Only four people among the current second-year students at the Temple knew that Reinhardt was the Demon King.

Bertus, Charlotte, Ellen, and Harriet.

A strict gag order had been issued, and everyone knew that it wasn't a good idea to spread the news. So far, the story had not spread.

However, everyone found it strange that they hadn't seen Reinhardt at all for the past few days.

Both Ellen and Harriet remained evasive when asked about Reinhardt's whereabouts.

For the past few days, Ellen hadn't attended any of her classes.

Instead, she had holed up in the Royal Class dormitory, doing nothing.

At that moment, Ellen sat in a corner of the training hall, leaning against the wall and staring blankly.

She had become a Swordmaster.

It was a miraculous feat, as she had become the youngest Swordmaster in history.

Ellen Artorius' name would go down in history.


But what did it matter?

Ellen sat in the farthest corner of the training hall, her head buried between her knees.

She gained power.

And the truth.

She lost Reinhardt, her only one.

But to Ellen, it felt as if she had lost everything.

When she had heard Charlotte's story about searching for traces of the Demon King, Ellen hadn't actually expected to find him.

She had just wanted to grasp at straws.

But in just two days, they had discovered the true identity of the Demon King.

The truth she had wanted to know turned out to be the worst truth imaginable, and it now stood before Ellen's eyes.

What had all the time they spent together been for? From the beginning until now, what had the time she spent with Reinhardt meant?

What did Reinhardt think of her?

Her brother had killed the Demon King.

It made no sense for him to like her, his sister.

After getting close to him, Ellen confessed to Reinhardt that she was the sister of Ragan Artorius.

What had Reinhardt thought at that time?

Considering his reaction back then, which hadn't seemed too surprised, perhaps Reinhardt had known everything all along.

But Ellen couldn't find the answer, no matter how hard she thought about it.

Since Ellen had played a crucial role in tracking down the Demon King, she could see Reinhardt if she wanted to.

But she felt that she would be unable to say anything if she were to face Reinhardt, now that she knew he was the Demon King.

Reinhardt's plan to marry Charlotte wasn't a choice, it was a means to gain control of the empire.

Creating the magical research department through Harriet was for strengthening his own army with the items they produced.

So what about her?

What did Reinhardt want from her?

If his goal was to make her feel this sense of betrayal and despair, then Reinhardt had succeeded.

The man she loved was the son of the Demon King who was killed by her brother.

The Demon King's son had approached her knowing this fact.

Had this been Reinhardt's idea of revenge?

She thought he had liked her.

She had thought that he would like her.

But in reality, had he hated her more than anyone else?

Because she was the sister of the man who had killed his father, had he wanted to torment her cruelly?

For the betrayal, deprivation, and despair that he would eventually make her feel?

Had he spent so much time with her and made her deluded, all because of his hatred?

How much hatred would it take for such a thing to be possible?

Ellen hadn't considered the possibility that Reinhardt wouldn’t hate her, and she hadn't felt any sign of it.

The Demon King was dead, and Darkland

The Demon King had died, and Darkland had been destroyed.

Having lost everything, the Demon King, whose own world had been destroyed, had no reason to like the empire or humanity, let alone herself.

Reinhardt had never liked her from the beginning, not even once.

That's what she thought.

That's what she thought...


It seemed like a lie.

There were countless moments and times when Reinhardt seemed to like her, and if she hadn't, they wouldn't have existed as evidence.

It seemed like Reinhardt had liked her.

As much as she liked Reinhardt, if not more.

It seemed like Reinhardt had liked her too.

There's no way the expressions, the words they'd shared so far, and the memories they'd spent together could be lies. There's no way he could feign such feelings and words.

That's what she thought.

Reality, however, was filled with more reasons for Reinhardt to hate her than to like her.

"Ugh... sob..."

With her face buried in her knees, Ellen sobbed.

Reinhardt would hate humanity.

Reinhardt would hate the empire.

And the hero who delivered the decisive blow to the collapse of Darkland.

Reinhardt would hate Ragan Artorius.

So, it's only natural that he would hate and detest herself, a member of that same bloodline.

All the moments that seemed so real up until now, even now doubting them was impossible, and thus, they must have been lies.

Reinhardt hates me.

Then why didn't he kill me?

