Common Sense

There is such a thing as common sense.

It is what is universally accepted among people.

However, common sense is not the truth.

Sometimes, common sense can be wrong, and there can be exceptions.

One such common sense:

It is impossible for someone with Magic Body Strengthening to stand against a Master Class.

Ellen struggled to keep herself from being trampled by the crowd while witnessing her own common sense shatter before her eyes in real-time.

An unidentified middle-aged man was swinging a menacing Aura Sword, yet Reinhardt managed to fend it off with only his Alsbringer.


Moreover, he was dominating.

As the swords clashed, shockwaves tore through the ground, and Reinhardt was not only blocking the Aura Sword but also repelling and overpowering it.

The Aura Sword is not simply a sharp blade.

Depending on how the magic within it is wielded, it can reach the pinnacle of sharpness or deliver tremendous impact using magical shockwaves.

A Master Class, therefore, is akin to wielding a massive blunt weapon.

And such a thing typically not only pulverizes the weapon it comes into contact with, but also shatters the arm and wrist that attempts to block it.

It has to be that way.

Even if one's physical abilities are drastically enhanced through Magic Body Strengthening, a Master Class's use of magic is far more intricate and efficient.

Thus, Reinhardt should not be able to stand against a Master Class.

However, Ellen saw that Reinhardt was not on the defensive; rather, he was pushing his opponent back.

-Groan! Grumble!

The winds from the shockwaves generated by the clashing swords even reached Ellen's face, who was a considerable distance away from the scene.

A Master Class was being pushed back by someone who could only do Magic Body Strengthening.

There could be only one reason for this impossible event.

Reinhardt was simply too strong.

Though he should not have been able to withstand the force, he was overpowering his opponent with sheer strength.

Reinhardt's immense Magic Body Strengthening, which appeared to be engulfed in blue flames, demonstrated that his magical power was immeasurable.

His magic was not delicate, so its efficiency suffered.

However, its output was overwhelming.

Lacking the finesse of a Master, Reinhardt's overwhelming power, agility, and sheer magical quantity relentlessly pushed his opponent back.

What should she do if Reinhardt was in danger?

Would she have to go help him, disregarding misunderstandings and the criticism of others?

Though she had been pondering this, there was no need for such thoughts.

Reinhardt was simply too powerful.

Moreover, Reinhardt's opponent was not just any Master Class.


As the mysterious man stretched out his left hand, pitch-black flames erupted from beneath his feet, engulfing Reinhardt.

The enemy Reinhardt was facing was a monster who had reached the level of an Archmage while also being a Master Class.

From within the dark flames that could melt the earth, Reinhardt emerged unscathed and continued his fierce assault.

Amidst the lightning and black flames from the man's hands, and the extreme cold that could freeze the very air, Reinhardt relentlessly pressed his attack as if such things had no effect on him.

Ellen guessed that just as Reinhardt's physical abilities were overwhelming, his magical resistance had already surpassed the level of an ordinary person.

The crowds, being pushed back and fleeing, were astonished by the sight.

No one knew who the person trying to kill the Demon King was, but everyone could see from afar that he was incredibly skilled.

However, the Demon King was stronger.

Not only that man, but the other assailants continued to attack the Demon King relentlessly.

Despite their use of all sorts of enchantments, magic, and curses, they were unable to inflict any harm upon the Demon King's body.

The amassed enchantments proved futile against the Demon King.

-Groar! Grrrrrr!

With a mere glance, the Demon King obliterated them.

The Demon King, shrouded in blue magical energy, manipulated flames.

He even created massive explosions by igniting the infinitely condensed flames.

The crowd could only watch in terror as the Demon King, single-handedly slaughtered groups comprised of Swordmasters, Archmages, and Magic Swordsman.

The Demon King was simply too powerful.

“We're... all going to die...”

Numerous individuals trembled and collapsed, unable to move.

Who could possibly challenge such a Demon King?

Who could harm the absolute being immune to magic and Aura Blades?

The Demon King's existence was even more terrifying to those who hadn't reached the Master Class.

Even now, they wondered.

What kind of calamity would the Demon King become once he reached the Master Class?

The fear of those witnessing the Demon King, who hadn't fully matured, only grew.

Of course, not all attacks were ineffective against the Demon King.

When those who had reached the Master Class began their joint attack, there were cases where they pierced through the Demon King's flaming magical defenses and inflicted damage.

No matter how strong the Demon King was, he couldn't easily withstand the combined assault of the Master Class.

Countless offensive spells rained down upon the Demon King, and Reinhardt was soon cornered.



Ellen's eyes widened as she saw a spear imbued with Aura pierce through Reinhardt's heart.

A critical opening.

They succeeded in inflicting a fatal wound without missing their chance.

