The Baby Raising A Devil

Chapter 330

TL: Zimmings

Whether it was the soldiers of the temple or the soldiers of the imperial family, we had no rival.

But the Dubblede soldiers, who had been preparing for war against the temple for more than a decade, were no match for immortal holy beasts.

Dubblede, who is well-known for our military power, even gained the power of magic.

For them, it was like a natural disaster. With Dubblede’s blade, the enemy was slashed helplessly.

I looked at them with both hands covering my mouth.

They’re very cool!

Unless the pope summoned the devil, there was no reason to be pushed back by the temple.

Isaac’s face turned red and dragged me away as I looked at the soldiers.

“Let’s go to the castle.”

“Wait a minute. I want to look a little bit more-”

Isaac clicked his tongue and put me around his shoulder.

“I’m going to watch you for a second! A little more! My cuties!”

I reached out to my lovely war weapon, no, the soldiers. Henry merely smiled and folded his arms.

Me, my brothers, Chairman and Veronica immediately moved to the castle.

The commander of the battle was taken over by the son of the retired captain of Irie, Zion due to the aftereffects of the battle.

As soon as we moved to the castle, the people welcomed us.

“Oh my gosh, lady.”

“Young master.”

We nodded to the crowd. Passing through the people, my aunt approached me.

“The preparations for battle are complete.”


“Just because I was locked up in the estate doesn’t mean I didn’t do anything.”

Viscount Dubos, who was standing next to my aunt, said.

“The items including teleportation scroll, suwon, and spinel are also ready.”


I nodded my head.

There must be a reason why the pope did not summon the devil even after I escaped.

‘Maybe it’s because the power of the Gods taken by force was not safe.’

Then I couldn’t miss the opportunity.

Before the pope’s power stabilized and my dad was found to be a fake by the temple.

Our siblings stepped out to the terrace on the second floor.

The soldiers who gathered together saw us and bent their knees at once.

Henry nodded and looked at me.

“Tell them, lady.”

“Is it okay if I do it?”

Isaac and Henry grinned and nodded at me.

“Of course.”


With the support of my brothers, I took a step forward.

Veronica was floating a magic tool in the sky.

Perhaps it was also being conveyed to the mansion through the tool.

When I grabbed the terrace railing, the soldiers looked up.

“We are not fighting on a mission.”

Viscount Dubos and my aunt looked at me in awe. Rather than encouraging morale, I stated the truth to them.

“Those who carry a mission may be our enemy. The justification of defending the world will make the enemy more powerful.”



“Sword without conviction is murder. So we are murderers fighting only for our interests.”

The viscount tried to stop me, but Henry and Isaac stopped him.

“But the interest we have won will make our parents’ stomachs full.”

The way they look at me has changed. I smiled brightly.

“You can give your children a better future. You will not lower your heads because you are sad about a grain of rice, and you will not give up your pride for food, clothing, and shelter, and you can block the mouths of those who point fingers at us as evil.”



I said in a firm voice.

“I will not promise you things like saving the world. However, I promise a future that is not deficient.”


“Listen! The blood shed today is never for the honor of the family. It’s a fight for yourselves too.”


“Dubblede army, advance to the capital!”



Shouts echoed through the sky of the capital. And Dubblede’s motivation skyrocketed.

Lea, who was looking at the scene with the tool among the soldiers, looked at Johann’s back. She smiled slightly.

It reminded her of the first time she saw a small child with wide clothes flowing down from her slender shoulders.

How did she grow up like this? Is it possible to grow rapidly?

She remembered the days of her urinating on the blanket in the middle of the night, startled by thunder just like yesterday.

“Lebwaine peed. I’m sowwy. I’m sowwy…..” (Leblaine peed. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.….)

The child rubbed her palms in fear. She remembers her shoulders and legs shaking.

When she opened her arms, saying it was okay, the child ran in a hurry to her. As if no one had ever hugged her.

Thinking that she grew up in her arms, she burst into tears.

She remembered that small, thin, and pitiful child. The child, who was so small and skinny that she was afraid of hugging her, has grown into a child with wide arms that can embrace all of Dubblede.

