
"It's certainly no ordinary place."

Archduke Saint Owan muttered quietly as he walked across the fog-shrouded land.



A magical beast was struck by lightning sent by the surrounding mages before the Archduke could even lift a hand. The creature burst into flames and disappeared in a puff of ash.

At the moment, Archduke Saint Owan and his battalion of mages were deep within the Labyrinth Zone.

The moment they entered the labyrinth, it didn't merely begin - it had already started the instant they entered the area shrouded in thick fog.

The Archduke and his mages carefully advanced, exploring the area one step at a time.

"The concentration of mana in the air is irregular."

"Yes, I can sense that as well."

Though they could not see through the fog, the Archduke could feel the mana around them fluctuating.

Mana in the atmosphere was typically consistent, even if not entirely uniform. The constant change in mana signified that transformations were continuously occurring around them.

"The environment is changing in real-time as we move. The attacking magical beasts aren't actual creatures but variables created by this labyrinth."

The Archduke was no amateur mage.

Therefore, his approach to the labyrinth was several levels above that of other adventurers, who haphazardly charged forward while battling its monsters.

He didn't move carelessly.

This labyrinth couldn't be conquered by merely moving.

As the Archduke knew, this labyrinth was well-known throughout the continent.

It had reached a point where there was virtually no one in Darkland who hadn't heard of it.

Thus, countless adventurers were attracted to it like moths to a flame.

Some wandered for days before returning, having barely survived, while others never made it back.

Those who managed to escape the labyrinth with a few grimoires in hand struck gold.

Yet, the central government had never conquered the labyrinth, so the Archduke personally led an elite group to attempt the feat.

"Doesn't it feel like we've encountered too few people compared to the number of adventurers said to be in this labyrinth?"

"Yes, Your Highness."

Before entering the labyrinth, the Archduke had gathered information from those who had experienced it firsthand at a nearby base.

The labyrinth drew in a vast number of adventurers, but most of them managed to return unscathed.

It seemed as if the labyrinth wasn't designed for slaughter, but rather to exhaust and confuse people until they gave up and left. The magical beasts it produced were so trivial that the Archduke didn't even need to personally engage them.

Thus, the weary adventurers would rest and reenter the labyrinth, repeating the process in the hopes of someday reaching its depths.

The ability to retry continuously despite constant failure was the reason this labyrinth drew so many adventurers.

Though the odds were low, there was a chance to discover incredibly valuable grimoires, and the risk to one's life was comparatively low. It was no wonder adventurers couldn't resist the temptation.

And so, the archduke was aware of the fact that a vast number of adventurers wandered in this enormous region.

Due to this, if one were able to actually see the people within this labyrinth, they would undoubtedly encounter other adventurer parties.

However, during the several hours the archduke wandered, he had only come across one adventurer party thus far. Upon seeing the archduke and his companions, they were evidently frightened and hastily disappeared into the unknown.

"It seems like there's a dimensional overlap. It's not just one labyrinth, but perhaps dozens or even hundreds of labyrinths layered together. That's why we might not be able to encounter other people."

Though occupying the same space, the overlapping dimensions meant that everyone would enter different paths within the labyrinth. The archduke surmised that this phenomenon was the true nature of the labyrinth.

"The core of this labyrinth isn't what's important, but rather discovering what this labyrinth is could change the world."

The labyrinth itself was already akin to the main body.

Overlaying hundreds of dimensions onto a single space, the labyrinth also had a constantly changing environment. The archduke sensed the surrounding mana and made an educated guess about the true nature of the labyrinth before drawing his conclusion.

"From the beginning, this labyrinth has been designed to prevent us from reaching its core by altering the paths. Unless the master of the labyrinth guides us to the inner depths, we'll never be able to reach it."

With a constantly shifting labyrinth, there was no path that would lead to the exit. As one wandered, their sense of direction would be lost, and whether they walked here or there, they would ultimately wander aimlessly as the labyrinth master intended.

His followers waited for the archduke's judgment.

The Saint Owan family, with its long history.

Once a family of losers in a region due to their practice of magic, they came from humble beginnings as tanners.

Moreover, the Saint Owan family was known for never forgetting their roots.

While they held power and glory, they never lost sight of their roots as mages and continued to hone their magical arts generation after generation. The pinnacle of their magic was passed down to their successors.

Yet, they remained on the righteous path.

