I had finished preparing long ago. Anyway, there was plenty of time.

I had already changed my hair to the same color as before. The expression on my face was important, but changing my hair color also played a part.

Thanks to the efforts of Eleris and myself, my original appearance was significantly faded.

"Ah, um, well."

And then, one of the most important things.

My voice.

I changed it to an ambiguous voice, not overly feminine nor masculine. If I had used my original voice, someone might have recognized me just by hearing it.

It's sad that all of these details, like making myself look somewhat unlike Reinhardt and changing my voice to be ambiguous, are for the sake of not getting caught.

If I were completely someone else, I could have just changed 180 degrees.

I wish... Miss Temple had done this instead...

With the final insurance in place, there was no reason to hesitate.

All that was left was to return to the temple in time for the start of the cross-dressing contest.

However, if I went back exactly on time, who knows what could happen. From the start, the participants needed to gather earlier than the start time for preparation.

So, I spent my time in Eleris's basement room and then headed out to Aligar Shopping Street.

I was dressed in casual clothes.

Of course, not in the temple uniform or women's clothes. For now, I had just done my makeup and changed my face and body shape a bit.

Wait... didn't that mean I changed everything?

Wearing a hood on my robe in case someone saw me, I carried a trunk with me.

It felt like I was going on some secret mission.

Is one's status really that important?

Do I have to go this far?

Between feelings of guilt and self-justification, I slowly made my way toward the Aligar Shopping Street.

Inside the station, there were shops set up as I always checked. Of course, the scale had expanded since the beginning.

The merchant guild had realized that the business they initially thought would be nice to have was actually very profitable, so they continued to expand their investment. The number of shops seemed to be gradually increasing, from simple snack shops to others.

Soon, the moment when it would be difficult for the Rotary Club members alone to support the scale of the business would come, and then they would have to borrow the hands of others beyond the club.

At this rate, a structure like an underground shopping center in a large terminal could emerge. I don't know when that will happen.

Anyway, it's a fact that the club's earnings are increasing exponentially.

Even if other organizations or merchants enter the scene, it wouldn't be bad. We hold the business rights, so there are countless ways to make money, whether by receiving royalties, taking a cut like a landlord, or earning through the hands of others.

If we don't like the businesses that have set up shop, we can use our business rights to kick them out. That's what power is.

It's surprising that I, who never thought of such things, can now have these malicious thoughts without a care.


In front of the shops at Aligar Shopping Street.

Aligar Shopping Street was like the Yongsan District in Seoul, with a large floating population and famous for its shopping district. Of course, the merchants there were more infamous for being ruthless.

I saw some kids loitering around the shops.

"How much is this?"

"Ah, that's ten fairy tales."

"And that one?"

One of them was asking a club member in charge of the shop about the prices, while the others were sneakily watching from the club member's blind spot.

What are these kids up to?

One of them acted as a lookout, while the others discreetly stuffed goods into their clothes. The busy passersby either didn't notice or ignored them without saying anything.


Compared to the disputes I had during my time as a subway vendor, this is a rather cute act.

But still.

A meal is a meal.

Where are these yellow-blooded brats coming from?

As I approached the little saplings of budding organized criminals, a sudden noise erupted.



"I caught these brats!"

Someone had come out of nowhere and grabbed the two kids by the scruff of their necks.


Realizing the situation had gone awry, the kid who was distracting the counter tried to run away.

"Get that guy!"

Following the order of the person who caught the first two kids, someone else who had been waiting jumped out and nabbed the fleeing kid in a flash.

The sudden arrest of the three kids for theft attracted the attention of the passersby.

Wait, who are these guys?

Their outfits didn't look like guards.

And they didn't seem to be club members either, as the shopkeeper, also a club member, looked just as bewildered as I was.

"You little brats don't know how long we've been waiting for you, do you?"



As the kid's cheek was being slapped, I could only watch blankly.

"You too!"



"You half-witted brats!"


"Ouch! Hic, hic!"

"I'll lock you up in an underground dungeon for the rest of your lives without seeing the sun..."



Without realizing it, my body moved forward. I found myself grabbing the hand of the guard who was relentlessly slapping the child's face.


"Ah, no... I know they did wrong... but why... go this far?"

Even so, is it right to hit a child like this?

"I don't know who you are, but these three have committed theft in every station, with over twenty counts so far. They're considered serious criminals, like social evils. There's no need for a lady like you to worry about them."

Ah, a lady?

At those words, it felt like my head was being bleached...

No, my hair is silver, so it's already bleached.

But were these three professional thieves?

