A strange ceiling.

This time, it's truly an unfamiliar ceiling.

No, it's not even a ceiling to begin with.

I see something like a silk curtain.

What is this?

Why is the bed so wide?

I sat up and looked around.

The ceiling is unfamiliar, but the room isn't.


I think this is Charlotte's bedroom.

I've been here before, so I could quickly recognize the room.

It seems I was sleeping on Charlotte's massive canopy bed.

"Ah, you're awake!"

Upon seeing me sit up, Charlotte almost threw herself at me, embracing me tightly.

The bed is indeed spacious.

She must have been watching over me from the bedside, but to reach me, she had to climb onto the bed and launch herself.

"Uh, um... Yeah."

"Are you okay? Are there any aches or pains? Your eyes, your hands, are they alright?"

"Uh, um... Yeah. I think I'm fine."

"I'm so relieved... I'm so relieved..."

I didn't worry about being hurt, nor did I expect to be in perfect shape, but my condition was much better than after the last magical enhancement. Charlotte held me close, then pulled back slightly to look at me.

Tears welled up in her eyes.

"I'm so relieved, Reinhardt."

"Um... Yeah. Are you okay?"

"Yes. I'm fine."

With clear tears streaming down her face, Charlotte embraced me once more.

She didn't scold me or say anything else.

She simply held me close for a while, seemingly relieved that I was unharmed.

At first, I thought she might just be sniffling.

"Sniff... Sigh... Sob..."

As she cried a little, her emotions eventually overwhelmed her, and she began to sob. Unsure of what to do, I patted Charlotte's back.

"But... This isn't the first time something like this has happened, right?"

"Sob... Yes..."

"I've been unconscious for several days, and I want to know what's been happening."

With my tendency to faint at the drop of a hat, as if there were an unfamiliar ceiling quota, the first thing I wanted to know when I woke up was the situation at hand.

Waking up in the princess's bedroom was already unusual.

"Just... give me a moment..."

Charlotte seemed to think that stopping her tears was the priority. After sniffling for a while and catching her breath, she pulled away from my embrace. With swollen eyes, she covered her face and asked.

"...Did my eyes get puffy?"

"...You think they'd swell up that quickly?"

Well, honestly, they did swell up a bit.

But swelling depends on the person. She's allowed to be puffy. Charlotte lowered her hands from her face.

"It hasn't been that long. The incident happened the day before yesterday, and today is Friday. The reason you're in my bedroom... It's to keep others from knowing that you're in my palace."

I passed out on Wednesday, skipped Thursday, and now it's Friday.

"Fortunately, due to the heavy rain and the severe thunderstorm, what happened that day remained unknown. Neither people nor surveillance spells were effective in the downpour, so only you, I, and Lady Tana are aware of the incident. The palace suffered significant damage, but... there's no need to worry about that."

Lady Tana had somehow managed to cover up my actions that day. However, neither Charlotte nor Tana seemed to know the full extent of what had transpired.

"I thought it best to keep your presence a secret, so I had you resting in my bedchamber. As for healing... I was considering calling a priest, but it was somewhat risky... so I used an Elixir."

"An Elixir?"


Was it the Elixir I was thinking of?

As far as I knew, there were only a few bottles of it in the empire, and it was considered a national treasure—not merely a potion.

No wonder I felt surprisingly well.

"Is it okay to use it so casually?"

"Why would it be casual?"

Somehow, her words were strangely touching.

"Besides, it was Lady Tana who brought it."

Touching moment canceled.

If it was the commander of Shanafel, she could have obtained a bottle of Elixir without much trouble.

Anyway, I was fine, but what about that man? Judging from Charlotte's reaction, he seemed to be okay.

"Your Highness, may I come in?"

As soon as the words left my mouth, Lady Tana's voice came from beyond the door. Charlotte glanced at me.

It seemed like a sign asking if it was okay for her to enter.

What's going on?

I'm the owner of this room, so why is she asking for my permission?

It feels strange!

I nodded, and when Charlotte called for her to enter, Lady Tana, dressed in her uniform, stepped into Charlotte's bedroom.

"You're awake."

"Ah, yes."

She looked at me, sitting nonchalantly on Charlotte's bed, without showing any particular emotion.

Both Charlotte and Tana had many questions for me.

How I had acquired Tiamata, what happened after I passed out, and so on.

