The Hitting Zone

The pitcher nodded at the next sign and I held my bat tight. Anything close and I would send it to a gap. I really wanted to hit a home run, but now isn't the time to be picky. The second pitch came...and went way outside. The catcher dramatically dove for it, stopping it from being a wild pitch.

He stood up and showed the ball to the umpire before throwing it back to his pitcher. "Yea, he's a little nervous today. Don't mind."

I made a face. Bryce thinks this guy has good control. And Bryce is a pitcher. And my teammate. I think I'm going to believe him over some opposing catcher.

The third pitch was a high fastball. I paid attention to how the catcher was already jumping out of squat. A little early. He either has amazing reflexes or he knew that the pitch was going to be high. The catcher threw the ball back to his pitcher and gave a hand gesture to settle.

I gripped my bat and tried not to obviously frown. This is just a show. These guys aren't going to throw anywhere close to the strike zone. The pitches are likely to be closer to my body. With a 3-0 count, I had to be careful. Just in case they throw a little wild, directly at me. I focused on the pitcher, eyes on the ball without even the intention to swing. Unsurprisingly, the pitch came inside. Enough to make me step back, but not as dramatic as before.

"Ball four. Take your base." The umpire said.

I gave my bat a small toss towards the dugout and jogged to first.

Coach Luis held the top of my helmet and leaned down. "Good eye. Keep paying attention out here. Go on contact."

I nodded. With Garret still on second base, the first baseman didn't try to hold me to my base, allowing me to take a bit of a lead. It was all for naught though. The pitcher could suddenly find the strike zone against Sean, getting him to an 0-2 count before Sean popped out to the third baseman. We all jogged back to the dugout.

"Jake." Coach stopped me. Bryce was next to him. "Bryce thinks the pitcher is intentional with his wild throws to you. You agree?"

I gave a short nod. "Just compare how many pitches the other four saw outside of the zone."

Coach frowned. "I'll talk to the umpire when that pitcher takes the mound again." He pointed at me. "Be careful. Be aware. I don't think these guys play dirty, but I also don't trust anyone."

I nodded. I went back to my bag and switched out my gear, joining the others who had already taken the field. Dave was already halfway through his practice pitches with Mitchell. I fielded some grounders from Sean and somehow Noah got closer to me.

"You good?" He double-checked.

I nodded. "No harm, no foul." I frowned. "I think Coach might be right about these guys not pitching to me. Or at least, they'll be pitching around me." I sighed. "I don't know if I'll be any help today." I kicked the dirt. I get benched in the non important games and when I do play, I get walked all the time. I miss playing in The Foothill Classic. I got to really bat then even if I did see a few occasional intentional walks. But at least those made sense.

Noah didn't say anything else after checking in. He jogged backwards to get into position as the umpire called for the game to resume. Dave was already nodding at the sign from Mitchell. The lead off batter was set and Dave started his windup. The batter connected on the very first pitch, smacking a line drive to left. I snapped my head to the right to see Korrey sprinting in and laying out for the ball. He caught the ball and slid in the grass. He was slow to get up and throw the ball back in to Noah.

Noah called time and walked the ball up to Dave on the mound. "Damn. You need to throw to some harder spots like their pitcher does."

Dave took the ball from him and spun around to face Mitchell. "Just get into position, you brat."

Noah laughed and jogged back to his spot. I knew the break was more for Korrey than anything, but Noah also doesn't pass up chances to give his brothers a hard time.

Batter two also came out swinging. He missed the first two pitches before hitting a grounder to Noah. Noah dealt with it smoothly for the second out.

Batter three also came out swinging. They had the same idea that Coach gave us: anything close, swing. Batter three connected, hitting a single to Korrey in left-center. It didn't have enough time for him to get under it like the last one. But it was okay. The cleanup hitter hit a very high, yet short, fly ball to right field. Bryce had plenty of time to get under it and make the catch to end the inning.

We jogged back to the dugout to switch to the offensive. Coach came out to speak with the umpire as Jason, Korrey, and Mitchell all got ready for their at bats. Seeing our Coach speak to the umpire, OLU's coach came out too, making it a party of three.

"He wants to know what Coach has to say." Noah explained. He looked at me. "Is it about the wild pitches to you?"

I nodded.

Coach didn't look happy when he came back. He came over to me and Noah, where we sat with our bags. "I need you to be extra aware in that batter's box, Jake."

I nodded.

Noah frowned. "What did the umpire say?"

Coach shook his head. "He can't do much until something happens. If someone gets hit or hurt, he'll warn both sides." He twisted his lips. "It's their coach I have a problem with. He had the nerve to say that Jake's batting scares his pitcher, making the pitches wild. He's just covering his ass in case Jake really does get hit." He spotted Dave. "I've got to make sure Dave doesn't throw any pitches too close. I want them busted. Not us." He left.

I sighed.

Noah looked over. "You okay, Jake?"

"Just annoyed." I rolled my eyes. "Watching out for wild pitches, be on edge for sketchy plays...I just want to hit. Like everyone else."

Noah patted my shoulder sympathetically.

Our half of the inning went quick. Not necessarily because the pitcher was super good. All three outs came from contact. Jason got jammed on an inside pitch, hitting a slow roller to the pitcher; he was quick to come off the mound and threw him out at first. Korrey and Mitch hit line drives to right field and second respectively. Well hit, solid contact, just right to the fielders though.

"We'll get a chance next inning." Noah told me confidently. Dave walked past to put his helmet back. "Of course we have a small disadvantage with Dave leading off, but I'll definitely pull something off."

"HEY! I heard that!" Dave hollered.

I laughed and Noah grinned. I couldn't play like this without Noah's constant pep talk and digs on the twins. He made it easy to stay and play it out. Otherwise who knows how frustrated I would be.

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