In outer space, Yuko and the dragons just finished their attack. They went back inside the ship as the pressure of the outer space was slowly getting heavy for them but they could handle it for half an hour. It's just that they shouldn't risk themselves too much when they couldn't enter the ship and rest before they go out once again.

Even with the third evolution monsters' support they still couldn't push back the empire. A few third evolution stage monster wasn't enough to repel hundreds of thousands of mother ships along with millions of assault-type ship.

Lydia, Jamine, and Alice didn't know what to do anymore. Individual power wasn't enough in this kind of situation. What they needed was a large reinforcement or Souta's appearance with the royal family?

"Damn! The empire is really good at playing with their cards!" Jamine cursed as she commanded the army to retreat. Their army couldn't afford to fight head-on as the number of the empire's forces was several times higher than them.

Also, the empire had those Mana Convergent Bombs that could easily wipe out dozens of mother ships at the same time.


Suddenly, Lydia fell down on her knees and groaned in pain.

"What's wrong, Lydia?!" Jamine quickly went to her side with a concerned look on her face.

"I don't know but I felt that the parasite inside my body is turning wild. I couldn't control it anymore." Lydia said with a painful look on her face.

Jamine didn't know what to do. She encountered this type of situation when she was in a lab so she knew that there's no solution.

Why would the parasite suddenly run wild? But Lydia was powerful enough to handle the power of the parasite unlike those ordinary people in the lab. So how could this happen to her?

"I-It hurts..."

Lydia couldn't handle the intense pain. Blood flows out of her mouth and splattered on the floor. She didn't have any awareness of her surrounding as the intensity of the pain was increasing every second.

"Lydia! Lydia! Lydia!" Jamine called her friend repeatedly but Lydia didn't respond to him.

Suddenly, she received a report that the empire has stopped attacking them. She didn't know that the commanders and generals have the same condition as Lydia.

"What is happening right now?" She muttered as she glanced at the projection. After a few moments, she shook her head and ordered, "Bring Lydia to the lab and ask the experts in parasites to check her condition."

She was worried about her friend but she also needed to know what's happening in the empire as the person in charge of the Liberation White Army.

She took a deep breath and made a decision. She ordered to attack the nearest empire's ship to find the commander. If the commander was also suffering just like Lydia then it was her chance.

An opportunity to fight back against the empire.

The Liberation White Army attacked the empire and found that the commanders and generals have the same condition as Lydia. Although they didn't know what's happening to those people they still couldn't let them go.

The Liberation White Army launched a full-scale attack. Without the commanders and generals, the empire was in a mess. Although some capable people took in charge, most of them were having a hard time thinking about their superiors.

They didn't have any idea about what's happening.

It took them a while before they recovered under the leadership of the several second-in-commands. But they suffered huge casualties in the attack from the Liberation White Army.

Even though they were well trained, the thing that happened to their superiors shocked them. They could accept it if one of their superiors died at the hands of their enemies. But what happened this time has never happened in the entire history of the empire. All of their superiors suddenly fell and groaned in pain.

Without the help of their powerful superiors, the strength of the empire has decreased by several times.

The fierce battle continued and both sides already suffered great casualties. The Liberation White Army couldn't retreat anymore. They were walking a path of no return. If they retreat then it means that they lose this battle and a lot of people would stop supporting them. Those organizations will not give them ships anymore.

The Liberation White Army wasn't this large from the beginning. Their scale of operation could only handle the Prison World but everything has changed after they've destroyed various bases of empire on different planets, showing great momentum.

They had to win this battle as they also knew that the empire wouldn't let them go easily. They will follow them on different planets until everyone was exterminated.

Then, the suffering of the superiors of the empire has stopped. They slowly regained their previous momentum and pushed back the Liberation White Army.

While both sides were locked in a fierce battle, several powerful explosions occurred in the center of the battlefield. It illuminated the dark space and everyone trembled.

Boom!! Boom!! Boom!!

Both sides were stunned when the bombs were detonated in the middle of the battlefield.

"Mana Convergent Bomb!!"

Jamine narrowed her eyes as she focused her attention on the gigantic ball of lights that annihilated every ship in the surrounding area.

"How come?!"

Even the commanders and generals of the empire were shocked when they saw this. They haven't even launched the Mana Convergent Bomb so how could it appear in the middle of the battlefield.

Then, they heard a voice through their channels.

"I'm Souta Ieshi, the leader of the Liberation White Army. The royal capital of the Great Astley Empire is in my hands. I have cut down the bloodline of the royal family so everything is my possession. Those who wanted to resist will face the power of the Guardian Fortress."

Four floating fortresses slowly head into the battlefield with Souta flying in front of it. He had a faint smile on his face as if everything was under his control.

When Jamine, Lydia, Isabella, and Alice saw him, they sighed in relief. It seems that Souta finished his mission and something happened there that caused the death of the royal family. They don't need to worry about the deceased royal family. Souta must have a plan in his mind.

The generals ordered to stop attacking as they waiting for Souta to finish talking. But their minds were in a mess. The royal family was dead? And the Guardian Fortress was in the enemy's hand?

They finally understood why they haven't received a report from the royal capital. The enemy has conquered the city behind their backs.

The Guardian Fortress was the empire's ultimate weapon and only the generals and above knew about it. Each fortress was armed with hundreds of Mana Convergent Bomb. It also has a powerful barrier that could withstand the power of twenty Mana Convergent Bombs.

'Only four Guardian Fortresses are here... There are a total of eight Guardian Fortress so the remaining four must be on the planet ready to bomb every city in our empire.'

The generals thought while looking at the Guardian Fortresses that Souta brought. Then, they turned their eyes to Souta who was floating in the front of the four Guardian Fortresses.

'This man is very dangerous... Just how is it possible for a man to possess that kind of power?'

Suddenly, the generals and commanders felt their bodies go numb. The pain once again assaulted their bodies. Then, Souta's voice echoed in their channels.

"At this moment, I have total control over the entire race of parasitic essence eater in this universe. So your life and death are in my hands too."

The smile on Souta's face grew wider.

"I have the Guardian Fortresses remain in several cities of the empire, I also have Guardian Fortress here in outer space that could fight your army, and I have the parasite queen which could control all the parasites in the universe. It's a dead-end for the empire."

The eyes of the generals and commanders have constricted in shock. What they heard just now was too absurd but considering what's happening to them, they could only believe his words. They had no choice but to accept it.

"What's going to happen to our country?"

"I still have a family in the capital. I don't know what happened to them."

The soldiers of the empire were worried because he just said he could bomb every city on the planet easily. This was akin to threatening them.

Their superiors, the capital, and the Guardian Fortress. Everything was in Souta's control.

"There's no hope for all you. I'm the winner of this war."

Souta's voice resounded in every channel. All of the people who were watching the battle were shook. The outcome of the war was decided in just a short amount of time. No one expected that Souta would change the tide of the war.

His position was solidified and no one could oppose him anymore.

After a few centuries of rampaging on every planet, the Great Astley Empire has collapsed.

Today will become a historical event that every people will remember. They will dedicate a festival just to remember this event and Souta's name will become a legend that many people admired and feared.

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