There must have been plenty of moments when he could have killed her, as he was becoming too powerful.

Without using his own hands, there must have been plenty of ways to deal with her.

Why did he keep me alive until now?

Why has he been watching over me until now?

Could it be because he wanted to plunge me into despair rather than kill me?

Because death is too easy and simple.

Was it to make me feel the betrayal of losing everything and being betrayed by the one I loved the most?


For a very long time, Ellen had been seriously teaching Reinhardt the art of swordsmanship.

Although Reinhardt had made efforts himself, Ellen's help had been instrumental in reaching his current level.

Ellen had taught the Demon King swordsmanship directly.

She had been used all this time.

Not knowing he was her enemy, she had taught him diligently.

Was it necessary for her to be the one teaching swordsmanship?

She didn't know.

Ellen couldn't know Reinhardt's heart, the Demon King's thoughts.


All Ellen could do was cry.

Because she had caught the Demon King's tail.

Just like her brother had captured the Demon King.

She too had captured the Demon King.

They would become famous as the Hero siblings, and their names would go down in history because of it.

But everything had come to an end.

And so,

There was nothing Ellen could do but cry.


Suddenly, Ellen heard a noise and raised her head.

She hadn't called for it with her mind, but something was floating in the air in front of her.


What was floating before her eyes was the Sword of the Moon God, Lament, which had been summoned without being called.

Lament had been summoned, but it wasn't displaying its usual appearance.

The sword aura of the divine sword Lament, which had an eerie presence as if it had cut the moon itself, was different from usual.

Lament's sword aura was tainted with darkness.

No, it wasn't darkness.

Ellen could see the twinkling lights shining within the blackened sword aura of Lament.

It wasn't darkness

As if a piece of the night sky had been cut out, the blade of Lament projected the darkness above.

A fragment of the night or the emptiness of space.

Such was the image reflected on Lament's blade.

"What... is this?"

Ellen held Lament, floating aimlessly in the air.

In the pitch-black blade, the flickering stars, the universe, and fragments of galaxies were clearly projected.

The condition of Lament was tears.

Then, sorrow.

Lament reacted to Ellen's sorrow.

The true power of Lament, a divine relic of the God of Moon Mencis.

A fragment of the night, in the form of a sword.

Ellen stared blankly at the Void Sword Lament.

Ellen and Charlotte were both in shock, unable to recover. They were too overwhelmed to even tend to their wounds, let alone attend their temple classes.

Bertus tried his best to minimize the damage from the situation, collecting the remaining traces of discord and destruction and attempting to deal with the situation.

The Demon King told them to kill him.

However, they didn't know what consequences his death might bring, and Akasha's whereabouts were still unconfirmed.

So Bertus spent his time in a state where he couldn't act, nor could he abstain from acting, feeling as if his blood was drying up.

Reinhardt's actions up until now were reinterpreted under the assumption that Reinhardt was the Demon King.

He got close to Ellen and Charlotte for revenge.

He honed his swordsmanship using Ellen.

He tried to swallow the empire using Charlotte.

The development of power cartridges and Moonshine was to strengthen his own army.

Then, the final question.

"What was the purpose of... dimensional magic research?"

Bertus asked as he sat facing Harriet.

Harriet's expression was just as desperate.

Bertus spent his time in the upper part of the prison building where Reinhardt was held captive.

It was a dangerous place, but its importance made it impossible for Bertus to leave.

Thus, Bertus stayed there, receiving updates on the situation and summoning people to learn the facts.

Reinhardt was in the basement of the building.

Harriet and Bertus sat facing each other in an office on the upper floor.

There must be some misunderstanding, but the fact that Reinhardt was the Demon King was now certain. His appearance was changed by some kind of magic.

Not only was there Reinhardt's confession, but the look in the eyes and the expressions of Lycansloth, who had been captured with him, as well as her screams whenever violence was inflicted upon Reinhardt, were more than enough evidence.

Reinhardt was the Demon King.

Harriet could no longer deny it.

So, what did his words about protecting everyone mean?

Were they just lies to confuse them until the very end?

In a state where she couldn't be sure of anything, Harriet answered various questions Bertus had asked so far.

Harriet also talked about the power cartridges and Moonshine.

When Bertus asked about the achievements of the Magic Research Department, she spoke, thinking she could no longer lie.

