Chapter 477

Charlotte discovered that, for quite some time now, Fort Mokna had been claiming an unusually excessive amount of food supplies.

"Could it be because of the survivors...?"

At Harriet's question, Charlotte shook her head.

"Of course, we need to stockpile food for both the residents and the refugees. But even taking that into account, it's still too much. I understand that we need to provide food for the survivors until they arrive in Edina... but according to the records I've seen, Fort Mokna is requesting more food supplies than they actually need, by my calculations. This isn't just a matter of feeding the combatants well. If we try to estimate how many refugees were in Fort Mokna at any given time, we can predict the scale of the necessary food resources, but the claims and consumption have always been much higher than necessary."

At Charlotte's words, Harriet swallowed hard.

It felt like an unwelcome conflict was coming into focus.

"So you're saying... someone at Fort Mokna is embezzling food supplies...?"

"Well, I'm not sure what they could possibly do with stolen food in a place that's practically a battlefield... but it's true that there have been excessive supply requests."

"Could the site manager in charge of demand forecasting have deliberately inflated the numbers?"

"It's possible. But even if so, what kind of greed could they possibly satisfy with that? Even if they accumulated wealth privately in Fort Mokna, they would have to bring it back to Edina. How could they bring back the food? Is it possible to privately use several ships for that? And even if they could, the food would probably spoil by then."

Why would anyone embezzle food? They would have to bring the food to Fort Mokna in the first place.

There is certainly some corruption happening in Fort Mokna.

From the perspective of greed, it doesn't make much sense.

However, as is the case everywhere on the continent, food is a precious resource in Edina. That's why any corruption related to food is dealt with severely.

Charlotte stared at the documents and numbers spread out before her.


Something was amiss.

To be precise, something had been amiss for a very long time.

Neither Reinhardt nor Harriet had been aware of the problem. They hadn't known that the food requests were excessively high.

Even if they had known, it wouldn't have made a difference.

Because it was a battlefield, and there might be unforeseen circumstances. They would have thought that stocking up on food was a precautionary measure.

They had trusted Liana so far.

There was no way they could have doubted her.

Charlotte wasn't suspecting Liana's corruption either.

It was just that the numbers were strange.

The figures confirmed on paper showed, on average, odd values.

If strange values had been recorded consistently for a long time, it was certain that something strange had been happening.

Reading corruption and suspicion between the numbers.

What was impossible for Reinhardt and Harriet was possible for Charlotte.

But the problem was:

This investigation involved Liana de Grantz, one of the most important people among Reinhardt's followers, who might be implicated in the corruption.

Even if there were no issues with Liana, investigating Fort Mokna meant investigating Liana's power base.

If necessary, there might even need to be punishment.

Did she have the authority for that?


That's why Charlotte had asked Reinhardt before he left.

"Clarify the extent of your authority."

Reinhardt did not request this of Charlotte, he commanded it.

"Find a way to take control."

As the Regent of Edina, Charlotte was obliged to do as Reinhardt ordered.

Investigate any corruption and carry out punishments if necessary.

If Liana refused Charlotte's instructions and commands, she would have to make her listen.

"I must go to Port Mokna."

Had Reinhardt not asked her to refrain from meddling in that area, she wouldn't have made this decision.

But since Reinhardt had ordered it, Charlotte felt she had to carry it out accurately.

In Port Mokna, the Holy Order’s Knights were stationed, and Liana was the person in charge.

Their primary mission was the defense of Port Mokna, and secondly, Liana would personally lead expeditions to nearby areas to rescue refugees fleeing from monsters or hiding.

The number of people Liana had saved so far was too numerous to count.

However, Liana now believed that the strategic value of Port Mokna had significantly decreased. Therefore, she wanted to establish another base and use it as a forward base.

Indeed, initially, they were able to rescue a considerable number of refugees, but now it was becoming increasingly difficult to find survivors in the vicinity.

As a result, unlike before, no matter how much they searched and went on expeditions, less than a thousand people were being rescued.

It was a cruel fact, but it meant that almost all of those who had barely survived were now dead.

The number of people who could be saved had reached its limit, and even if they moved the base, it would be impossible to find as many survivors as before.