Twenty times?

They've stolen from others twenty times?

Did they deserve a beating? No, I want to beat them too, but is it really that bad?

People were watching the sudden commotion with confused expressions - the thugs hitting the kids, me who jumped in to stop them, and the kids who started crying after being hit.

Seeing that I had appeared as if to save them, but then hesitating as the gazes around us changed, the kids became even more frightened.

"Still, they did something wrong, yes. But doing this... in front of all these people... it's kind of... awkward, isn't it?"

Awkward... What a word to use...

Was it too awkward given the situation? I added another remark without backing down, and the leader-like thug's eyebrows narrowed.

"Miss, this is none of your concern. Just go on your way."

It was a threat.

No matter how I looked at them, they weren't security guards.

Their attire wasn't much different from ordinary passersby.

But by now, I had some discernment.

The thick wrists, neck, trapezius muscles, and forearms of those holding the kids, as well as the calluses on their palms.

Just by looking at those things, I could tell something.

They weren't just thugs.

They were trained people, and quite a lot.

I didn't want to cause any more trouble in this messy situation. The kids were looking at me as if pleading for help.

No, it wouldn't help you even if I looked back, right?

I didn't want to make a fuss anymore. I didn't know who these people were, but if I kept provoking them here, there was a high chance I'd get caught up in a troublesome situation.

I didn't want them to find out I was the Temple Royal Class Reinhardt!

Seeing that I seemed to be backing down, the thug chuckled.

"Seems like you've never had a hard time, all thanks to your pretty face. Be careful in the future. The world isn't so easy."


The feeling of losing it.

It's been a while.

"You guys are jerk, really."


"Someone who hasn't learned how to hit a child on the street, acting all high and mighty."

My unexpected cursing changed his expression rapidly.

I had lost it and there was no stopping me now.

"Who the hell are you guys anyway? You're not security guards. This is a job for the security guards, not for some no-good bastards like you."

"I warned you to be careful."

"Careful, what the hell are you..."



"Ha, if you try to sneak away, your hand goes first, huh?"

I grabbed the thug's hand as he tried to slap my cheek. He was astonished that his arm had been caught.

That's right, my strength is still the same even though my size has decreased. My self-suggestion is still the same. I glared at him.

"Are you confident?"

I'm not the old Reinhardt.

Well, of course...

Today is different in a lot of ways...

"Sigh... doing crap like this attracts crappy people..."

His eyes changed, and there was a strange light in them.

My instincts sensed it.

Killing intent.

From this moment on, if the guy tries to use force, I have to fight back in earnest. As a mental battle unfolds between the man and me, a hidden contest begins that others cannot see.


A voice cuts through the silence, interrupting us.

"What's going on?"

Someone appears, cutting through the murmuring crowd.

"Yo-young master…"

"…I thought I clearly told you not to cause a commotion."

Bertus, with a calm expression, approached us.


Why is he here?

I'm screwed.

I don't know what happened, but it seems like I'm in trouble.

"I'm sorry."

"…No, I was also rude…"

I stiffly watched as Bertus apologized while pouring tea.

Bertus didn't recognize me at all.

I never thought my disguise would be verified in this place. It's only natural that he didn't recognize me, as I had changed my appearance with thick makeup and various alterations.

Feeling relieved that he really couldn't recognize me but also breaking into a cold sweat because I didn't know when I might be exposed.

"Due to the Temple Festival, there's been an influx of magical train passengers, which has led to various inconveniences. As a result, additional security forces have been deployed, some of whom are not in their usual guard uniforms. These people are not professionals in this field, so they may overreact at times. I understand that this might be uncomfortable for you."

"Ah, no… I didn't know that…"

"But their response was undoubtedly wrong, and they will be disciplined according to internal regulations. Although it may not be enough, would you please forgive them?"

"Y-yes! Of course!"

I wondered what Bertus was doing away from the Temple dormitory. He was here.

Bertus didn't reveal that he was the crown prince.

He simply introduced himself as the person in charge of the operation and security of the magic trains during the festival.

During the Temple Festival, people from all over the continent gather at the Imperial Road. The population swells, and so does the number of magic train passengers. People flock not only to the Temple but also to the Imperial Road.

It seemed like Bertus was more focused on managing the practical aspects of the festival rather than enjoying it in order to build up his achievements.

He must be thinking that he has to build up some sort of achievement with his rival Charlotte around.

This guy is a workaholic.

Charlotte is having fun, though…

Still, I preferred seeing Charlotte enjoying the festival rather than working.