“A-ah, no, no... no, it can't be.”

Though Ellen began to tremble and sob, the retreating crowds stared in disbelief.

The Demon King had died.

An unnatural silence descended upon the chaotic square.


The Demon King grabbed the spear that pierced through his chest with his left hand.


With his heart impaled, he pulled out the spear using his full strength.

Then, the Demon King raised his hand.


In the other hand of the Demon King, who had only been wielding Alzbringer, another sword with a milky-white blade was summoned.

The Divine Sword of Purity, a sacred relic of Tu’an.



A holy white light flickered around Tiamata, and the wound in the Demon King's chest began to regenerate.

“Ah... ahh... ahhh…”

Those who had anticipated the Demon King's death could only tremble in terror at the sight.

“He won't... die…”

Piercing through the tremendous barrier of magical energy was physically difficult, and magic had little effect.

Even if they managed to break through, the Demon King, who wielded the divine power of Tu’an, would instantly heal his wounds.

“The Immortal... The Demon King is immortal…”

An invulnerable barrier.

Overwhelming physical strength against the Master Class.

The relentless release of an imposing amount of magical energy with no end in sight.

And then, regeneration.

“This... this is impossible…”

With immeasurable power, the ability to borrow divine power from relics to regenerate at will, and the Sword of the War God that grew stronger with more and stronger enemies, who could possibly defeat such a Demon King?

Who, and how?

Who could slay such an absolute being?

Who could confront the seemingly immortal existence?

It wasn't just the crowd that was taken aback by the sight of a man pulling a spear from his pierced heart with his bare hands.

Reinhardt charged at the stunned middle-aged man without giving him a chance to react.


Then, in one swift motion, he grabbed the man's white hair and slammed his head to the ground.


With a fierce crashing sound, Reinhardt struck the man's head, which was now embedded in the ground, with his Alsbringer.


The Aura Armor did not shatter under the Demon King's blow.


However, if it didn't break in one hit, he would strike again.


Three times.


Four times.


Five times.


Six times.


And on the seventh strike, the sound of something shattering echoed chillingly throughout the square.

Reinhardt had crushed a Master Class warrior clad in Aura Armor through sheer strength.

It was more fitting to say he had smashed him to death rather than impaling him.

Their leader was killed without even a chance to respond.

Quite literally, he was crushed to death.

An Archmage and a Master Class warrior.

The leader of the Black Order.

He was mercilessly and pathetically killed by the Demon King.

The Demon King, still exuding the same overwhelming power as before, stared at the remaining Master Class attackers.

Those who had stood against the Demon King until now began to slowly retreat.

It seemed as if they believed that if they couldn't kill the Demon King like this, any further attempts would be futile.

People began to despair as they watched the attackers flee.

They couldn't identify who they were.

A group of highly skilled individuals had ambushed the Demon King.

Yet, they had failed.

That simple truth alone was etched into the minds of the people.

This had happened right in the middle of the Imperial Capital.

Who on earth could stand against the seemingly immortal Demon King?


Those who had been hesitating, hoping that the Demon King might be killed, began to panic and run again at the sight of the attackers fleeing.

"Make way! Move! Move!"

Many people who ran past Ellen hit her shoulder, pushing her aside as they screamed for their lives.


So it was that Ellen, who had been staring blankly at Reinhardt, was jostled by the fleeing crowd and eventually fell to her knees.

The deep hood she had been wearing was knocked off in the process.



The fleeing people saw her.

They looked at Ellen's face and stopped in their tracks, as if they were frozen.

There were hardly any people in the Imperial Capital who didn't know Ellen's face.

Even if they hadn't seen her in person, her face was well-known due to portraits and other promotional materials.

"The Hero…?"

People stopped and stared at the dumbfounded Ellen, who was now sitting on the ground.

Ellen was suddenly engulfed by a foreboding sense of doom.

"It's the Hero!"

Someone shouted.

“The Hero?”

“Is Ellen really here?”

“The Hero?”

“The Hero is…”

Ellen felt the blood in her body turn ice cold.

Her fingertips trembled, and her lips quivered.

“The Hero has come to save us!”

Cheers began to spread.

Through the gaps between people, and in the midst of the clamor.

Ellen saw Reinhardt, who stood far away, looking at her.

"Hero! Please, please! Please defeat the Demon King!"

One of the fleeing people cried out to Ellen in desperation.

The expressions of others were no different.

A hero should be different, or so Ellen wished to believe.

"I, I am... I, I am... I am..."

I am.

What am I?



Her mind shattered, Ellen could come to no thoughts or conclusions.

People helped her up as she lay on the ground.

Those fleeing implored Ellen, facing her back, to defeat the Demon King.

