The chains that bound the Demon King were no ordinary chains.

These chains, designed to restrain powerful criminals or magic beasts, blocked all magic attempts made by the captive.

Casting spells.

Magic Body Strengthening.

Or using artifacts.

Hence, the Demon King could not use any type of power except for physical strength or uncontrollable Supernatural abilities.

And of course, the numerous knights and wizards stationed within the prison would not idly watch the Demon King's escape.

In case of an emergency, using Supernatural tricks.

To prepare for that situation and listen to the testimonies, Bertus was doing what he had to do.

-Crackling! Sizzling!

"Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! Uuuugh!"

Bertus watched as Reinhardt writhed in pain alongside Saviolin Turner.

Already for about three hours.

With bloodshot eyes, Reinhardt endured the magic without passing out, his entire body trembling.

-Clank! Clank!

-Uuuh! Ugh! Ugh!

Behind him, a white-haired woman with disheveled hair was also writhing.

Although she was not subjected to any magic, she wept as if Reinhardt's pain was her own.

Reinhardt writhed in agony, and the white-haired woman felt his pain as her own, crying like a beast.

How much time had passed?

Bertus watched as Reinhardt's pain ended and his body relaxed.

The archmage of the Royal Magic Corps, who had cast numerous spells up to now, lowered his head.

It was a pointless torture so far.

"None of the mental magic is working."

"…Is that so?"

"It feels like a massive barrier… as if protected by a divine force... Ah, I misspoke. I apologize, Your Highness."

"He is said to be chosen by a god. It's not a lie."

Now that they knew the Demon King had the power of Word Magic, they couldn't haphazardly remove his gag. They wanted to completely break his mind and brainwash him to get information, but the Demon King's mind was sturdy.

As if protected by a colossal force, there was no way to invade or even find a small gap in the Demon King's mind.

"Then ask the one over there."

Bertus pointed to the opposite iron bars.

Following his order, the door to the cell across the iron bars was opened, and Turner personally removed the gag from Loyar's mouth.

Turner found it painful to see the traces of her desperate crying.

"What is Akasha?"

"…I don't know."

"Too obvious an answer."

"…I don't know. I don't."

Loyar had hidden away during the Full Moon Night. As such, she hadn't gone to the Tomb of the Lich and knew even less about Akasha than the Empire did.

"Let's test whether her mind is as sturdy. Begin."

"Yes, Your Highness."

The mental magic inflicted upon Reinhardt now began to affect Loyar.

-Crackling! Sizzling!

"Kkkuuuuh… Uuuuuugh!"

Loyar's supernatural strength had long surpassed the level of ordinary criminals.

But the one touching her mind now wasn't a common torturer or heretic inquisitor found anywhere.

It was an archmage who had specialized in mental magic, among the best of the best human magicians.

A venerable archmage who would have no reason to deal with such vulgar tasks as directly torturing someone's mind. In other words, an existence so proficient in mental magic that they had no reason to engage in such matters for the sake of insignificant clinical data.

Loyar's mind could not be safe from that touch.

"Ugh, ugh... ugh..."

Her mind completely shattered, drooling saliva from the corner of her mouth, the white-haired woman stood devoid of any presence, as Bertus inquired.

"What is Akasha?"

"An artifact... that collects... infinite... magic..."

Finally, Loyar spits out the truth she knows.

"Collecting magic? I heard it can grant you power like that of a god?"

"I don't know... I... don't know more than that..."

Another keyword: collecting magic.

In her broken state, it was unlikely she would lie.

This woman clearly knew nothing about Akasha.

In the end, Bertus had to remove Reinhardt's gag and make him speak.

Bertus looked past the broken white-haired woman and towards the back.


While Loyar was subjected to mental torture, Reinhardt had not uttered a word.

But Bertus couldn't help but be surprised when he saw Reinhardt.

Like Loyar, who had wept at the sight of her lord's agony, Reinhardt was also crying with the gag clenched in his teeth.

His tears were red.

Pain, anger, sorrow, and despair beyond what ordinary tears could express.

And that despair flowed down the Demon King's cheeks.