They never succumbed to the desire for power.

They always shunned evil and corrupt power, kept in mind that the pinnacle of their magical arts could never be achieved through such means, and distanced themselves from anything impure.

The Saint Owan family's high reputation came not only from their exceptional magical abilities but also from their purity of never getting close to the path of evil.

While the path of evil offered rapid progress, in the end, the only thing that could be achieved through it was the way of evil itself.

The archduke focused on the flow of mana around him.

The labyrinth was designed so that one would become lost the moment they entered. With each step taken, one would be drawn into the labyrinth's dozens or even hundreds of illusory dimensions.

Since it was impossible to find the exit within this labyrinth, there was only one way to enter the exit.

One must escape from the hundreds of overlapping illusory dimensions of the labyrinth and head toward the original dimension that truly exists.


The archduke sought the path.

Sensing the overlapping dimensions and, within those dimensions, a single path.

Only by carving a path back to the original dimension could they escape this labyrinth.

The task was not to find the living door within the labyrinth, nor to destroy the labyrinth itself.

Even for a seasoned magician, the work would take several months. The labyrinth was not only complex in its pathways, but also the calculations required to find the single living door were daunting.

It was as if the Grand Duke was trying to find the eye of a typhoon in the midst of a raging storm, cutting through the wind in real-time changing and generating dimensions.


Geniuses who would leave a mark in the history of magic were not born without reason.

Harriet de Saint-Owan was the Grand Duke's daughter.

"Here we go."

As such, it was only natural that the Grand Duke's abilities were incomparable to those of an ordinary magician.


As the Grand Duke waved his hand, a dimensional gate opened with a gaping void.

"Everyone, follow me."

The entourage followed the Grand Duke as he headed towards the exit.

Upon stepping through the gate, the Grand Duke looked around. He showed no sign of pride or satisfaction in having breached the labyrinth where countless adventurers and magicians wandered.

It was a matter-of-fact expression, having done something he was naturally capable of.

"Not much has changed."

Although they had breached the labyrinth, the surroundings were still shrouded in fog, and there wasn't much difference from where they had been walking.

"The flow of mana is stable."

"Yes, it seems we've reached the right place, even though it looks no different."

The flow of mana, which had been causing peculiar disturbances and changing the surrounding environment, had stabilized. The labyrinth could be considered a vast dimensional gate spread across the surrounding mountains. The moment one entered, they were trapped within a virtual dimension.

Therefore, the interior of the actual labyrinth was bound to be a peaceful area, devoid of any devices or mazes. Only dense fog prevailed.

With no paths to be lost upon, all that remained was to find the Lich's tomb, which was said to be hidden somewhere in the area. If the tomb was also sealed by a similar barrier, it would take considerable time, but the Grand Duke had already discovered the spell to break it.

"Keep in mind, we are not going to obtain the grimoires."

The Grand Duke spoke to his entourage as he walked slowly.

"An evil being will not research pure magic. We will destroy most of those grimoires. Those blinded by foolish desires should turn back; I will open the way."

"Your Grace, the grimoires we discover may hold considerable magical value."

"Yes, they surely will."

The Grand Duke was well aware of the value of the grimoires they had already discovered.

"Evil power can also be used to build good. It surely can."

The Grand Duke knew the value of power and understood that it depended on the will of the wielder rather than its essence.

"Yet, in a world where most do not build good with good power, what is the point of evil power?"

Even in a world where knights and priests commit evil as naturally as breathing, it is far too naive to expect that evil powers will have a positive influence on the world.

Evil forces are to be avoided at all costs.

That is the minimum standard of goodness that the Archduke believes in. It is also a teaching that has been passed down through the generations in the House of Saint Owan.

Magic is already a powerful force, and even stronger magic might bring harm to the world, according to the Archduke's judgment.

The Archduke is not going to the realm of magic to embrace the new vision and discoveries made by the liches but to destroy them.

How long had they been walking?

"Someone is here."


The Archduke saw the faint figure of someone through the fog.

Could it be the master of the labyrinth?

Or another visitor to the labyrinth, like himself?

The Archduke has confidence in his abilities but does not allow himself to be arrogant.

Since he managed to penetrate the labyrinth, it is possible that someone else has done the same. Hence, someone might be ahead of him, having already broken through the labyrinth.

"Do not be afraid. I have no intention of hostility."