Port Mokna, now a losing-its-usefulness forward base.

Charlotte and Harriet arrived at Port Mokna through the mass teleportation of Lucinil, the Lord of Wednesday, who was staying in the royal capital.

"This is... Port Mokna..."

Seeing the place she had only known on paper, Charlotte felt a different kind of emotion.

A considerable number of people resided in this base, which served as a military headquarters.

However, it was more than just a residential area, with temporary housing for refugees and the core military forces stationed there.

As battles occurred daily, the city itself had a tense atmosphere.

"The refugee shelters... are almost empty."

"Yes... It's getting harder and harder to find survivors."

Charlotte's words were met with Harriet's nod.

There were quite a few refugees who had been rescued one way or another, but the number was only around two hundred.

The larger the base, the wider the defense perimeter, so the scale wasn't too extensive.

Barracks for stationed troops, a temple for the Holy Knights to pray, a smoke-filled dining hall, and a huge warehouse were among the necessary buildings in this place.

The harbor was also quite large, as it accommodated large ships coming and going.

"It's a place where corruption is impossible."

"Yeah, so..."

Only after seeing it with her own eyes did Charlotte vaguely feel that there was no room for corruption here.

Lucinil, the Lord of Wednesday who had accompanied them for the teleportation, was also quietly observing the scenery of Port Mokna.

"I'll be back after finishing my work. I'm going to take a walk around here."

"Yes, my lord."

With that, Lucinil began to stroll away.

At the temple, she had thought of her as a friendly junior who had become surprisingly close to Reinhardt, only to find out that she was a Vampire Lord of immeasurable age.

Charlotte and Harriet both quietly observed Lucinil's back as she became a member of the Council of Elders.

Despite the situation.

She looked like a child, but in reality, she was a Vampire Lord.

Sometimes she would stop to think, and at other times, she would gaze blankly at something.

While absentmindedly following Lucinil's dazzling silver hair with her eyes, Charlotte seemed to recall what they had come here for, and looked straight ahead.

"There's no need to hide the fact that we're here. Let's go to the headquarters."


Harriet clenched her fist slightly.

It was unclear what kind of conversation would take place, but considering Liana's personality, it was certain that no kind words would be exchanged.

Thus, Charlotte's response was crucial.

"Your Highness, the Thunder Lord is currently on a mission. She is expected to return today, but the exact time is unknown."

"Then we shall wait until she returns."

Upon arriving at the headquarters, Charlotte was informed that Liana was absent. Harriet and Charlotte sat in the headquarters' reception room, waiting for Liana to return.

The thick walls surrounding Fort Mokna were guarded by knights at regular intervals. Since it was unknown when or where monsters would attack, the defensive posture had to be maintained continuously.

Being a place where most battles occurred, tension was palpable among all the troops.

Beyond commanding these troops, Liana also patrolled nearby areas periodically to exterminate monsters, and even embarked on long-distance expeditions to rescue survivors.

Charlotte was good with numbers, but she didn't think numbers were everything.

There were things that could only be understood by seeing them firsthand.

Like the overall tension of Fort Mokna, or the determination in the troops' demeanor.

Things that couldn't be expressed in numbers had to be seen with one's own eyes.

From such observations, Charlotte drew a conclusion.

"It seems Liana has too much on her plate."

Liana de Grantz's workload was quite heavy.

"That's true. So sometimes, Olivia takes over Liana's duties for a few days."

"Ah… that makes sense."

The Holy Order's leader, Olivia Lanze.

Being quite powerful herself, Olivia would sometimes step in when Liana seemed too fatigued.

"So she only gets a few days off?"

"Yeah, because Liana wants it that way… She says it's the only way she can rest and recover."

Despite there being others who could take over, Liana practically lived at Fort Mokna. Charlotte crossed her arms and stared at the scenery of Fort Mokna.

"Did Reinhardt frequently inspect Fort Mokna?"

"No, as you know… Reinhardt had so much to do that he couldn't visit Fort Mokna very often. But last time, he did go on an inspection."

Even though Reinhardt hastily built a house, he barely had time to sleep while establishing Edina's system. He even faced assassination threats.