She pulled up a chair and sat down beside the bed.

...She's too far away.

Although she was technically sitting next to me, there was a considerable distance between us. Charlotte, who had been sitting beside me, scratched her cheek.

"I should change this bed."

The overly large and uncomfortable bed.

I too had experienced the wonders of the dormitory bed alongside Charlotte.

"Since I'm not in pain, let's sit down and talk."

I got off the bed and sat down on the sofa.

Charlotte took the seat of honor, while Tana and I faced each other.

"First, I want to say thank you, Reinhardt. I don't know the specifics, but on that day, you saved not only me but also Her Highness."

Considering the damage done to the palace, Lady Tana must not have revealed that she had been subdued during the battle. If she had, Charlotte would not have been allowed to stay in her palace.

She must have falsified her report. Upon hearing Tana's words, Charlotte seemed to come to her senses and looked at me.

"I haven't properly expressed my gratitude either. Thank you so much, Reinhardt."

Charlotte looked at me and smiled.

It wasn't the eerie, creepy smile she had shown when consumed by power.


I wanted Charlotte to keep showing me such a smile.

The awakening of the Word Spirit was secondary.

It was not for power, but for Charlotte.

"Before you ask me anything, I'd like to know the situation."

I stared at Charlotte.

"Is your problem resolved?"

I had awakened the Word Spirit.

I had commanded the thing that had controlled Charlotte's body to disappear.

"Has it truly disappeared?"

Instead of explaining something, I wanted to know that first. Charlotte's expression was ambiguous.

"I'm not sure. But yesterday, I was fine... and... there's this indescribable feeling. Should I say it's hard to bear? It's as if something is devouring me. It's a mix of anxiety, a sense of crisis, and such. That tormented me every night, but it's gone now, all of a sudden."

"And the ability itself?"

"It remains."

The anxiety has vanished. Whether that's enough or not, it would mean Charlotte's safety was secured for now.

The power to control shadows still lingers. That's a worrisome factor. Charlotte refrained from demonstrating her ability directly.

Only now did I understand why Charlotte disliked her own power. Who would like a power that seems to consume oneself?

"Well, for now, we'll have to monitor the situation, but it's evident that some change has occurred in Your Highness. Although we tried everything we could with magic and divine power, none of it had any effect."

Both Tana and Charlotte looked at me.

"Reinhardt, what exactly did you do?"

The spirit.

It had already become a part of my power.

So it would show up in a physical scan.

"I believe my psychic ability has become stronger."

While it was certainly deemed dangerous, I had no choice but to tell the truth since I couldn't hide it.


I roughly explained the situation.

The first thing I explained was about Tiamata.

A sword with wicked power brought from Darkland.

Charlotte already knew about this issue, so it was easy to talk about. I told her that the object, presumed to be a relic of the Demon King, had become imperfectly soul-bound with me, and after various judgments, I purified it, transforming it into Tiamata.

I left out the part about not being able to distinguish between the Demon King and the God. I simply said Tiamata was in a corrupted state.

In doing so, I had no choice but to bring up Olivia Lanze's story.

Both Tana and Charlotte were shocked by my words.

Tiamata's potential for corruption and my being chosen for it.

"This... was a complex matter to explain, so I had to keep it secret."

"I see..."

"It's certainly an issue that could turn the religious world upside down..."

It took both of them quite a while to recover from the shock.

Anyway, since the result was what it was, neither of them disputed the issue. Charlotte even thanked me for telling her, as it seemed she could worry less about the suddenly vanished relic of the Demon King.

And then, the psychic power.

Since I shouldn't be aware of the concept of spirits myself, I explained it vaguely.

I also explained the battle against whatever had dominated Charlotte.

When I shouted for it to disappear, it vanished completely.

There was only one logical explanation.

"Your ability to use self-hypnosis on others has evolved, it seems?"

"Because if it isn't that, the situation doesn't make sense."

My ability to apply self-hypnosis to others had become possible.

The spirit wasn't a concept much different from that.

If self-hypnosis is a power manifested through belief, I understand that suggestion is a slightly different concept, manifested through command or declaration.

"Could the answer... have been a psychic ability?"

Psychic abilities are explained by the word "anyway."

They are inexplicable, and the miracles they cause manifest through a logic that does not exist in the world.