Before taking action, the Archduke revealed his intentions. If the other party attacked, he would have to retaliate, but there was no need to shed blood needlessly.

It was clear that the other party was no ordinary being since they were present in the area equivalent to the exit of the labyrinth, which could never be reached.

Upon hearing the voice from behind, the figure turned its head.


In the silence, a woman with a cold expression and long black hair gazed at the Archduke, her head turned to face him.

She wore simple clothing and a cloak. She was unarmed, and her skin was pale.

"I did not expect a guest."

The woman spoke quietly in a monotonous and cold tone. Neither hostility nor friendliness could be sensed from her calm gaze. Although she was undoubtedly skilled enough to navigate the labyrinth, the Archduke found it difficult to ascertain her identity.

"Did you come here to find the dungeon, milady?"

"In a manner of speaking, yes."

The woman slightly bowed her head as if in greeting and replied.

"Under normal circumstances, I would just pass by, but considering the situation and the location, I must ask. I am Raphael de Saint Owan of the Saint Owan Duchy. May I inquire as to who you are and where you are from?"

The woman tilted her head slightly and stared at the Archduke.

Her expression showed no fear or curiosity about the many wizards behind the Archduke or his presence.


The woman, who bore the name of the moon, quietly spoke.

"I am Luna of Rezaira."

The Archduke did not recognize the name of the village.

"I apologize for my ignorance, as I am unfamiliar with the name of the place."

"It is only natural that you would not know, as it is a small village deep within a secluded mountain valley."

The woman from the secluded mountain valley had penetrated the labyrinth before the Archduke, who was well-versed in magic even among the great wizards.

No one in the Archduke's entourage believed the woman's introduction as a simple country woman. However, she merely stared at the Archduke, giving no further explanation.

Neither hostility nor friendliness could be sensed from her calm gaze.

The duke couldn't tell if she was a foe or an ally, but either way, he was reluctant to let her go ahead or to pass her by.

She appeared to be a young woman, but the duke couldn't determine her true age. Those who had mastered the circulation of magical power often had appearances that did not match their age, such as the leader of Shanafel, Saviolin Turner.

She did not seem to be the master of a dungeon or labyrinth.

However, if she had arrived to secure the grimoire, a battle would be inevitable.

The duke tensed up and spoke.

"Since we cannot know each other's intentions, let me say in advance that I intend to destroy the dungeon and burn the grimoire. What do you plan to do?"

"I have no business with the grimoire, so if your mission is as you say, we will not conflict with each other."

Why would she be in this place, having entered an area famous for the grimoire, yet showing no interest in it? Although he couldn't trust the extraordinary stranger at first sight, there seemed to be no apparent will to exchange hostilities.

"Since our paths are the same, how about we travel together?"

"If it is fine with you, Your Grace, I would be happy to."

The woman, who had been expressionless, showed a faint smile at the duke's proposal.

Although he couldn't be certain, the duke had a peculiar feeling that this woman would not become his enemy. However, relying on such intuition was not in his nature.

As he was about to move forward with Luna, the woman who introduced herself, paying close attention to her presence -

"Oh dear, I didn't expect to have company already."

A young man appeared through the fog from the side of the forest.

Another person in addition to the woman.

The duke furrowed his brow at the presence of more individuals who had breached the labyrinth.

The woman stared at the newly appeared man, her attitude not much different from when she had faced the duke, seemingly more observant than taken aback.

The man showed a slightly off-kilter smile and scratched the back of his head.

"Given the situation, I'll get straight to the point. We all seem to be formidable individuals, and fighting now wouldn't be beneficial for anyone. So, how about we clear the path first and discuss the details later?"

The man who appeared out of nowhere got to the point immediately.

While the woman showed no interest in the grimoire, the man didn't hide that his goal was the dungeon's grimoire.

There was no doubt about their abilities since they had penetrated the labyrinth.

Fighting now would only benefit the other party, so the suggestion was to clear the path first and then target each other's throats.

A woman with an unknown intention.

A man with an excessively obvious intention.

After a moment of contemplation, the duke nodded.

"Let it be so."

Regardless of the outcome, the duke agreed that dividing forces before revealing the true nature of the dungeon would be a disservice to each other.

"Raphael de Saint-Owan."

Upon the duke's introduction, the man smiled.

"My name is Roswin."

This too was a name the duke had never heard before.

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