When considering that Reinhardt's numerous deeds were part of Darkland's reconstruction and revenge against humanity, their stories found a solid foundation.

However, the dimensional magic research.

She couldn't grasp the intention behind the dimensional magic research that Reinhardt was so obsessed with.

"At first, he suggested it because he was curious if there was another world?"


Another world.

It was such an absurd statement.

But Harriet's curiosity led her to explore various subjects, eventually gaining access to the Royal Magic Division's research archives. Consequently, her research shifted from portals leading to other worlds to those concerning warp gates.

"What exactly were they trying to accomplish by searching for another world?"

It was an absurd notion that went beyond inconsistencies, hardly fitting for the actions of a Demon King.

Though it was dismissed as nonsense, Reinhardt had told Bertus about the gate incident.

The gate incident would result in the death of most of humanity.

He claimed to have attempted to prevent it.

Of course, Bertus did not believe him.

He had searched for another world in order to prevent the gate incident.

If that was a lie, then what did he truly want?

Was it true that he had lost his memories of Akasha?

And there was Roswin, a mage from the Cantus Magna who Harriet had met in the Royal Magic Research Division. His whereabouts were currently unknown, but it was confirmed that he was associated with Akasha.

"It seems like this story ultimately leads back to Akasha..."

Roswin had said that Akasha was an object capable of making one a god.

Reinhardt claimed it was a tool for creation.

If one could create a world with the tool of creation and shape it to their liking, then it could be understood how one might become a god.

The previous Demon King, Valier, had tried to create a world through Akasha and migrate the demons there.

However, Reinhardt had possessed Akasha without knowing it until now.

It was impossible to know which parts were true and which were lies.

Nevertheless, the Demon King had instructed to kill himself before Akasha could be used for destruction.

If he was willing to give up his life so easily, then what was the point of everything he had built up until now?

"I... I want to believe in Reinhardt..."

With a twisted expression, Harriet spoke in a desperate tone.

Although she knew it was inappropriate to say that here, Harriet sobbed while covering her face with both hands.

She wanted to believe in Reinhardt.

Bertus understood how Harriet felt.

How great would it be if Reinhardt were merely a good-hearted fellow?

But that was impossible.


"Uh, yes...?"

"I'm sorry for saying this, but would you listen?"

"What is it?"

"I killed your father... I destroyed the Saint Owan dukedom, annihilated the people living there, and even captured and sold some as slaves."


Harriet's face turned pale at Bertus's sudden confession.

With a stern expression, Bertus tapped the table.

"And here's a button."

"If you press this button, you can inflict the same fate upon me that I brought upon you."

"The empire will be destroyed, everyone in the imperial family will die, and everything about the empire will disappear."

"Do you have the confidence not to press that button?"

At those words, Harriet bit her lip.

Reinhardt was the Demon King, and humanity had taken everything from him.

It was only natural to hate, and there was no reason not to activate a device that could turn that hatred into destruction.

For a Demon King to love humanity was impossible.

For a Demon King to desire peace was illogical.

Reinhardt was the Demon King.

And so, humanity could not help but be hated.

Thus, trusting Reinhardt was impossible.

As Bertus had said, Harriet thought about her own situation.

Her father and entire family had been murdered, and every person in the dukedom was brutally killed, causing the country to be uprooted.

The last royal of such a fallen nation.

What would Harriet de Saint-Owan do in such a situation?

She would be consumed by a desire for vengeance.

She would undoubtedly commit terrible acts to get even, somehow.

Even in her case, just thinking about it, she knew she would act that way.

The Demon King had suffered such things at the hands of humanity. It was only natural for the Demon King to hate humanity.

Therefore, wanting to trust Reinhardt was an ill-fitting and foolish desire, given the circumstances.

In front of Bertus, with his stern expression, Harriet could not bring up the idea of wanting to trust Reinhardt.


Even so.

'Damn it.'

At that time.

'No matter what happens in the future....... Please remember just one thing......'

A faint memory of hearing.

Reinhardt's words.

Harriet still wanted to believe in those words.

'I wanted to save everyone......'

The words of Reinhardt, who seemed to foresee a sad fate.

The desperation and sorrow in those words.

Harriet wanted to believe in them.

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