Some wept, cowering and trembling in prayer.

Please, defeat the Demon King.

Ellen was pushed into the square by the crowd.

Reinhardt silently watched Ellen Artorius emerge from the people.

Not knowing what to do themselves, but begging her to do something.

They pushed Ellen toward the Demon King who had committed a massacre, and then fled.

But there were those who tried to watch the scene from afar.

The Demon King and the hero.

They were far apart.

Reinhardt stared silently at Ellen.

Ellen trembled, her face drained of color.


Why in this way?

Why must they reunite in such a situation?

Reinhardt's face was expressionless.


With that look.

With a look devoid of any emotion.

Why are you looking at me like that?

"I, I am... Re, Reinhardt... I am..."

I don't want to fight.

I don't want to fight with you.



I don't want any of it.

Ellen swallowed those words, her lips trembling.

Reinhardt approached the trembling Ellen.

Toward Ellen, who had not summoned Lapelt or Lament.


Leaping forward, Reinhardt whispered to Ellen.

"Get a grip..."


"Will you?"

- Thump!


Reinhardt's fist plunged into Ellen's abdomen.

- Crash!

With a single blow to her stomach, Ellen flew back and crashed into a building wall in the square.

Ignoring the crowd's horror, Reinhardt slowly walked toward Ellen Artorius, embedded in the building wall.

"Hu... ugh... ugh... ah..."

She had been hit unprepared.

"Cough! Gasp! Choke! Hack!"

Barely activating her Aura Armor just before the hit, she didn't die, but Ellen coughed up bright red blood.

"Ah... ugh..."

He didn't mean to kill her.

But his fist was far from gentle.

Ellen looked up at the approaching Reinhardt with a frightened expression.

More than the agony of her insides being torn apart.

More than the pain of coughing up blood.

Reinhardt's emotionless expression was now Ellen's greatest fear and terror.

That gaze, as if looking at an enemy, instilled immense dread in Ellen.

"Ugh... ugh... hu-ugh..."

"What will happen if people find out the hero is afraid to fight the Demon King?"

Reinhardt spoke calmly, his expression emotionless as he approached.

"You can do what I could never do."

Becoming a symbol of hope.

That was impossible for the Demon King.

Only a hero.

Only a hero can be a symbol of hope.

That's why a hero trembling in fear before the Demon King would bring only despair to everyone.

People in despair would envision a future where humanity is destroyed by the Demon King, and the world without hope would crumble.

So she must fight.

She must not refrain from fighting.

Even if it's a false hope, it must exist.

Only by believing in that false hope can people somehow cling to reality.

As long as there is a hero, it is alright for the Demon King to exist.

Someday, the hero will defeat the Demon King.

Only by believing so can this crumbling world be sustained.

"So, pull yourself together."

The Demon King gazes down at the hero, who is exhausted from fear and terror.

"Get up. If you don't want to die."

The Demon King.

Valier raises his foot towards Ellen.


With magical power imbued in his foot, Valier stomps down where Ellen's head was, and the building begins to crumble.

Frantically rolling to the side to avoid the blow, Ellen looks at Reinhardt.

Fear, despair, and exhaustion from terror fill Ellen's eyes.


Why you?

"I am... Rein... Reinhardt, I am..."

"Shut up."

Valier looks at Ellen with cold eyes.

"Don't call me like that."

This is not the time for a touching reunion.

Too many people are watching.

Even though they know that's why they are acting this way.

Ellen, still drained from fear and terror, gazes at Reinhardt, who looks back at her with eyes filled with enmity.

Ellen realizes.

I can't.

Charlotte can be taken away.

But never her, the fact that she is humanity's hope.

Knowing that people project their hope onto her, she must never be taken for the sake of their hope.

That harsh reality and truth.

Ellen could only see it in Reinhardt's eyes.

She felt like tears would fall at any moment.

But she couldn't cry.

A hero facing the Demon King must not cry in front of him.

Never, they must not.

The solemn-faced Demon King approaches.

"You, do what you have to do."


"I will do what I have to do."

She wanted to collapse.

She wanted to fall and cry.

Rather, she wanted to die.

But people were watching the confrontation and turning their heads away as they left.

Staggering, Ellen stands up.

And though her expression remains filled with terror,

Despite the unbearable reality before her eyes,

Just as Reinhardt bears a burden, Ellen too must shoulder one.

They cannot escape the roles of hero and Demon King.

Thus, the Demon King can take the hated princess, but never the hero.

Now, they can never be together, no matter what moment comes.

The Sword of the Moon God is held in Ellen's hand.

The Cloak of the Sun God drapes over Ellen's shoulders.

With trembling eyes, the hero stares at the Demon King.



Demon King Valier approaches the hero, Ellen Artorius.

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