Unexpectedly, I found out that Bertus had been away from his post because he was in charge of the overall operation of the magic trains during the festival.

It seemed that he was here at Aligar Shopping Street to handle various incidents that occurred, and he had set up an ambush, anticipating that the little thieves who had committed more than twenty thefts would appear around here.

So he had ordered them to be caught, but I ended up witnessing the officers, whose adrenaline had skyrocketed while chasing the thieves, raising their fists.

This is such a terrible coincidence.

A far too terrible coincidence.

At this exact moment, I meet Bertus.

It's so frustrating! Is this on purpose? Why is this happening to me!

Bertus was apologizing to me, without revealing his identity as the crown prince.

Bertus is just destined for greatness.

I can't deny it anymore.

He's got the emperor's aura.

"Since I didn't know the details... I'm sorry as well."

Now that I knew that the guy who was beating up the kids was actually something like a plainclothes police officer, there was nothing more to say. The kids would face legal consequences, and the guy would be punished for not being able to control himself and trying to punch an innocent person.

There's no reason to stay here anymore.

Above all, I don't want to stay in Bertus's sight any longer!

"Then, I'll be going..."

"But, your silver hair."

Bertus's voice stopped me from getting up.

"It's a rare hair color."

"It's... dyed."

"Ah, is that so?"

Bertus narrowed his eyes as he looked at me.

"By any chance, are you a Temple student?"

"…Huh? Why do you ask?"

"No. You just look... familiar."

Damn it.

Damn it! I need to run!

But, Bertus seemed surprised by his own words and widened his eyes in confusion.

"Ah! I didn't mean anything by it. Really. It's just... you look familiar... um, never mind. That must have sounded strange."

Realizing that what he said might have sounded like an accusation, Bertus closed his mouth.

Awkward silence.

I need to run, but when should I seize the opportunity? Bertus seemed to be struggling to find the right words, thinking that he had said something weird, while I was just waiting for the right moment to escape.

"…Are you going on a trip or something?"

Bertus asked, looking at my trunk.

Should I just say that I'm going on a trip?

"Um, just... yes."

I mumbled vaguely as I held the teacup. It was the black tea that Bertus had poured for me.


'This guy doesn't even know the etiquette of holding a teacup, so he can't be a noble.'

A memory from a long time ago suddenly flashed across my mind.

How should I hold this teacup? Just by looking at the way he holds it, doesn't he hold the teacup exactly like Reinhardt? Isn't this how it's done?

No, there's no way Bertus would remember such a thing!

But what if he does remember?

I felt so uneasy about everything that I thought I was going crazy.

You crazy bastard, just hold it together! Why did you make such a mess?

Even if the situation is malicious, I'm the one who started it all!

Struggling with the urge to smash my own head, I grabbed the teacup with both hands.

Of course, my hands shook uncontrollably, as if I had some kind of tremor. Bertus quietly watched me.

"Uh, I have a bit of a tremor... that's why."

"Oh, really?"

I finally managed to take a sip with both hands holding the teacup.

My attempt to act casual only made my behavior even more bizarre.

"It's surprising to see someone so young with a tremor."

Bertus also picked up his teacup.

Right, a tremor at this age? It's strange, isn't it? Is there no other reason? A young person with a tremor?

"It's due to alcohol addiction."


Bertus was so shocked by my response that he accidentally spat out the tea he was drinking.

All over my face.


"Uh, I-I'm so sorry!"

Bertus, genuinely flustered, pulled out a handkerchief, hesitated to wipe my face, and fumbled awkwardly.

"...It's fine."

I wiped my face with the handkerchief Bertus handed me.

A young person with a tremor, due to alcohol addiction. An improvised answer, yet it couldn't be more absurd.

Bertus seemed genuinely taken aback, as if he never expected to commit such a rude act in his life.

Carefully, I wiped my face with the handkerchief.

Damn it. What if my makeup comes off? Why am I even worrying about this?

"Well, I should be going now..."

"I'm truly sorry..."

Bertus bowed his head apologetically, seemingly disheartened. In a way, it was better that he was so flustered.

He clearly thought I was leaving early because of his rudeness.

Fortunately, my disguise was convincing enough to deceive even the perceptive Bertus.

"May I... ask for your name?"

As I was about to leave the stationmaster's office, Bertus asked me from behind.

I hadn't thought of a fake name for my female disguise!

I'm already 'real' enough as it is.

But I don't want to be any more 'real' here!

"...There's nothing good about knowing who I am."

"...I see."

Leaving Bertus's subtle reaction behind, I fled the scene as if escaping.

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