
Souta turned his head when he heard someone called his name. He saw that it was Jamine and Isabella. "What's wrong, Isabella?" He asked.

"Souta!! Lydia had something to tell you!!" Isabella said with a hurried expression. It seems that she was panicking.

Jamine walked to his side and gave him the transmission talisman. "Here," she said while looking around. She saw that the people were nervous as sweat formed on their foreheads.

"What's wrong, Lydia?" Souta asked the same question.

"Souta, they are coming. From the information that we've got, the empire is going to launch an all-out attack at Greia." Lydia's voice sounded through the transmission talisman.

"Well, I've already noticed it. Our radar detected thousands of ships landing in this world using the transportational gate." Souta said to her in a grave tone.

"How can that be? They are already there!" Lydia sounded like she was shocked. She didn't expect that the empire was already in Greia.

"We're going to retreat. Our forces here aren't enough to fight thousands of ships at the same time. It's better for me to go back to Prison World." Souta said as he focused his eyes on the projection.

At this moment, they saw thousands of mother ships emerged from the sky. The small assault-type ships surpassed ten thousand in numbers. They were serious about fighting Souta's rebel army.

Jamine, Isabella, and the rest were shocked when they saw this scene on the projection. They shivered as they finally saw the might of the empire when they got serious.

"Lydia, just do complete our plan. Leave this to me." Souta said as he hung up the call and placed the transmission talisman in his pocket.

He took a deep breath and narrowed his eyes. He greatly underestimated the might of the Great Astley Empire. Although they didn't have extremely powerful individuals their numbers were overwhelming. He already knew it but this number was outside of his expectations.

He's just a third evolution monster. He couldn't fight endlessly and without him, the rebel army wouldn't be able to fight the empire. He's the heart of the army and everyone depends on him.

Souta opened his mouth and said, "Retreat and then use the transportational gate to go back to Prison World. We're going to abandon our mission in conquering this world."

The rebels quickly followed his instruction. For them, going back to Prison World was the right choice. Just by thinking about the army of the empire, they couldn't help but shiver in fear.

"Also, tell the forces of this world that want to join us to go the Prison World. Abandoned everything in this world, we'll fight them after we gathered our forces. At this rate, we're going to die if we fight them head-on."

Souta ordered as he sat down on the commander's seat.

Souta's ship and the twelve ships that they've plundered flew as fast as it could. At this moment, the empire's army successfully landed on this world. They quickly fired their cannons at Souta's army.

"The enemy is firing at us!!"

"The enemy is firing their cannons!!"

The rebels hurriedly reported everything that was happening. They also deployed the barrier of the ships that could deplete their energy. They were in a pinch at this rate they were going to lose their energy before they could use the transportational gate.

Souta sighed and said, "Forget about the barrier. Just reserve the ship's energy for transportational gate. I'll block all those attacks."

"Eh! Are you serious?!" Jamine was shocked at his orders. "Y-You... You're going to block those beams!"

Souta glanced at her and said, "Yes, is there a problem with it?"

"N-No..." Jamine replied with a blank expression. She couldn't believe that this man just said that he will block the beams from the cannons.

"Don't worry. Souta is strong." Isabella said to her.

Jamine turned her head to Isabella and saw that Isabella trusted Souta. She looked around and realized that the rebels heave a sigh of relief when they heard that Souta will block those cannons.

'Is he really that strong? It seems that everyone trusted him... He just said some simple words and it erased everyone's worry.'

This made her curious about Souta. The man that everyone here trusted. Even her friend, Lydia, seems to trust this man wholeheartedly.


Souta jumped out of the door and ten black balls appeared on his back.

[Gravitational Ball]!

He flew on top of the ship and faced the empire's army. He waved his hand and nine out of ten black balls scattered around. As he poured his best feram in his spell, a gravity field formed around the thirteen ships and it protected them from any attack.

He narrowed his eyes as the empire continued firing at them. Most of the beams didn't land on them as it only landed on the ground causing several explosions that destroyed the landscape.

Boom! Boom!

This scene looks terrifying. The living land was the only place where people could live in this world yet the empire didn't care about it. They were destroying rivers, mountains, and forests by launching those people beams.


Souta noticed a certain ship. That ship was the mother ship but something was strange about it. The front of the ship cracked and it opened up, revealing a small cannon.

Suddenly, a human-size spherical object shoots out of it. It was so fast that it rapidly chased after the rebel army. As it was getting close, Souta opened his eyes widely. That object contained an enormous amount of mana and it feels like it was going to explode at any moment.

"What's that thing?!" Souta muttered while looking at it.

When the spherical object was five hundred meters away from them, it exploded.

The first thing that happened was a loud ear-piercing sound and it was followed by a powerful gust of wind that blew everything away. Then, a powerful force sucked every object towards the center of the explosion. After that intense heat swept out along with the eruption of blinding light.


The moment Souta felt it, he quickly tightened his guard and poured his mana in his spell. He strengthened the gravity field while gritting his teeth. The explosion was so powerful that it could shatter his gravity field if he let down his guard.

Souta had no choice but to close his eyes. Even though he closed his eyes, the light still pierced him. He saw every vein in his eyelids. Also, the intense heat broke through his barrier. The heatwave landed on his body and he felt that he was being scorched in the sun. Even with his resistance, the heat still managed to hurt him.

He already ate the fruit that he received from Raeshka. A fruit that could let him handle two thousand degrees celsius yet this heatwave managed to pierce his gravity field and hurt him.

It was too powerful. Is this a secret weapon of the empire? Now, aside from their numbers, he finally understood how the empire conquered every sub-world that they've discovered.

This weapon was a cheat.

After a few moments, Souta opened his eyes and saw that everything within his sight was devastated. Six out of thirteen ships that he has have fallen.

A large part of the surface was disintegrated leaving the lower part of the earth being scorched, turning it into a pool of melted rocks.

Souta couldn't even see a single mountain, tree, or river in his sight.

"What the hell...?!"

He muttered in shock. Some of the empire's ship was even caught up in the explosion of the bomb that they launched. Even though they were eighty thousand feet above the surface, the explosion still managed to destroy some of their ships.

Today, the Great Astley Empire has finally shown its weapon of destruction. The destruction that it brought was something that Souta didn't expect. It was pure destruction.

He was glad that he came out of the ship to protect everyone or else he alone would be left alive if that bomb caught him off guard. Isabella, Yenxa, Jamine, and the rest would die if he wasn't prepared.

Souta used his best feram to repair the broken gravity field. He still needed to set it up as the temperature in the atmosphere could even melt down metals.

After setting up the gravity field, he went back inside the ship. Inside the ship, he saw that most of the rebels had a pale faces. Even though they were used in a life-and-death situation, that explosion still made them shivered. If not for Souta personally setting up a barrier then they were already dead.

"Calm down everyone. I'm still here. We will go back in the Prison World for now so quickly activate the transportational gate."

Souta said as he sat down in the commander's seat. He narrowed his eyes and asked someone to report the scale of the explosion to him.

When he heard the report, he was shocked inwardly. The explosion destroyed everything within a 30-kilometer radius. Damn! It was as large as a country.

The power of the Mana Convergent Bomb was terrifying.

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