That is why it is impossible to understand, but inevitably acceptable, that a psychic ability could solve Charlotte's problem, which could not be resolved by any other means.

Tana finds it difficult to accept this nonsensical situation that has become a reality, but eventually, her expression seems to say that she has found an exit after struggling through hell.

"That means... you are the only one who can heal Her Highness's condition."

"...It might be so."

For now, Charlotte's worsening condition has improved, but no one knows what will happen later. I am the only contingency plan for that situation.

It's as if I were to become Charlotte's primary physician.

But Charlotte's expression was grave.

"It's too dangerous a power. As much as mine, if not more so."

The evolution of self-hypnosis.

The fact that it is now applicable not only to oneself but also to others makes it far more dangerous.

Neither self-hypnosis nor suggestion appeared in the original work.

So, I don't know what this power can do. Although the awakened suggestion may not be absolute right now, if the level of ability gradually increases, it might make the impossible possible.

Of course, Charlotte was not thinking of eliminating me because my power was dangerous.

"I don't know how your new power will be measured, but I'll instruct the Temple to keep it a secret."

She meant to keep my new power a strict secret for my protection. Muzzle the Temple, and probably only Professor Epinhauser would know the true nature of my ability, even if they knew.

In fact, it was a dangerous ability, and if we look back at the fight the day before, I managed to subdue Charlotte, whom Sabiolin Tana couldn't subdue.

Of course, the actual situation was a bit different. If Sabiolin Tana had had Tiamata, or if there had been a high-ranking knight, the story might have been different.

In many ways, she had fought a foe with a bad compatibility under the worst conditions.

The new ability will be kept secret. It was clear that this would be better. Tana seemed to have a slightly different idea.

"What about having Reinhardt stay at the Spring Palace?"

There was no guarantee that Charlotte's condition was genuinely improved. Since no one knows what might happen at any time, I, the only person who can deal with it, would live with Charlotte at the Spring Palace.

It wouldn't look good externally, but since the princess's life was at stake, the emperor wouldn't oppose it either.

"No. Even if we hide it, Reinhardt is in the same class as Bertholdt. If he were to live like that, Bertholdt would eventually find out, and then Reinhardt would be in danger."

"...I see."

Charlotte was primarily concerned about my safety.

The fact that I saved Charlotte and the recent battle were not made known, possibly because if it were discovered that I saved her, Berthold might attempt to eliminate me.

Berthold probably does not know that I am in the palace.

"Does Berthold know about your condition?"

"He may not know the details, but he is aware that I won't live long."

It would be strange if Berthold was not aware of this situation.

There is no need to restrain an opponent who will fall apart on their own. Thus, the conflict between them had diminished recently.

However, I saved Charlotte's life. The person who was supposed to crumble on their own had been revived.

If this fact were known, I would be a dead man to Berthold.

That is why Charlotte made the rather bold decision to shelter me in her bedroom. It would be dangerous for me if Berthold found out I was here.

"But... At this point, the only one who can guarantee your safety is Reinhardt."

She had no choice but to admit that she could not protect Charlotte, and neither could the royal family.

There was no safe place for Charlotte anywhere in the world. Only with me by her side could Charlotte be safe.

"I must return to the temple, after all."


I cannot live in the royal palace.

In the end, the only choice left was for Charlotte to return to the temple and live in the dormitory with me.

Sabiolin Tana knew that this was the best choice for both me and Charlotte, and ultimately had no choice but to nod in agreement.


It had only been one day.

Neither Tana nor Charlotte believed that just one uneventful day meant everything would be fine moving forward.


"Yes, Lady Tana."

"I must keep this a secret from everyone else, but I must report it to His Majesty."


"Putting aside my personal loyalty, this is the only way to convince him that your condition has improved. And for His Majesty to realize... that no further action is necessary."

Charlotte looked at me.

Her expression was full of apology. Sabiolin Tana was not Charlotte's person, but the Emperor's. Although she was responsible for the princess's safety, her ultimate allegiance lay with the Emperor.

The Emperor must not be kept in the dark about any secrets. After all, this too was necessary for Charlotte's sake.

Now, with matters so entangled, I, the prince of the demon realm, had reached a point where I would have to deal with the Emperor as well.

"It's alright."

"I will do my best to ensure that you are not put in danger. I swear it upon my honor."

The continent's strongest warrior swore an oath. She would risk her own life to ensure that I would not be put in danger due to this matter.

