He had the blood of a barbarian flowing in his veins. It was said that the barbarian possessed great physical ability but he couldn't even break these chains around his limbs.


While they weren't here, he need to remove these shackles.


His mind blank out and he lost his consciousness. He couldn't do anything at all.

"This young man is stubborn... I don't understand why he is still resisting..."

"I'm too tired. This tube sucked out all of my energy. I'm going to rest maybe it's better if I don't wake up."

"Why did we offend the Bentley Family...?"

"For personal reason, I guess..."

"At least this will end tomorrow..."

"Yeah, I'm finally going to die. Nothing good happened in this life."

"That's just how life is."

The other people talked before they fell asleep because the tube just sucked out their energy. They needed some time to recover it and after they recover a little bit amount of their mana the tube will start sucking it out once again.

After some time, two people appeared in front of Bryan's cell. The two looked at Bryan with a plain expression.

"I didn't think that you would appear here once again, Bryan. I thought that you will stay in Hebrei Kingdom but who would think that you will appear here once again." One of the two people said.

"Brother Bryan is slowly unlocking his abilities. He is already at liquefying realm and he unlocked a part of his barbarian bloodline." The other one smiled while looking at Bryan but then his expression turned sad. "Sigh, the organization will discover Brother Bryan soon."

"Number Ten, don't tell anybody about it. I hope that we can leave him to have a peaceful life but it seems that he slowly approaching us unconsciously." The man sighed and he raised his palm. He gathered his energy on his palm and placed it on Bryan's head.

After a few seconds, the man removed his hand and he saw that Bryan's hair was completely red.

"Brother Hexan, you've awakened his barbarian bloodline? Just how many levels did you awaken it also, did you awaken the other bloodline?" The man who was called Number Ten asked curiously.

"I've awakened his barbarian bloodline to the limits and that's all. The other bloodlines are too deep so I couldn't do anything but this is enough for him." The man called Hexan smiled faintly while looking at Bryan. "I hope that we don't meet again Bryan. Just have a peaceful life without worrying about your past. I try to hide everything about you in the organization."

"I hope you did well, Brother Bryan." Number Ten waved his hand. He turned to Hexan and said, "I think that we would meet Brother Bryan again. He is in the liquefying realm and once he reaches the solidifying realm, his power would skyrocket. Remember, that he didn't have shackles in his body so he isn't bound by mortal limits."

"Yeah, you are right. He is the CODE 001, after all."

Soon, the two disappeared with a flash of blue light. Their presence and traces of them were gone.

The next day, Bryan slowly opened his eyes.


He looked left and right. His senses were unbelievably sharp at this moment. He could hear people talking outside of this prison.

The guards were coming to check if someone among them died.

"What is this feeling...?"

He raised his head and glanced at the chains that were binding his hands. Even though he only has a little bit of mana left in his body, he still felt that he had overwhelming power.

Should I...

Veins popped in his left arm as he tried to move it forward. Metallic sounds echoed in the cell and cracks appeared on the chains.

When he added more force to his arm, the chains broke into tiny pieces as it fell on the floor causing a loud metallic sound.

"I've never felt something like this before..."

Bryan stood up and grabbed the chains on his right arm. He then crushed it using brute force. He did the same on the chains on his feet and the tube on his back.

His physical power was upgraded by several levels and he didn't know why. He has a feeling that he could crush anyone with his newfound strength.

"With this, I should be able to rescue Cyndy and the other people there..."

He muttered as he tightly closed his hand and felt the power flowing in his veins. He didn't even notice that the color of his hair has turned blood-red. Also, his wounds had stopped bleeding as his muscles contracted to close the open wounds.


"How did you escape?!"

The people from the other cells noticed that Bryan broke the chains on his body. They were shocked as they couldn't believe what they were seeing in front of their eyes.

Bryan turned around and looked at the tube. This tube was the one that the Bentley Family used to suck his mana.

What would happen if he did the opposite?

He grabbed the tube and stuck it on his chest. He had the feeling that he could do it and he trusted his instinct.


A large amount of mana flowed through the tube and entered his body. It felt like the mana was tearing his muscles as it was forcefully transferred into his body.


A sphere of energy exploded and it shook the whole prison. His mana pool was filled and he took back everything that they've got. He was now powerful than before.

He narrowed his eyes as he sensed that the guards were coming here with sharp weapons. They must have noticed the energy wave coming from him. Also, the device that they used to suck mana was destroyed.

Two B-rank and ten C-rank experts.


A faint smile formed on Bryan's face as he raised his feet and stomped the ground with his full strength.


The ground exploded and large blocks of rocks burst out in every direction. The guards were caught off guard and Bryan used this chance to freed the other captives like him. With his personality, he wasn't going to abandon these people.


A burst of flames exploded from the ground and Bryan's figure came out of the surface. He landed on the ground and he found that he was in the red light district. The district was close and only people from the Bentley Family were here as they were preparing for the ritual tomorrow.

"I will fight anyone who dared to stop me!!"

Bryan roared as he let out a powerful wave of energy that shook everything around him.

Hexan and Number Ten were on the top of the building, quietly watching the things unfold before their eyes.

"Oi! Brother Hexan, are you sure that you only awaken his barbarian bloodline? Isn't that a magical human trait? Super energy regeneration..." Number Ten was quite shocked when he saw this.

Hexan nodded, "Yeah, I only awakened his barbarian bloodline as it was partially awakened. Maybe, he tapped into his magical human trait when he broke out."

"Isn't that dangerous?! Can he even control it...?" Number Ten glanced at Hexan.

"He could control it. After all, he already utilized all of his power in the past to freed himself." Hexan said as he shrugged his shoulder and added, "Also, you had a barbarian, magical human, and witch bloodline too. It's not surprising that he couldn't control it. His instinct will tell the answer."

"Well, you are right. We should tell Brother Seven about this. He is worried about Brother Bryan too." Number Ten said as he looked in the sky.

"Let's go now... Since Bryan is involved in this case, let's just took the result of the research."

The two disappeared under the moonlight. No one would know that they were here just a moment ago. After all, they have the ability to escape from a god's detection.



Bryan threw a powerful punch that knocked down several B-rank experts that tried to stop him. Chaos spread in the red light district that the Bentley Family was managing.

The people that Bryan freed took this chance to escape and freed the other prisoners. The Bentley Family captured hundreds of people and locked them under the red light district, and those people were the source of energy that was flowing throughout the whole district.

"Where is the ritual site?!"

Bryan jumped fifty meters in the sky and looked around the whole district. He was trying to find the said ritual where the Bentley Family would sacrifice the women that they've captured.

Then, twenty B-rank experts that were guarding the district charged at him.

"Stop him!!"

"Stop this man!!"

"Don't let him leave this place!!"

"Hmph!!" Bryan snorted as flames formed around his fist. "Take this!"

[Blazing Strike]!

A three-meter huge fist made of flames shoots out from his hand. It descended on the ground and caused a powerful explosion that blown dozens of buildings.


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