Seeing Reinhardt's tears of blood, Bertus felt an intense, unknown fear.

The white-haired woman does not know what Akasha is.

In that case, they must ask Reinhardt.

Bertus stood in front of Reinhardt again, leaving the unconscious white-haired woman behind.

He stared intently at the traces of tears of blood running from the Demon King's eyes to his cheeks.

What is Akasha?

A simple question, but the unknown power of the Word Magic was a significant obstacle.

"He'll starve to death before we find anything out at this rate."

With the gag in place to block the use of the Word Magic, they couldn't provide him with water or food.

They couldn't kill the Demon King before finding out what Akasha was.

But at this rate, the Demon King would die of dehydration or starvation before they could learn anything. Yet, they couldn't simply let him speak, as he might try something with his Word Magic.

Word Magic is a supernatural power.

Thus, magic could not counteract or block them.

Word Magic.

Supernatural powers.

A countermeasure.


In Bertus' mind, the name of the person most needed in this situation surfaced.

An immunity bearer.

Scarlett would not be affected by Reinhardt's Word Magic.

Then, whatever happens, Scarlett could intervene.

Royal Class, 2nd-year B-3, Scarlett had been feeling that the atmosphere at the temple was uneasy lately.

Of course, she hadn't sensed any specific incident. The battle in the Darkland and stories about the capture of the Demon King were being kept top secret, so it wasn't a situation where rumors could spread.

However, the sight of many more imperial knights and mages than usual roaming the temple and the extremely gloomy atmosphere were enough to make her feel that something ominous was lurking.

And above all, the atmosphere in the Royal Class.

Charlotte had not attended classes and was not even at the temple, apparently dealing with some serious matter.

Bertus hadn't attended classes either, but she couldn't know about the A-Class.

However, without knowing the details, she could only think that the atmosphere was unusual lately.

"......Yes? What?"

So, when Bertus called Scarlett and told her the story, she couldn't help but ask.

The explanation was lengthy and verbose, but the conclusion was simple.

The Demon King was captured.

And it was Reinhardt.

Scarlett was taken aback by the unbelievable words from Bertus, with whom she had little connection.

Is he trying to play a joke on me? Why? For what reason?

However, Scarlett could not find a hint of jest in Bertus's expression.

Bertus always had a subtle smile on his face, and though his true intentions were unclear, he was kind and gentle to all his classmates.

But now, with a serious and stern expression, it was impossible to accuse him of playing a prank.

"The important thing is that Reinhardt possesses a mysterious superpower called 'Word Magic,' which makes it difficult to conduct proper interrogations. That's why your help is needed."


Scarlett couldn't understand what Bertus was talking about.

However, she could at least grasp that her immunity, a mysterious superpower similar to the Word Spirit, was needed in this situation.

Reinhardt is the Demon King.

He needs her help.

Not understanding what he meant, Scarlett nervously nodded her head.

"Yes... If there's something I need to do... I'll do it..."

Although Bertus didn't explicitly say it, Scarlett understood that she shouldn't tell anyone about this.

Bertus didn't tell Scarlett more than was necessary.

Reinhardt is the Demon King.

He uses a peculiar superpower called Word Spirit, so if he tries to deceive her with it during the interrogation, she must kill him.

It was a simple and intuitive order.

Scarlett arrived at a building within the heavily guarded temple.

Many knights and mages were stationed around, and it was impossible to casually enter the vicinity of the building, as a wide area was off-limits.

Reinhardt is the Demon King.

While receiving the favor of Alsbringer, Scarlett admired Reinhardt, even feeling a sense of awe towards him. But she couldn't believe that he was the Demon King.

As Bertus led her into the heavily guarded underground of the building, Scarlett felt as if she was floating.

What was happening?

Was it alright for her to be involved in this?

What was happening to the world?

Biting her lip to stave off the fear, Scarlett soon arrived at the dungeon deep underground.

Scarlett didn't know if the temple originally had a dungeon or if it was a hastily constructed building.

The underground space wasn't very large.

