"You're safe now..." Bryan said to the girl. He looked down and saw her bleeding as she had several wounds on her body.

"Thanks... I'll remember you but I need to go now." The girl said and she turned around. After taking a few steps, the girl fell to the ground as she reached her limit.

Bryan quickly help her sat on the ground and leaned her on the walls.

"Are you okay?"

He asked with a concerned expression.

"Please, let me get out of this place. I need to move away or else they are going to capture me once again."

The girl begged him in a coarse voice. She couldn't even speak properly as her throat was dry. And she realized that this was her limit. Without anyone's help, she wouldn't be able to escape.

"Okay... I defeated those people but it seems that I will bring you with me."

Bryan turned his head and looked at the two people that he knocked out. He nodded his head and carried the girl on his back before he jumped on the rooftop.


His figure flashed towards the location of the Lanny corp. He needed to get there quickly as the girl behind him was injured and needed immediate treatment.


In just a few minutes, he arrived in the Lanny corp. As soon as he entered the building with an injured girl it gathered the attention of all the people. They knew Bryan but they didn't know the girl.

Lanny corp was connected to Dark Oculus Legion so every member of the Lanny corp knew the core members of the legion. They were nothing that they don't know.

"Medic! healer! I need someone to check this girl's condition for me!"

Bryan's voice echoed in the whole building and everybody heard him. Quickly the upper echelons of this branch came out to meet Bryan and called some healers.

"Here, Sir Bryan."

Bryan followed the upper echelons and they led him into a vacant room. There, he placed the girl on the bed comfortably. The girl was already unconscious as her condition was pretty bad.

The director of the branch glanced at the girl before turning his attention to Bryan. He asked, "What happened to her, Sir Bryan?"

"I don't know. I just saw that two people are chasing after her so I decided to lend my hand. I knocked those people and she fell unconscious." Bryan explained to the director what happened.

Soon, the healers had arrived and they quickly started to heal the unconscious girl.

"What are you going to do with her, Sir Bryan?" The director asked while watching the healers cast their spell on the girl.

"I don't know. The girl said that she wanted to leave this place so I will let her leave." Bryan shrugged his shoulder.

"If she's in danger I suggest that we should contact the authorities. They will be able to protect the girl better than us and maybe they will investigate who is trying to harm this girl." The director said to Bryan.

"Okay, I will leave it to you." Bryan nodded as he recalled Lumilia's words to never create trouble. He should just let the authorities handle this problem.

After a few minutes, the girl woke up after receiving treatment. The small wounds in her body were completely gone while the deep wounds will take some time before it healed.

"Where am I...?"

The girl muttered as she pushed herself into a sitting position. Then, she held her head as she felt a slight headache.

"You're in the Lanny corp. Don't worry you are safe here. Those people wouldn't find you here."

She turned her head to the side when she heard the voice. She saw a young man with a short black spiky hair. His eyes were black and his build was average. Not too thin and not too bulky.

"Who are you?"

She narrowed her eyes and asked with a wary expression.

"I'm Bryan Dagruel. I'm the one who brought you here after I knock out the people who are chasing you."

Bryan introduced himself to the girl while assuring her that he had no intention to harm her.

Then, the door opened and the director entered the room. The director was surprised when he saw that the girl was already awake. He then said to Bryan, "It seems that she's fine now."

"Yeah," Bryan couldn't help but nod his head.

The director sat on the seat beside Bryan and he introduced himself to the girl.

"I'm Patrick Ford, the director of the Eternal Empire Branch of the Lanny Corp."

After introducing himself, he asked the girl, "We mean no harm to you but we are curious about you. Can you tell us who you are and who are the people that are going after you?"

The girl turned silent after hearing the director's question. She narrowed her eyes and looked at her hands.

"I... I can't tell you..."

She said after some deep thoughts.

"Why can't you tell us? This guy just save your life. Even though you can't repay him you should've at least give him your name." The director calmly asked the girl while pointing at Bryan.

Bryan didn't join the conversation. He knew that he wasn't good at this kind of conversation. There's a chance that he will make some kind of mistake if he joined the conversation, so he held himself back from asking even though he wanted to ask a lot of questions.

"I can't let you be in danger when you just save me. That's the reason." The girl then stood up. "I can't stay here anymore. They will find me sooner or later."

"This is Eternal Empire. It's much safer inside a large country than outside of this place." The director said to her. "Also, we've called the authorities to investigate about it."

When she heard those words, the girl opened her eyes widely. Her expression turned into horror as if she saw some ghost.

"No... No... No... You shouldn't have done that. They will find me quicker that way. I need to leave now. This country isn't safe. Their influence exceeded what's in your mind."

The girl opened the door and dashed outside.

Bryan stood up and wanted to follow the girl but the director grabbed his shoulder.

"Don't get involved too much. Let the authorities handle it. I heard that you have a connection with Princess Alea, you can call her and the girl will be protected." The director said while shaking his head. "Also, there's a lot of possibilities as she didn't tell us anything about her. Maybe, she is the one in wrong all along. I could think of various things why we shouldn't trust her easily."

Bryan was silent as he once again recalled Lumilia's words. But his instinct was telling him that the girl was right. They would be in danger if she told him about the person who wants her. His sense flared up at that moment and he was full on guard when he heard it.

It was a problem and it's too dangerous if his instinct was right.

After that, the authorities have arrived and the director explained what happened to them. They also explained the appearance of the girl that left.

Bryan went back to his dorm in the academy while thinking about what happened just now. He couldn't get over it and his mind was drifting towards the event.

What happened to the girl?

He should visit the director tomorrow once again and see if everything was fine. He couldn't get his mind out of it so he had to at least learn if those people were caught.

He could only clench his fist tightly knowing that he couldn't involve too much. When his mind would wander to the event, he would also recall Lumilia's words like a chant. This was the only thing that was restraining him from getting involved too much.

He decided to tell this to Lumilia and Lynn. When he get back, he went to find the two and found that they finished their meeting with the nobles. Alea was gone too. She must have left with the other nobles.

"Oh, you're back Bryan," Lumilia said when she saw Bryan.

"I need to talk to the two of you," Bryan said to Lumilia and Lynn with a serious tone.

Lumilia and Lynn's expressions changed when they heard Bryan's tone. It was rare for Bryan to become like this so something serious must have happened.

"Okay, this is not the right place to talk about. So let's go back." Lumilia said as she looked around.

The three went back to their room and Bryan slowly recounted what happened to him. How he saved the girl and how the girl was afraid of letting the authorities knew about it.

"So what do you think, Lumilia?" Bryan asked in a low voice.

"Maybe, she's a wanted person that's why she doesn't want the authorities to know about her. Also, there's a chance that she did nothing wrong but the possibility of it is too low. Even we didn't know the full extent of this country yet that girl said that this country isn't safe anymore. Just what did she know?" Lumilia said while rubbing her chin.

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