We became treated as special students among the royal class.

Though we usually attend only our major classes on the days they are held, all other classes were canceled, and we received combat training from Saviolin Turner all day long. We were told not to worry about things like credits, as that would be taken care of for us.

Both Ellen and I sparred with each other, but eventually, we also engaged in duels with Saviolin Turner.

Certainly, my abilities increased more substantially when facing Saviolin Turner while wielding the Alsebringer.

However, it didn't make me a Swordmaster.

I was very pleased with the basic ability of the Alsebringer, which made me stronger as my opponent became stronger.

It was as if I had stolen the protagonist's exclusive cheat.

And then there was the problem Turner pointed out.

When facing Saviolin Turner, my physical abilities increased excessively, making me unable to control my movements and causing me to trip over myself. This created situations where I became so strong that it became a problem.


"Be careful!"



As I was about to fall after getting tangled in my own feet, she grabbed my collar and helped me regain my proper posture.

I briefly wondered if I could win against Ellen in the state I was in while facing Saviolin Turner, but it was pointless.

In this messed-up state, it was clear that I would lose even more miserably than before.

I stared quietly at the Alsebringer in my right hand.


"Don't feel bad. It's natural to be unaccustomed to something you've never used before."

I had to get used to obtaining physical abilities that surpassed my own level.

The Alsebringer granted an extremely powerful yet ambiguous buff, making me stronger as my opponent became stronger. Therefore, it was crucial to properly recognize how much my physical abilities were enhanced and to adjust my body accordingly.

If I couldn't control this power, not using the Alsebringer might even be better in some situations.

"Let's try again."


I didn't know whether I would need to unleash the true power of the Alsebringer later on.

But the Alsebringer itself was already a very powerful artifact.

I had to become accustomed to this power.


Saviolin Turner trained us in various ways.

Duels between Ellen and me.

She directly engaged in one-on-one duels with Ellen and me.

After giving us feedback, she taught us how to coordinate our attacks.

I could never defeat Ellen, and of course, I couldn't defeat Saviolin Turner either, and the same went for coordinated attacks.

But Turner, who claimed to be unaccustomed to teaching, was by no means a bad instructor.

That wasn't all.

"I'll teach you the principles of conduct when isolated in a field situation."

She also taught us not only combat but also how to survive and sustain the fight in real-life situations, such as guerrilla warfare and survival methods when isolated in enemy territory.

This was a lesson that would have been taught in the Temple's combat major course, which had now been adapted for battle training.

Of course, that was not her role. It was simply because the situation of Ellen and me being educated by her was top secret that Saviolin Turner took on the role of a teacher in every aspect.

We learned methods of infiltrating enemy lines, bypassing magical barriers, and how to act in an unfamiliar territory.

The two of us learned not how to work with someone on a mission but to survive on our own, and about things like assassination.

That's what it meant to be a hero.

An assassin who infiltrates the enemy lines and cuts the enemy leader's throat.

In fact, what Ragan Artorius had done was not much different. Therefore, Saviolin Turner taught us as assassins rather than soldiers.

"Of course, the Demon King might be scheming not in Darkland but on the human continent. And even if we find him, he might be able to escape through teleportation. I'll teach you how to deal with that situation and urban warfare soon."

Saviolin Turner seemed to plan on teaching us many things, such as how to find hidden enemies in human cities and how to fight in urban areas.

We weren't just learning swordsmanship.

However, somehow,

When learning about hunting methods, one naturally learns about escape methods as well.

Soon, I was learning about escape methods rather than hunting.


In a place dominated by eternal winter.

The Vampire Council.

"Antirianus, how is it progressing?"

"It's a very high-dimensional magic, so it may take some time to design, but the mages of the Order are quite exceptional. It shouldn't take too long."

Antirianus answered Eleris's question.

The construction of dungeons and labyrinths in Darkland was going smoothly. Both the Black Order and Antirianus were greatly interested in the grimoire called Quantum Maze. It was a magic perfectly suited to the current situation and goal.

"It's intriguing. How did you obtain such a powerful grimoire?"

"I'm afraid I cannot answer that."

"Heh, you don't trust me too much, do you?"

At Antirianus's seemingly hurt attitude, Eleris sighed deeply. She could not share the location of the grimoire with someone who seemed ready to break into the Demon King's underground library the moment he found out about it, and Eleris had no authority to decide on such matters.

Lately, the Vampire Council held frequent meetings. It was because of their cooperative relationship with the Demon King that the Council meetings, which usually took place once every few years or even decades, were held so often.

"Did Lucinil enroll in the Temple without any issues?"


Lucinil nodded with a smile at Luruien's question. Lucinil had just finished class at the Temple and attended the Council meeting immediately via teleportation.

"Even though it's necessary, isn't it inconvenient? It must be difficult."

"Why is this such a hardship? I'm living surrounded by cute and lovely creatures!"

"...You know, Lucinil? Sometimes I find you even more difficult to understand than Antirianus."