However, all the knights and mages present were silently guarding their posts, including the squad leader, Saviolin Turner of the Shanafel.

Each of them, who could be called one of the strongest humans, seemed determined not to allow any intruders.

Yet they all remained silent.

In that suffocating atmosphere, Bertus handed Scarlett some prepared water and food.

He couldn't just let him starve, so he needed to be fed.

Scarlett took it, trembling.

Reinhardt was here.

Reinhardt, who had been revealed to be the Demon King.

With a container of water and bread in hand, Scarlett slowly walked down the dimly lit corridor with Bertus.

In the middle of the dark corridor.

There were iron-barred cells and dungeons on both sides.

Scarlett could see two beings bound by chains that were undoubtedly magically reinforced.

A woman with disheveled white hair, slumped and weakened.

And Reinhardt.

They couldn't be considered close.

Despite his rough demeanor, she had always admired the way he never yielded to pressure and persevered with his will.

She had always admired that figure.

However, that being now lay in a pitiful state, shackled and awaiting judgment in the underground of the temple.

"Are you the Demon King?"


"How come?"

With a feeling akin to facing a bizarre tragedy, Scarlett watched as Saviolin Turner, her face stern, unlocked the iron bars.

The miserable Reinhardt did not say a word as he looked at Scarlett.

As if he knew she was coming.

What could the bloodstains on his cheek mean?

Had he been severely tortured?


Scarlett's fingertips trembled as she removed his gag.

Unable to understand how the Demon King who troubled the world and the pitiful, wretched figure of Reinhardt before her could be the same being, Scarlett was at a loss.


The gag that had been in Reinhardt's mouth fell to the ground, lifeless.

Bertus asked,

"What is Akasha?"

At Bertus's question, Reinhardt opened his mouth as if he had been waiting.

"Akasha is... a tool of creation."

"Originally belonging to Cantus Magna, at some point Darkland came into possession of it."

"In the past, the Demon King Valier used Akasha to create a new world and planned to migrate there with the demons."

"Akasha exists in the labyrinth beneath the Demon King's castle."

"But now it must have been moved. You won't be able to find it, and I don't even know where Akasha is anymore."

"I lost all memories of living in the demon realm."

"So, I didn't know I had Akasha until now."

"You must be curious what I want?"

"I wanted... peace... peace... hahaha... hahaha..."

"I wished for... a peaceful world... ha, haha... really..."

"I... don't hate humans..."

"I wanted to... save all of you... truly..."

"It may be hard to believe... but please trust me..."

"Please... help..."

Reinhardt spoke with a faint, hollow smile.

Saying everything.

Yet, as if he knew that no one would believe him.

Unable to stop the emerging laughter.

Spilling out the truth about everything.

"If you won't believe me... you must release me quickly."

Reinhardt lifted his head with difficulty.

"Otherwise, Akasha may be used to destroy the world."

The Demon King, his eyes bloodshot, looked at Bertus.

"If you won't even do that, at least give me a public execution."

Like a madman.

"Before the situation gets worse."

Scarlett could only stare blankly at the Demon King, submerged in sorrow, letting out a low laugh.

"Ha, haha... hahaha... hahahaha..."

Reinhardt neither drank water nor ate bread.

Bertus furrowed his brow as he looked at Reinhardt.


Bertus said so, looking down at Reinhardt, who had lowered his head after speaking.

"If you already had Akasha, why didn't you use it? Then what was the incident at Lich's tomb all about?"


"You lost your memory? So you didn't know? What kind of convenient lie is that? Are you trying to make a fool of me, Reinhardt?"


"Now that things have come to this, has that well-functioning brain of yours stopped working? Now you're resorting to lies that don't even fit... not worth worrying about..."


"Let's say Akasha is indeed the tool of creation. And let's say your father, whom you don't even want to believe, tried to use Akasha to lead the demons and migrate to the demon world. And you, for the sake of peace. Huh? Let's say that was the case. Then, what have you done to Charlotte... my sister. My sister, what was that all about? What is it?"



"You've done too many things that I can't accept for someone who claims to have wanted peace. Don't you think so?"