“She’s amazing.”

When Lea spoke, Johann laughed.

His laugh was as pure and clear as back in the days when lowered and Lisette were alive.

Lea, who smiled, lowered her head.

Johann looked back at the soldiers.

Nos was almost crying, overwhelmed with emotion. It was fortunate he did not bite a handkerchief like the butler of the mansion or the four maids of Leblaine.

A smile was also hung around the mouths of the vassals who had watched Leblaine since childhood.

It was an unbelievable change for a family that was on the brink of division in Leblaine’s first life.

A light appeared in the sky. It was a signal that someone was arriving through a teleportation scroll.

Everyone was ready.




The sound of footsteps resounded in the sky and Dubblede’s army appeared.

At the end of the podium, there was a wind. It was the Leblaine with the armor that came out. Behind her was Isaac.

Leblaine looked at Johann.

“Let’s go.”


The ground shook at the loud shout.

Leblaine clenched both fists and looked at the soldiers.

The bell of the final match rang.

At that time, in the temple.

The cardinals hurriedly ran into the main gate. Someone shouted as he ran to the pope, who was looking at the broken statue in the chapel.

“Dubblede has entered with an army!”

Pope Christian stroked the statue.

The only thing reflected in his dim eyes was darkness.

“His Holiness!”



“So is Meria there?”

Blasio felt like he wanted to shout.

Is he saying that such a problem is still important?

Blasio replied.

“The person who brought the army is Leblaine Dubblede. She leads the entire Dubblede army.”

The pope, who had been holding the statue quietly, looked at him at once.


Meria, Meria, Meria.

He likes her who is out of reach.

She held him in her arms affectionately, but she did not give her heart. Even if he confessed and begged, she would fly away as if she was a butterfly.

Nicolasio shouted urgently.

“The Duke of Dubblede has become a dead body, and we no longer have a hostage in our hands. Pope, please give us your order!”

The pope, who released the head of the statue from his hand, raised his eyes.

“If you can’t catch it no matter how hard you try, you’ll have to break the wing…”


“Release all the remaining holy beasts. I will lead the holy knights and go out directly.”

“His Holiness……!”

The cardinals bowed their heads.

‘So it’s all your fault, Meria.’

He should take everything from her, that her hope is stuck in the gutter and she cannot go anywhere other than his arms.

Nicolasio said.

“The Dubblede will head to the temple. I’ll defend it.”

The pope nodded, and the cardinals bowed deeply.


‘You thought I’d go to the temple, didn’t you?’

What our army was in front of was the gate of the imperial palace.

I shouted, holding a loudspeaker.

“The ruthless rebel who rebelled against the Father of the Empire, get down and ask for an apology!”

‘Do you think I’ll go to the temple directly because I’m crazy?’

In the midst of battle with the temple, the soldiers of the imperial family and noble families will attack us.

In this case, we need to absorb those who are aiming for us from the back first.

‘I must seize the throne before they come from the temple.’

Not long after, Andre appeared.

“How dare you!”

He ran towards us wildly on the road. Etlon, the son of the Duke of Marche and Andre’s cousin, tried to hold him back but he did not listen.

He must be planning to use a meteor on us.

‘Do it. Rather than being foolish and fearless, he must be running around because he has a greater sense of inferiority than fear.’

Born as the eldest son of the emperor, Andre, whose mother is a lady from the nation’s most prestigious family, was pushed back by Adrian all his life.

Poisoning the emperor was also due to a sense of inferiority, so his pride would have been greatly damaged by my actions.

“You traitor!”

Look at him.

“I became regent through the process…!”

“It’s illegal to take the place when it’s against the emperor’s will!”


Andre screamed.

“Is it because of Adrian?! Did that person beg you to catch and kill me, and he’ll give you the throne, right?!”

“There is only one person who can move Dubblede. It has nothing to do with Prince Adrian.”

“If you say so, who brought an army and dared to attack the imperial family?”

It was then.

A familiar voice came from behind.

“It’s me.”

The emperor, supported by Cecilia, appeared.

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