"I pity your dry sensibility, unable to appreciate cuteness."

"Enough with the words."

In terms of causing mischief, Lucinil was as much a partner in crime as Antirianus. Of course, it was true that Lucinil had entered the temple in accordance with the agreement that close protection was needed, but when such a task was necessary, Lucinil seemed quite pleased.

"Anyway, don't forget the original purpose of protection."

"I'll take care of it on my own, you monster."

"Coming from a monster that comes out from a few shakes of a flask, that’s absurd."

"Um, that... that kind of talk really hurts, you know?"

"You're the one who called me a monster first."

"Right... Sorry..."

As Lucinil frowned, Gallarush folded his arms.

"I also went too far. I apologize."

Living too long, they had learned to apologize quickly when they grew tired of arguing with each other. As the atmosphere became awkward, Gallarush looked at Lucinil with a large toothy grin.

"Since you're providing close protection, you must be well aware of the current situation. Are there any special threats or problems? We're holding hands for now, but it's not like we don't know what the Black Order is scheming in the background..."

"Ah, right! Alsebringer!"

As if her sullen mood had vanished, Lucinil suddenly brightened and jumped up from her seat.

"Our Archdemon, you see! He was chosen by Alsebringer!"

She wore an expression like that of a mother whose child had just landed a job at a prestigious company.


Naturally, panic ensued at the Council. Even Antirianus was flustered, after all.

Tiamata and Alsebringer.

Valier possessed two relics.

In particular, Eleris listened to the story with wide eyes.

Valier had told Eleris that Ludwig would be the owner of Alsebringer.

This meant that either the prediction was wrong, or the future had changed.

Or, perhaps.

Valier could be lying.

"That kid, you know. He'll do something big if he does anything. It's getting to the point where it'd be strange if he didn't."

Being chosen by two relics meant that the gods' will was in harmony with this. However, they were those who knew the truth about the gods and the demons. Humans believed that the gods chose for the sake of humans, but the reality was different.

If the will of the gods existed, then the will of that god had chosen Valier.

"Perhaps the gods are finally taking the side of the demons."

With a faint smile, Luruien said as such. Though she spoke the words, her smile showed no particular interest in either humans or demons.

The relics had long stood with humans, so perhaps now they were siding with the demons.

Gallarush crossed his bulky arms and muttered.

"I don't believe in the will of the gods. But possessing two sacred relics... it feels like there's some grand flow at play, and the Demon King must be the main actor in that flow."

Eleris stared at the table, unable to erase the sadness in her eyes.

"In the end, the object that killed the father ends up in the son's hands."

Antirianus spoke with a grin, as if he found it amusing.

"In a manner of speaking... it seems so?"

Lucinil's expression turned to one of surprise, as if she hadn't thought of that perspective at all.

"No wonder, his expression was rather stiff."

Lucinil recalled Reinhardt's face, which had turned rigid upon receiving the Alsebringer.

She wondered why Reinhardt looked like that when he should be pleased, but upon thinking about it, Lucinil understood that the situation was one where he couldn't help but have such an expression.

Eleris continued to stare at the table with a stern expression.

'The Alsebringer... to him...'

Eleris silently watched the snowstorm blowing outside the window beyond the conference room.

She didn't know whether her foresight had been wrong or if she had been lied to from the beginning.

Valier was getting stronger.

Was he becoming stronger because he had to face trials that were approaching?

Or were trials arising simply because he was getting stronger?

Eleris couldn't tell.


"Special activities, you say?"

Teacher Sarvina sighed as she looked at the special activities application submitted by Olivia.

"Yes, ma'am."

"Olivia, it's true that extracurricular activities are recognized for upperclassmen, but you've already taken a year off, haven't you? Your goal this year should be to graduate..."

"I don't have anything more to learn, really."

Olivia Lanze's words weren't wrong. She had given up on her major altogether, changing it to swordsmanship for the sake of graduation. But for Olivia, who had incomparable divine power and swordsmanship skills compared to ordinary graduates, attending classes was nothing more than a waste of time.

Hence, she decided it would be better to gain experience through extracurricular activities that she couldn't obtain within the temple, and her words had a definite point rather than being arrogant.

"There may be cases where classes are recognized, but if it takes too long like last time, you may be forced to take another year off."

At Teacher Sarvina's words, Olivia smiled brightly.

"Then, that would be even better."

Teacher Sarvina couldn't understand her words but seemed unable to break Olivia's will.

However, upon seeing the destination and content written on the special activity application submitted by Olivia, Teacher Sarvina furrowed her brow.

"Well, it's not that dangerous of a place, and there's an investigation team from the Empire stationed there, so nothing major should happen... but why on earth do you want to go there?"

Olivia slightly lifted the corner of her mouth.

"I want to find traces of the Demon King."

Olivia's destination.

The Levaina capital, Rajeurn.

It was the place where the Demon King had attacked not long ago.

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