monster’s actions. His battle tactics were not completely based off Wang Zheng’s own, but rather his individual understanding of Wang Zheng’s moves. It included his own judgement, a judgement that was suited to Asura Battle Team. After all, Asura Battle Team’s actual abilities were stronger than Saruman Snake Battle Team!

A close attack again. The tentacle monster lashed out in a frenzy, beaten half to death. This was not like Wang Zheng’s Wind God mech. Each time he dodged, he would counter attack. Although the defenses of the tentacle monster were frightening, but that was all shell. Inside, it still shared the same characteristics as a biological organism. His ability X always penetrated through the shell directly to hit the tentacle monster’s flesh.

It could still defend one or two times, but 10 times, 12 times, it had reached a breaking point. Dripping water could cut through even stone!

Another face-on clash. Just as Olivios was about to maneuver his mech to dodge, his acute senses told him that the tentacle monster’s attack this time round was a little reserved. It was not as fierce as before, as though there was an unwillingness to battle any further.

Escape? Or a trap?

Until now, everybody had acknowledged the tentacle monster’s battle consciousness. In a stalemate, it would use some small but insidious tricks which left one fumbling.

“Beo, seal off the escape routes on the right flank. Sweeney, Briston, try a coordinated rush, I’ll protect.”

Olivios’ eyes flashed. He made a stand, as though headed for death.

A decisive attack!

Beo leaped forward, sealing off the right side. Ox Demon mech bellowed spiritedly. In the critical moment, Beo was completely in the zone. His ability X burst forth in full power. BOOM!

The tentacle monster clashed in a frontal against Ox Demon mech. Ox Demon gave ground. It dodged the critical claw attack from the tentacle monster, and then shoved forward again. He was going for it!

The tentacle monster shrunk backwards. Its strongest attack was this frontal attack. After being exposed, the follow up damage was not effective against a heavy tank.

Just at this moment, the tentacle monster crouched, ready to burrow.

The most cowardly move. Once it burrowed down, if it would not come out, there was no way to continue the fight.


Beo bellowed. Eagle Battle Team’s last failure had been letting the tentacle monster burrow away and escape. According to the school’s winning conditions, one must attack and kill. An escape would only be counted as an attack to retreat.

Asura Battle Team would not fall into the same trap!

Beo burst forward, Ox Demon mech rushing forward. He dropped his defensive posture and bear hugged the tentacle. Ground! BOOM, ground affinity ability X connected with the ground, and the Ox Demon mech became a giant pillar, forcefully wrenching the tentacle monster from its half-burrowed state.

Thwarted, the tentacle monster was crazed. With a hiss, its 8 limbs lashed large wounds on the armor of the Ox Demon mech. But Beo endured it silently, Ox Demon mech stood rooted to the ground, forcefully taking the hits.

Sensing danger, the tentacled monster could not help itself. The concealed laser eyes glowed.


Just as the laser eyes was about to release, a heavy hit rang out.

Simba’s Annihilator had been uninvolved in the fight, waiting for precisely this moment when the tentacle monster revealed its laser eyes.

In Wang Zheng’s theory, the laser eyes and belly were the tentacle monster’s weakest points. However, the disclaimer was that before the laser eyes were unleashed, they were hidden behind folds of shell armor at all times, and completely unreachable. The more danger it was in, the better its defenses. This was the special characteristic of Zerg worms.

However, at the moment that Simba opened fire, the tentacle monster suddenly moved maliciously. Ox Demon mech was shifted an inch, and with a boom, the one that exploded was not the laser eyes, but the Ox Demon mech’s head!

What was happening! The tentacle monster actually used the Ox Demon mech as a meat shield!

The laser eyes swept the ground, attacking its target. Wide open was the Annihilator mech that had just opened fire!

An attack at the speed of light. The Annihilator was completely unprepared, and immediately melted!

“Things are looking bleak. Once Ox Demon mech falls, there’s no way to directly block the tentacle monster now.”

But Lear instead laughed. He gave a command to Dynasty Battle Team, “Asura Battle Team has taken First Blood. Let’s go back to prepare. In an hour, we commence battle.”

Luo Fei was stunned. Clearly things were looking down for Asura Battle Team. How could Lear determine that they had taken First Blood?

But he had no time to voice the question. With a rumble, Ox Demon violently exploded!

At the same time that the huge inferno swallowed the tentacle monster, Olivios, Sweeney and Briston simultaneously closed for the kill. BOOM. Olivios’ Overlord trembled, and its inner core shook. A ferocious ability X gushed out all at once.

And Sweeney’s Soul Reaper and Briston’s Slayer took their positions on the flanks, and opened fire at the same time.

Slayer Type 3 shook with power. It complemented Sweeney’s firepower, instantly melting open the tentacle monster’s shell.


All of the attacks had reached a turning point.

The tentacle monster let out a pitiful wail, and crashed to the floor, disintegrating from within. Large amounts of flesh and blood had melted and was oozing and spurting from the gashes, like a mudslide down the side of a mountain!


Silence had suddenly turned into tumultuous cheers. Although Wang Zheng’s performance the last time had been spectacular, but he had not eventually succeeded. And Asura Battle Team had finally completed the attack!

Before, Olivios had constantly targeted the internal organs wit his shock attacks. It had already taken heavy damage. Once the attacks exceeded its limits, all of the shock force exploded from within, disintegrating the body.

This was an attack that only Olivios could have done.

What he needed was just an environment where he could attack, and his Battle Teammates had provided it. Such explosive attack power was what Wang Zheng lacked. Only his shockwave ability could achieve such an attack!

The entire Elite Academy X was shaken. It was like a festival. Everyone was cheering. A victory. Finally a victory over those damned worms. Honestly, they were called the elites of the Milky Way, but if they could not even finish off one worm, that was really a disgrace. And now Asura Battle Team had finally broken this stalemate.

Olivios was clearly very calm. Nobody knew what he was thinking, but this battle had at least let him redeem himself.

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