Reinhardt, who had been kicked in the solar plexus, gasped for breath.

Bertus's words were not logically incorrect.

Why hadn't he used the Akasha, which he already possessed? Was there another truth to what had happened at the Lich's tomb?

If the library under the Demon King's castle was the Akasha, why had he left it alone until now?

And what had been the purpose of deceiving Charlotte all this time? Wasn't it an act to swallow up the empire? But in reality, he wanted peace?

He claimed to have lost his memory.

And therefore, he knew nothing.

It could only be a lie, not even worth laughing at.

Now, claiming that Akasha was actually in his hands, and that he should be released before it was used for destruction, was nothing more than a desperate excuse.

"And, you know about the power cartridges and Moonshine that you ordered to be made in the Magic Research Department, right?"

"Ah... right, there was that too..."

Upon hearing those words, Reinhardt seemed to remember and smiled.

"I investigated the things you've done in the temple, thinking they were all tricks, but they were already made, weren't they? And you tried to hide the results while using the excuse of the existence of the Demon King."

"Yeah... that's right..."



Scarlett, terrified, looked at Reinhardt, who was laughing frivolously.

"You must be using them somewhere to grow your army, right? Aren't you?"

"No... not at all... that's not it..."

"Really? Then what excuse do you have for that matter?"

With a cold expression, Bertus grabbed Reinhardt's hair and forcibly lifted his head to meet his eyes.

"I wish you'd think a little more before lying this time."

The dead-eyed Demon King met the Emperor's furious gaze.

"I... actually... know the future?"


With his pale, dried, cracked lips trembling.

Reinhardt spoke amidst a mix of despair, self-mockery, and sorrowful laughter.

"In the future... that is... the moment the first semester starts next year... a disaster called the Gate Incident is scheduled to happen... and then... about half of humanity, no, even more... will die...?"

"I... tried to prevent that incident..."

"But I don't know why it happens... why... even I don't know... but I do know that it will happen..."

"Even if I suddenly say something like that... who would believe it... so I searched for a reason on my own... a dimensional gate connecting to another world... maybe someone who knows such magic is the cause... or maybe I can do something if I go to the other world first... so I've been doing various things... that's why I had Harriet research dimensional magic... that's why..."

"The power cartridges and Moonshine were... because if I couldn't solve it... I'd have to fight... I wanted to create the things that they'll make in the future... to increase our strength in advance... that was the idea..."

"But once they were created, it seemed like Cantus Magna would target them... at that time, I assumed that Cantus Magna had the Akasha... Cantus Magna... so the Gold Hunters are a group that moves with magic as their objective..."


Finally unable to bear listening any longer, Bertus slapped Reinhardt's cheek.

"Instead of lying, you're writing a novel now, huh? Claiming to know the future?"

"Heh, hehe... hehehehehehe how, how did... how did you know?"

Reinhardt let out a wail that was almost a laugh, staring wide-eyed at Bertus.

"This is all a novel. In fact... this world. A novel I wrote. Why do I know the future? Because I created... created this world... I am... like the creator... He... hehe... hehehe... But... I don't know everything, only a tiny bit... like a pathetic... creator... That's me... he... hehehe..."

"You damned bastard...!"

Bertus's eyes rolled back in anger, as he roughly yanked the sword that Scarlett had been carrying.


"Your Majesty!"

"Yo... Your Highness!"

"Let go! How much further will this... this madman...!"

As Bertus was about to swing the sword, Turner desperately held him back, and Scarlett's face went pale.

"Let go! Let me go! Is this bastard still playing games?!"

"Your Majesty! You can't! Not yet, it's not the right time!"

Despite seeing Bertus lose his rationality in rage, Reinhardt continued to laugh like a madman.

"It's the truth... What can you do... about the truth... What can you do... he, hehe... hehe..."

The Devil King laughed like a madman.

"So... you can't believe or accept what I said... so... so..."

The expression on the Devil King's face, who had been laughing like a madman, vanished.

"Kill me before it's too late."

Filled with terror, Scarlett could only watch the scene unfold.

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