"Something must be going on."

At Lydia's question, Eleris nodded her head.

Though Lydia couldn't attend the meeting, she could sense from Eleris's expression that something unusual was happening.

"Yes, there's an important matter. And there's a high chance it'll be a dangerous one."

Eleris lived a quiet life in the ancient snowy castle, but she was ultimately part of the force plunging the world into chaos. Thus, it was natural for her to be involved in dangerous situations. Lydia silently watched Eleris prepare to leave.

"I'll be away for a few days. There's enough food, but can you manage to eat well by yourself?"

"Huh? Oh... Of course. Don't worry about me."

Somehow, Lydia felt a bitter sweetness seeing Eleris, who was about to undertake a dangerous task, worry about leaving her behind.

When Eleris said she was going to face danger, she seemed to be preparing as if she were going on a casual stroll. It was no different from when she went out to buy groceries.

"I'll be back soon."

"Ah, yes..."

Lydia nodded in response to Eleris's brief farewell.

Eleris left the room.

Lydia didn't know exactly what Eleris was going to do, but she quietly watched her retreating figure.

She wanted to say something.

"…Stay safe."


Surprised by the words that came from behind her, Eleris turned to look at Lydia.

Stay safe.

It was a simple phrase, but not something that would usually be exchanged between Lydia and Eleris. It showed how much Lydia had opened her heart to Eleris, and how worried she was.

"I will. I'll come back safely."

Eleris flashed a faint smile and bid Lydia farewell once more.

Lydia Schmitt silently watched the door Eleris had gone through.

What would it feel like to become a real family with Eleris?

Bound by blood.

If that happened, would she feel even warmer and safer than she did now?

Lydia Schmitt decided that when Eleris returned, she would earnestly ask to become her family.

Lydia had a hunch that Eleris would refuse, but she wanted to try nonetheless.


Sunday, early morning.

Harriet and I headed to the palace.

I couldn't know how the council meeting would proceed or what decision the Black Order would make.

It would be best if our faction could capture the wizard of Cantus Magna, but if the imperial army succeeded, I would have to create a situation where I could interrogate them.

The worst-case scenario would be Cantus Magna's annihilation or letting them slip away.

Harriet seemed to have made her own preparations, carrying a scroll book. She appeared to have put a lot of effort into it.

After all, Harriet and I were just attendants, and the imperial army was in charge of the actual work. Bertus lured me into joining by promising an achievement, and Harriet's situation wasn't much different.

If the situation ever called for us to step forward, it would mean that things had already reached a point of no return.

There were no ceremonies or blessings for our departure.

The empire quickly gathered its elite forces at the imperial palace, and we set out to secure the Tomb of the Lich, while searching for the likely-headed Roswin.

Considering the murder that had occurred within the palace and Roswin's successful escape, he was a high-priority criminal to apprehend.

It didn't matter if Roswin wasn't there. It would be enough to confirm whether the rumored Archlich actually existed in the Tomb of the Lich.

If we couldn't find Roswin in the Tomb of the Lich, we would simply have to track him down using a different method.

The empire seemed to be considering whether Roswin might be connected to the Demon King.

The garden in front of the Imperial Palace Tetra.

Of course, neither Bertus nor the Emperor were present.

Saviolin Turner, the commander of the Shanafel, was present as the person responsible for the mission.

There were also about thirty knights of the Shanafel and about thirty mages from the Royal Mage Corps.

Scottla Kelton, whom we had encountered in Rajeurn last time, was also present.

All of these individuals were at the pinnacle of those considered superhuman.

Saviolin Turner looked at me and Harriet.

"Both of you, don't push yourselves too hard."

As if they had anticipated this, the mages and knights began to walk with Harriet and me at the center. We moved through the Warp Gate and then used Mass Teleport to immediately arrive at the scene in Darkland.

Saviolin Turner led the troops from the very front.

Things might not go as planned, but everything would be alright.

Everything had to turn out well.

A nervous Harriet grabbed my hand.


But realizing that she had grabbed my hand out of her own fear, Harriet looked up at me, flustered.

It couldn't be helped.

I was the one sweating cold beads of sweat even more than her.

Harriet, scared and holding my hand, tightened her grip upon realizing that I was even more nervous.

As if she wanted to help me in any way possible, despite not being alright herself.


At that moment.

"Are you ready?"


Ellen and Charlotte had stepped out of the temple.

Despite it being the peak of spring, both of them were dressed in very thick clothing.

It was only natural, considering that their destination was the polar region.

The two were planning to head to the fortress Epiaux today.

Charlotte, having been in the palace, was aware of the events that had transpired yesterday and what the empire was attempting to do now. She also knew that Reinhardt was heading to the Tomb of the Lich.

Nothing about Reinhardt was certain yet.

The suspicions about him were ultimately trivial: he had visited Elena's shop with a female student from the temple.

That's why Charlotte had taken no action.

