Bang! Bang!

Shockwave after shockwave swept out the surrounding area. The entire streets were demolished and the battle between Torkez and Carmin attracted the other experts in Ekatoe City.


Carmin was blown away and his body penetrated several houses.


He groaned in pain. He looked ahead only to find that his opponent was already close to him. The shadow of his opponent covered in as he found himself staring into nothingness.


He realized that his opponent was stronger than him. He had no chance of him at all. Even if he could injure his Torkez, Torkez would simply regenerate faster than he could ever imagine. He didn't know how he could defeat this guy.

He... He felt scared for the first time in several years.


Torkez stepped forward and it slightly shook the floor. He stared at his opponent coldly as a huge amount of mana was fluctuating around him.

"Just like what I've said before... You have no chance to defeat me." He said before he swung his huge arm which was covered in spikes.

"Don't underestimate me!" Carmin roared and he swung his spear at the same time. Flames covered his spear and the temperature rose sharply.


Both of their attacks collided. A ring-shaped shockwave spread out from the center of the impact. It destroyed the surrounding houses.


Carmin was blown away once again. Before he could crash onto the ground, Torkez chased after him and shot a ball of condensed energy.


It was a one-sided battle. Torkez was dominating Carmin ever since he used the power of the parasite. Even though both of them were at the same level, he was trashing his opponent like he was lower than him.

Torkez's parasite boosted his strength and also his equipment was better than Carmin's. Most of his equipment was orange-grade and Carmin only had blue and purple grade. The difference was huge.

Carmin was just a leader of a small gang in a random city in God's Continent so it would be hard for him to acquire higher-grade equipment.

After several minutes of trashing, Carmin couldn't even move his body anymore. He was full of wounds and his left arm was shredded into tiny pieces.

Torkez stretched out his hand and grabbed Carmin's head. He raised him in the air as he narrowed his eyes.

"Y-You... m-monster... j-just w-what the hell are you..? J-just... kill me..." Carmin said with great effort. He couldn't even speak properly with his current condition.

Torkez grinned and said, "As I said before, I will not kill you. I will let you watch my leader take over this city. After that, I'll kill you."

After he said those words, his other hand turned into sharp blades. The blades moved fiercely as it tore Carmin's remaining arm into countless pieces.


Carmin screamed and his voice echoed throughout the whole area. Everyone within a radius of one kilometer heard the pain in his voice.

Torkez loosened his grip as he let his opponent fall to the ground. He raised his right foot and stepped onto Carmin's back.

"I'm not a fan of killing but I have to do this... My Lord said that I've got to take control of this city before he arrives. As for the rest of the organizations in this city, I'm sure that they are watching this battle."

He said as he glanced at his surrounding. While he was fighting Carmin, he sensed several energy arrived near the battlefield. Well, he didn't care about them and his goal was to show his power so that they wouldn't have a second thoughts when Souta ruled this city.

"Argh!! You are not... from the Governor... y-you..." Before Carmin could finish his sentence, Torez kicked his head directly knocking him out.

This was a good exercise. It's been a while since he fought someone and he felt that his combat prowess was getting rusty.

"I only won because I have a great advantage..."

He muttered in a low voice. Carmin could damage him but it was useless since he had a parasitic essence eater in his body. If the battle lasted longer then his parasite would reach its limit.

"It took me almost twenty minutes to finish a high-stage S-rank. When Franklin is at my level, it only took him five minutes to finish the same level of opponent."

Torkez shook his head. He turned and clapped his hand loudly. His subordinates and the remaining bandits of the Blood Gore Bandits heard the loud sound.

When they looked over, they saw that the battle was concluded. The bandits didn't have a choice but to surrender. Torkez's appearance didn't have a slightest wound and from their battle against the other people, they guess that he also had an unbelievable regeneration ability.

All of them had that powerful regenerative ability. How? The question that kept lingering in their minds.

"It's finished... Let's pack things up." Torkez smiled. If the others still tried to fight them, they should've known what would happen.

The destruction of the Blood Gore Bandits was an example.

Shimpan Family and the other two organizations were alarmed. They didn't think that the people in the city hall were so strong that they would uproot the entire Blood Gore Bandits in just a single day. Right now, they were discussing some things if the people from city hall were Governor's men.

They even sent some of their men to the neighboring cities to find some clues related to these people.

While they were alarmed, the civilians were happy that the Blood Gore Bandits was destroyed. The bandits that extort their money were finally gone. But some minded people have different ideas... They thought that this event would ignite a chaos in the entire city.

In the city hall...

"I think it's better if we start implementing the law," Torkez whispered. Souta would arrive in a few days so it's better to set things right.

"Sir, we've finished demolishing the old buildings around the city hall. The earth mage and the engineers would arrive soon." Remina reported.

Torkez raised his eyebrows. "Oh, that's good. Announce to everyone in the city that this place will undergo a huge change. Demolished the city walls and the district around the city hall. The people in the inner district shall move according to our arrangement."

"Yes, sir." Remina bowed slightly before she left. She didn't even ask whether the civilians would like it or not. She already knew the answer to it.

Torkez glanced at her back before he stared at the seat of the city lord. He knew that changes would arouse the emotions of civilians but he still had to do it.

"Later, they would realize that all of this is for the expansion of Ekatoe City. It will only flourish because that's the only way we could keep up with the changes in the world."

The announcement shook the entire Ekatoe City. It was inevitable since the people that were living around the area of people were rich so they didn't want to move out and squeezed themselves into the outer district. It was their land so how could they give it up easily?

The Virna Bandit and South Maim Gang silently stir up the emotions of these people so that they would vent all of their anger at the new city lord.

All this time, the Shimpan Family was observing the entire event. They didn't even move. They just watch the event unfold before their eyes. They knew that if the city hall didn't change their decision, a rebellion would occur.

But since this was the first day, it wouldn't happen.

On the next day, a lot of people were still protesting around the city hall. The nine guards were emitting a strong aura so they didn't dare to advance. They could only shout and swear.

Looking at these people, Torkez felt a slight headache. He didn't want to massacre them as he knew that if someone suddenly came and said that they would destroy their home and move out, of course, he would react the same.

"After building everything, I will arrange an area for them." He said in a low voice. Suddenly, he turned around as he sensed Remina's aura. He asked, "What did you find?"

"Sir, I've found that the Virna Bandit and South Maim Gang are behind this." Remina paused and asked, "Should we move and kill them?"

Torkez shook his head, "No, Amanda is going to arrive soon. Some of the Noxious are with her so we can leave this job to them."

"I understand, sir." Remina nodded.

Two hours later a group of people entered Ekatoe City.

The one who was leading this group was Amanda, the Chief of the Witch Corps. She brought thirty witches, twenty from the Noxious corps, and fifty ordinary members.

In these one hundred people, thirteen were S-rank, forty-seven were A-rank, and the rest were either B-rank or C-rank.

With this lineup, everyone would soon realize that they had no chance to overthrow the city hall.

Overwhelming power would shut the mouth of all weaklings.

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