"Why, do you see anything strange?"

"No, it's not that."

Charlotte shook her head.

"I was just thinking that, in reality, Liana has full authority over Fort Mokna…"

"Yeah, that's true. For most matters, Liana decides and resolves things here. But they still consult each other for extremely important matters."

"Extremely important matters, such as?"

"Mainly, how to transport refugees, and how to set up new operational zones, those kinds of discussions."

At Harriet's words, Charlotte nodded.

"What is the loyalty of the Fort Mokna troops towards Liana?"


"Yes, loyalty."

At Charlotte's question, Harriet ponders in silence.

"It must be incredibly high. Liana always fights at the forefront of the battle, and I heard she tries to minimize casualties when monsters attack in the middle of the night. With a commander fighting at the front lines... how could their loyalty not be high?"

"I suppose so."

Charlotte continues to gaze out the window.

Liana de Grantz devotes all her efforts to the defense of Fort Mokna.

To avoid as many casualties as possible, she fights at the forefront. The trust and loyalty towards such a commander couldn't possibly be low.

Charlotte is convinced by Harriet's words.

"What about in comparison to Olivia Lanze?"


Caught off guard by the sudden question, Harriet couldn't help but feel slightly bewildered.

"Could the knights here be more loyal to Liana de Grantz than to the leader of the Holy Order, Olivia Lanze?"

"That... is a dangerous question, Charlotte."

It was an extremely sensitive question. After all, these knights were originally under the command of Holy Order leader Olivia Lanze, with Liana de Grantz as their commander.

If their loyalty shifted more towards Liana over time, it could become a contentious issue.

Charlotte stares at the evasive Harriet.

"I have to ask dangerous questions."


"I need to know because it's dangerous."

Reinhardt wants Charlotte to completely act on behalf of the Demon King.

Therefore, she must know everything about Edina.

One must know the dangers, no matter how sensitive the matter is.

"I don't know the specific situation at Fort Mokna or the thoughts of the knights. But... Liana has always fought for the people and worked hard to protect her soldiers. I don't know who the knights would be more loyal to between Olivia and Liana... But, if it's for Liana... I think they would be willing to risk their lives."

The extent is unknown.

But the loyalty of the knights is strong enough that they would be willing to lay down their lives.

"The Thunder King is a title the knights call her with respect and admiration."

They even give her such a title out of respect for their commander, who is much younger and only in her twenties.


Charlotte nods at Harriet's response.

Harriet was afraid of Charlotte's questions, each with an unclear intention.

If Liana returns and their conversation goes awry, it could lead to significant problems. And that kind of problem could escalate into a fight.

The regency established by the Demon King.

And a potential conflict with Liana, one of the Four Heavenly Kings.

The likelihood of it becoming an irreversible event is very high.

Ultimately, the highest authority in Edina, although absent, is the Demon King Valier.

Regardless of whether there was a real issue or not, if it isn't resolved properly, the decision will have to wait until the Demon King's return.

If a problem arises and the Demon King returns, whose side will he take?

Either side presents its own set of issues.

If he sides with the regency, it will inevitably cause resentment among Liana and her supporters, who are almost national heroes.

If he sides with Liana, the newly established regency will falter from the start. If they can't handle the hero faction properly, they won't be able to carry out their duty of fully managing Edina's politics.

"Charlotte, this is... too dangerous to meddle with."

"I know that."

At Harriet's cautious words, Charlotte simply responded while gazing out the window in silence.

The southwestern borderlands of Kernstadt.

The Sren Mountain Range.


I silently watched as the large tree split in half and tumbled down.

"Huff... Hah..."

Cold sweat dripped down my entire body.

I hadn't even imagined there would be a monster disguised as a tree.

I had just intended to climb up and get some rest, but the tree tried to swallow me whole and devour me as soon as I closed my eyes.

I managed to protect myself with the release of my magical power, and by explosively discharging it, I could break free by destroying the middle part of the large tree. However, I couldn't help but wonder what would have happened if I had actually fallen asleep.

It had been about two weeks since I entered the Sren Mountain Range.

I hadn't been able to catch a wink of sleep.

And I still hadn't found Rezaira.

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