She wouldn't be sure of anything until something was confirmed.

"Something strange seems to be happening."

"Is it because of the incident yesterday?"


From the royal palace murder case to the elite forces heading toward the Tomb of the Lich. And along with them, Reinhardt and Harriet de Saint-Owan join the journey.

Charlotte didn't tell Ellen about it.

"Let's focus on our task. Depending on the situation, what we're doing might be more important than their mission."


The actions of Ellen and Charlotte could potentially determine the fate of the empire.

Both of them hope that their task is of no importance.

"We need to check if the statue you mentioned in Epiaux is really there. We can think about the rest later."


At present, all magicians capable of using teleportation were engaged elsewhere. And Charlotte didn't want to bring anyone other than Ellen for this task.

Charlotte handed Ellen a scrollbook, identical to the one she was carrying.

"We'll take the gate to the northernmost part of the continent. From there, we'll use the teleportation scroll to enter. We'll return the same way."


Even though she had lost the competition, the First Princess was still the First Princess. Teleportation, a high-level magic, could easily be used through scrolls.

"Let's go."

The two hoped that their actions would amount to nothing more than a futile endeavor.

With that desperate hope, Ellen and Charlotte headed toward the warp gate.


The two arrived at the northernmost part of the continent in no time.

After all, both Ellen and Charlotte had free access to the warp gates.

They used the teleportation scrolls to travel to the fortress of Epiaux, where no warp gate had been installed.


"Ugh... The weather is..."

At the entrance to the fortress, snow had piled up to knee height. The already accumulated snow had frozen solid at the ground level.

During their last group mission, Harriet had suggested touring the fortress, so Ellen and Reinhardt had explored Epiaux.

They knew it was a place haunted by wandering spirits, and within a space resembling a pantheon, there were seven statues.

Crunch, crunch

The two walked across the snow-covered ground.

"But what did you mean by that woman being a dragon?"

"She said she was a dragon. She was also hiding her true power."

"… And you believed that?"

Charlotte glanced at Ellen, as if asking if she believed such nonsense while trudging through the deep snow.

"At the time, I didn't believe her. But after seeing the statues here, I thought this place might have been a gathering spot for dragons long ago. It's quite a coincidence."

"Anyway, if the magician you met in Darkland is Elena…"

Charlotte bit her lip, unable to continue.

If Elena and Rellia were the same person, then Reinhardt would be extremely suspicious.

The empire didn't know what kind of fortress Epiaux was. They had merely managed it like an ancient historical site for a long time.

However, if the statue here truly resembled Elena, then things could take a different turn.

What on earth was the purpose of this fortress?

It was clear that the place was related to the Demon King, but how it was connected was unknown. So, to verify it with her own eyes, Charlotte had come to the Epiax.


Tuk tuk

After entering the castle, Ellen and Charlotte dusted off their snow-covered clothes. Just as the wind blew outside, the cold air circulated within the fortress as well.

Ellen seemed to have just remembered something and asked Charlotte.

"Afraid of ghosts?"


As if to ask what she meant, Charlotte cocked her head.

"Ghosts appear here."


Charlotte furrowed her brow at the unexpected statement.

"They're not strong enough to do any harm, but ghosts have been wandering around. You know..."


Just as Ellen was about to finish speaking, they saw a flash of light from one side of the dark fortress hallway.

It wasn't a natural phenomenon.

Ellen and Charlotte's expressions hardened.

It wasn't just that one time.

Flash! Flash!

Something like a divine light flashed throughout the hallways, emanating a white radiance.

“Sigh, just when Eleris left, it got tangled again…”

Someone's voice.

Ellen and Charlotte soon saw a figure emerging from the end of the hallway.

Naturally, they made eye contact.


An unfamiliar woman with black hair was standing there.

The place where a statue resembling Elena was located.

Reinhardt had visited Elena's shop with the black-haired woman.

And now, the black-haired woman appeared before them.

Charlotte could not remember her.

However, Ellen had a good memory. She had watched the tournament more closely since she was a combat major.

She could clearly recognize the face from her memory.

Ellen was able to recall her as a participant in the Unrestricted Class Tournament.

6th year, Lydia Schmitt.

Olivia Lanze, who had forfeited the tournament finals.

Reinhardt, who had visited Elena's shop with the black-haired woman.

The Holy Knight lineage.

The nameless monastery.

Olivia Lanze.


The Demon King's raid.


Reinhardt, who seemed to know everything that night.

And then.

And then...

At some point.

He had called himself the Demon King.

Reinhardt's playful confession.

Various puzzle pieces began to fit together in Ellen's mind.

"...How? You two?"

Lydia Schmitt may not have known Ellen, but she recognized the face of the 1st Princess, Charlotte.

Two people who shouldn't have been there appeared in the council.

"Senior, let's talk."

Ellen slowly approached Lydia Schmitt.

With a stern expression, Lydia Schmitt slowly began to back away.

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