Remembering how Supreme Commander Xia teased Xia Jinyuan without leaving him face, Ye Jian started chuckling, “Supreme Commander is a strict father but also a loving father, which is visible from our conversation.” After pausing for a moment, the slightly dry red lips of hers arched into a more profound smile, “I’d never imagine the Supreme Commander had such aside in private.”

“That has never happened with me present before, my Big Uncle, Second Uncle, Youngest Uncle and Aunt all adored their daughters, but they can be ruthless towards their sons. Those cousins of mine had their share of beatings over the years.” Unintentionally, Xia Jinyuan started mentioning his relatives; the Xia Family always valued familial ties, everyone’s kid was like their own, if their sons made a mistake, then beat him up, if the girls made a mistake… as long as it’s not something that was morally wrong, they’d basically choose to ignore it.

Hearing that, Ye Jian couldn’t help but to gulp, Eldest Uncle, Second Uncle, Youngest Uncle, Aunt… including Supreme Commander Xia, who was ranked. Third, there were five of them! As expected of a bigshot clan in the Capital city, their numbers flourished.

“When you have time, I’ll bring you to stroll around my home and get to know some of your relatives. The girls in our Xia Family are quite pampered. There’re plenty of boys in my family, and girls, we only have one each generation! And there’s only Xia Yiwei in my current generation.”

The two of them discussed quietly as they walked into the guesthouse before Ye Zhifan’s eyes; after checking their room numbers, they then went up the stairs. When he set foot on the first step, Xia Jinyuan suddenly turned around and shallowly smirked at Ye Zhifan, leaving him with a disdainful look; besides that, he meant nothing else.

Ye Zhifan didn’t expect him to suddenly look back and was startled by the disdain in his eyes when his guard was down. The relationship between this young man and Ye Jian… wasn’t normal, they were very likely lovers!

After staring at their backs for a while, he managed to calm his nerves and pressed his lips tightly together as we walked into the guesthouse.

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