The conversation with Sulin of the Cloud Tower went well. If he didn't take down the Great Swift Bandits, she wouldn't believe in anything that he said.

After all, in this city as long as a person has power that person could simply kill anyone and even take down the three ruling forces of this Blue Lawless City.

That's just how the other three ruling forces take over this city. All of them killed the previous rulers without mercy.

He was correct that he annihilated the Great Swift Bandits. If not then Sulin would think of him as some person that just wanted attention. A person that wanted them to fight each other.

In any case, he was glad that Sulin believed him and even said that she would use her forces if the Moon Tower really did something to this city.

It's better that she was prepared than not. Her forces weren't to be underestimated. She probably has dozen B-rank powerhouses as her subordinates.

It was enough to offset the other subordinates of the Moon Tower and if Sulin managed to convince the Sea Tower to help them then they would have a higher chance to take down the Moon Tower.

Souta didn't care if all of them were killed in the battle. The most important thing was to rescue Cluster. As long as he could rescue her he doesn't care what happened to this city.

His priority this time was Cluster.


Souta, Lynn, and Yuko who were walking towards the Moon Tower suddenly stopped moving.

The ground shook heavily and the whole city felt it.

"W-What's going on?!" Lynn asked with a worried expression.

Souta was about to reply to her when an enormous amount of mana swept out in the whole city.

"What the-" He was stunned as he felt the dense mana in the atmosphere.

The whole city continued to tremble and a pillar of mana burst upward in one of the towers in the city.

Souta looked at it and narrowed his eyes, "That's the Moon Tower... so they are going to start their plan..."

He didn't know what their plan that they require this large amount of mana. The mana wasn't liquefied nor solidified. It was still in the gaseous state but the amount was unimaginable for him.

Just how could the Moon Tower gather this unbelievable amount of mana...


The earthquake was getting stronger every second. It doesn't show any sign that it will stop quickly. It seems that this earthquake would continue until it destroyed a huge part of the city.

Huge cracks spread on the ground and dozens of towering rocks rose from it. It was shocking as it destroyed the structures in its way.

"Sure, this is getting bad," Souta muttered as he glanced at those tower-like rocks that have a height of almost fifty meters. Some of the rocks even reach seventy meters in height.

It was shocking as he felt that the appearance of these rocks came from a spell that he didn't know.

Lynn tugged the hem of his shirt as she stopped him from moving forward.

Souta turned to look at Lynn and saw her trembling lips and pale face. "Is there something wrong, Lynn?" He asked her.

"S-Souta..." Lynn muttered in a low voice.

"Yes, what is it?" He asked her patiently as he ordered Yuko to protect them from the falling debris of rocks.

"T-This mana signature... It's familiar to me..." Lynn slowly said.

Souta opened his eyes widely as he guessed what she was about to say.

"I felt this mana signature from... Cluster..." She added in a low voice.


Alice who was inside the inn quickly escaped as a gigantic rock with a sharp end rose from the ground.

The rock pierced the whole inn and it eventually destroyed it.

"This is a high-level tier 3 spell called [Rising of the Earth Domain]..."

She muttered as she recognized the spell by looking around what's happening in this city.

The magic circle of this spell was so complicated that everyone could hardly learn it. This spell was a series spell that if someone learned it they would be able to cast several spells just from one magic circle.

Only an expert magician that has huge experience could learn it. She once saw a magician that learned this spell in her homeland. That magician was respected and honored.


Chaos erupted in the whole city as every citizen panicked from the unexpected disaster. Those people didn't have any idea that the cause of this earthquake was a spell.

Alice turned her head and looked in the direction where the enormous mana in the atmosphere coming from.

She saw a huge tower. That tower was shaking heavily as if it was going to fell at any moment but she knew the truth of this spell.

That tower was the center of the spell it will become an invulnerable giant magician tower.

A tactical magician tower. This was the reason why the magician that knew this spell was respected. The power of this spell wasn't ordinary.

In war, the magician who knew this spell will be useful in each outpost. It could defend and attack at the same time. Plus, the owner's magic attack was amplified by 100% percent.

[Rising of the Earth Domain] was one of the strongest tier 3 spells out there. If it was cast in a sub-world, this type of spell could even destroy the whole sub-world.

"It seems that I need to head over there. I'm sure that Souta and the rest will also go there." Alice said as she vanished from her position and reappeared on the roof of the house.

Her figure kept flickering towards the direction of the tower.


The Moon Tower shook heavily as rocks formed around it. It then grew taller until it reaches a thousand meters. Above it, dark clouds swirled around like some sort of typhoon. Lightning was flashing around it every second.

It felt as if the world was going to end.

The form and appearance of the tower felt familiar to Souta. Yes, it was familiar to him. He saw this spell once when he fought the demon army in the game.

He could still remember when he fought the army of demons that have five of this tower. It was still fresh in his mind. The destruction it caused and the advantage that it could provide towards the caster of this spell.

It was horrific. He died many times in the game just to get rid of five towers and its casters.

But now... He only had one life. It was hard to complete this task without dying but he guessed that the difficulty was lower than when he fought the demons.

Cluster. Lynn said that the mana signature was the same as Cluster. It means that all these mana in the air came from her. It was hard to believe that a girl that didn't even reach B-rank have this amount of mana.

Since it came from Cluster, Souta had just to get her and the spell will stop working. He was sure that Curdova couldn't properly control this spell as the mana that was used to cast it came from Cluster.

Yeah, that's it. Everything centered around her. It will be over once he rescued her.

He doesn't know the name of the spell but he knew that it was a high-grade tier 3 spell.

"The spell isn't done. It will continue..." Souta said as he motioned Lynn and Yuko to follow him. "Let's go!"

After a few seconds, Lynn found that Souta was right. Boulders of rock fell off from the gigantic spikes and it transformed into a three-meter tall humanoid figure.

A golem.

They were golem. They were going to follow the caster's instruction. So Souta expected already for golems to appear. That's why he wanted to go to the tower as fast as possible and rendezvous with the rest of his group.

There's one way to go inside the tower. He couldn't fly and tore the wall on the top floor. The amount of mana that was protecting the tower was out of his league. In fact, he wouldn't even put a dent on the walls with his current strength.

The only way was to go through the main entrance. Why? Because this was the only place that wasn't protected by dense mana. But going there will be hard. He was sure that countless golems were guarding the entrance and the first floor.


Souta's mana burst forth as three golems blocked their way.

The other golems were wreaking havoc in the city and the large group of bandits tried to fight back as no one wanted to die in this situation.

A fight breaks out in the whole city in just a few seconds.

"Just..." Souta wrapped his fingers around the handle of the vajra sword. He clad his mana on the blade making it more sharper and stronger before he pulled it out. "...get out of my way!"


The three golems were sliced apart as he used [Crimson Moon] skill.

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