Her oath, staked on her honor, must have meant that.

"Not only did you save Her Highness, but you also saved my life."

She suddenly bowed her head.

"For that, I am truly grateful."

"Uh, well... There's no need to be so formal..."

Her bowed head conveyed sincere gratitude.

Lady Sabiolin Tana excused herself, promising to report the detailed circumstances to the emperor.

Charlotte and I were left alone in the bedroom. She skillfully brewed tea with a teapot, offering me a cup.

"I didn't think about Berthold when I brought you to the imperial palace. There was no need to."

Charlotte had thought she was going to die soon. Therefore, it wouldn't have mattered if Berthold found out that I had entered the Spring Palace. A rival whose value had vanished wouldn't be a concern, no matter who they were friends with.

"Reinhardt, to be frank, your saving me will likely have adverse effects on you."

Saving me was your mistake.

Charlotte stated this calmly. Seeing her sad smile, I furrowed my brow.

"We don't need that kind of talk."


"I'll do the same if something like this happens again."

At my words, Charlotte seemed flustered. I grinned as I looked at her, holding the teacup in her hand.

"I told you, it turned out just as I said."

I had told Charlotte that I would save her.

When she asked how, I said I would find a way.

She had responded pessimistically, saying anyone could say that.

But in the end, I saved Charlotte. She stared blankly at her teacup for a moment and then nodded slightly.

"You're right... I'm sorry I didn't trust you."

"From now on, just accept whatever I say. I'm never wrong. I'm always right."

Charlotte laughed heartily at my nonsense.

"Yes, I'll trust you. I'll continue to trust you."

I was taken aback by her unexpected response.

Charlotte sipped her tea, and I took a sip of the milk tea she had prepared.

"Anyway, Berthold will try to find a reason for my survival now. Even if he can't harm me directly, he'll be on guard again. So, you can't let him know you were at the Spring Palace. Fortunately, I erased your entrance records. Since very few people saw you, Berthold shouldn't know who was here or what happened."

"…That's a relief."

"So, you cannot leave the imperial palace."

Her words left me bewildered.

I mean, I thought I wasn't supposed to live in the Spring Palace. But saying I couldn't leave the palace meant I had to stay here, right?

Did she lie to Lady Sabiolin Tana?

As if she knew what I was thinking, Charlotte chuckled.

"Idiot, you know that place."

Charlotte gestured with her chin toward a wall in the bedroom.

The secret passage.

A warp gate was installed underground.

"You can leave through there, and it'll connect to a gate within the imperial capital. You can leave from there. You know the gates are heavily monitored for those coming in, but the surveillance for those leaving is lax, right?"

A secret path allowing me to leave the imperial palace unnoticed existed in Charlotte's bedroom.

"And this."

Charlotte went somewhere in the room and opened a magical vault, handing me something from within.

It was a small golden brooch.

"What is this?"

"The gates are bidirectional, aren't they?"


"If you can leave, you can also enter, right?"

Charlotte showed me how to activate the brooch. It seemed to work by opening the brooch and pressing a switch-like mechanism.

"Activate this brooch and pass through any warp gate within the imperial capital, and you'll be connected to the warp gate in the underground of the Spring Palace."


Charlotte placed it in my hand and then held my hand.

Her hand trembled slightly.

"I'm giving you something that can enter my bedroom at any time… Unnoticed by anyone… Allowing entry…"

Charlotte's face was flushed, and her voice shook more intensely.

It was not an item she could give to just anyone.

No, had she ever given such an item to someone before?

This was nothing less than a secret key that allowed for undetected infiltration into the imperial palace.

"Do you understand the meaning of this…?"

Charlotte couldn't look me in the eye.

"You trust me that much?"


Charlotte stared at me intently.

Her lips pouted.

"Yes, I want you to come and help me whenever I need you."

Charlotte looked slightly miffed, crossing her arms and gazing out the window for a while.

Her face seemed as if it might drip crimson.

"Don't discard this gift…"

Charlotte said with a trembling voice. Was she thinking about what I said before I passed out?

Honestly, my consciousness was slipping away at that moment, so I couldn't remember exactly what I had said.

"Of course."

In exchange for discarding the gift that Charlotte had given me with a premonition of farewell, I received an item that allowed me to meet Charlotte at any time.

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