༺ Preparation (4) ༻

The event called a party was, in reality, a gathering where those who attended came together for a meal.

Renee designed the concept as a tribute to Vera, who had always been interested in food culture.

Vera laughed.

Looking at all the delicacies arranged to suit his tastes, he could almost picture the process by which this menu had been chosen.

He could clearly see how the others must have struggled to stop Renee, who had an eccentric taste, and Marie, who would make such bizarre dishes.

He looked up, and the scene told him that.

Rohan was in the corner, winking and giving him a thumbs-up, and Trevor was nodding next to him.

Marie looked wistfully at the food, and Friede next to her was chuckling.

The others were absorbed in their food, and the two girls had already wandered off, more interested in exploring the garden than eating.

Vargo still looked irritated, but there was a smile deeper than usual on his face.

The scenes in Vera’s vision were images of warmth and comfort.

The things he’d gained in this life were shaped no less beautifully.

Vera smiled, truly delighted.

Furthermore, a sudden thought occurred to him.

It was thought that this, too, could be considered a form of love.

This was the feeling of cherishing someone, and not necessarily in a romantic way.

A feeling of wanting to protect them and keep them by his side.

Certainly, it was an emotion that should be described as love.

“Thanks to everyone’s help, I was able to organize this.”

Upon hearing Renee’s words, Vera nodded and squeezed her hand.


He found it hard to continue the words.

The words that stuck in his throat for a long time came out only after the ripples inside him had spread like waves, and his expression had unraveled.

“…I’m really grateful for this.”

It was an unfamiliar sight to the onlookers.

Meanwhile, Rohan spoke in a servile manner, as if trying to gain an advantage in the midst of it all.

“Then, the punishment…”

“That’s not happening.”

“…Damn it.”

Vera smirked while Rohan’s face crumpled.

“We’ll see how things go, and maybe we can introduce a reward points system.”

“Doesn’t that mean you’re telling us to work hard till we die?”

“Alright, we can talk about that later. Vera needs to eat.”

Renee interrupted the two, who looked like they were about to start a scuffle, and Vera’s hand moved away.

Immediately afterward, Vera’s hand, which was reaching for the nearest food, came to an abrupt halt.

“Is there anything you want to eat, Saint?”

“Vera should eat first.”

“It’s fine. I’m sure you’ve had it hard preparing this in secret.”


Renee’s fingertips twitched.

Her face turned a faint shade of red.

“…In that case, I’ll accept what Vera gives me.”

Vera’s face flushed as well.

“…There’s seafood here. I believe you enjoyed it at the Imperial Capital.”

“Really? I didn’t know since Sir Rohan was the one who prepared the most in getting the food.”

“Well, here. Take a bite.”

It was hard not to raise an eyebrow at the sight of two people who suddenly found themselves in their own world.

Rohan turned his head away, unable to look at the sight.

“Say ah~”

Their voices reached Rohan.

“How is it?”

“…It’s delicious. You should try it too, Vera.”

The bubbly mood between the two turned into a stomach-churning one.

“How’s that?”

“Yes, it’s very fresh indeed. I suppose it’s from the fishing village south of Elia.”

“It is. Oh, and the grilled fish is from there, too.”

“Yes, it’s certainly a rare fish in the capital.”

It was definitely just trivial small talk, but Rohan really didn’t like hearing it for some reason.

Just as Rohan’s irritation was welling up inside him, the twins sneaked up behind him and whispered.

“Is Rohan going tonight?”

“Vera is corny today. Will never be caught.”

It was a silent urging. Rohan nodded.

‘The hell with the penalty points or whatever it is…’

Rohan couldn’t stand watching the couple. It made him feel lonely.

Rohan thought.

‘He has no conscience if he tells me off when he’s doing that himself.’

That everything that would happen today was Vera’s responsibility.

…Of course, Vera had no intention of admitting that.


After the meal, which was no different from usual and the reason why it was exceptionally precious to Vera, was his time alone with Renee.

The meals shared with the others were indeed special, but it was his time with her that was most special.

With these thoughts in mind, Vera walked slowly through the forest.

“The leaves are starting to fall.”

“Yes, it’s autumn, after all.”

Renee answered with a warm smile.

She felt happy at the thought that all the preparations they had made had led to desirable results.

“It’s already been a year.”

“Yes. At this time last year…”

“We were at Sir Dovan’s blacksmith shop, weren’t we?”

She still remembered that moment.

The leaves crunched under their feet.

Vera’s hands adjusted her collar as the day grew colder.

And her heartbeat at that moment.

“You know what?”


“Actually, until then, I thought it might be impossible to be in a relationship with Vera in a year.”

She felt impatient, but regardless, she thought so when she thought of the possibilities.

“I was embarrassed to hold your hand, and I felt like my heart would explode if I got hugged. So I thought if I did any more than that, my heart might explode and I might die.”

That wasn’t all.

The other person was like a brick wall.

A rare individual who never acknowledged her, no matter how many times she talked to it.

“I was really annoyed with you back then. You didn’t look at me even though I’ve been so obvious. My eyes welled up with tears when I wondered if I was the only one who felt this way.”

Now, she could finally say it.

In response, a muffled grunt escaped Vera’s mouth.

Renee giggled and leaned closer to Vera.

“You’re reflecting on it, right?”

“…I apologize.”

“Wow, it’s been a while since you said that.”

At the thought that so much had changed and yet this side of his remained the same, Renee finally burst into laughter.

It was laughter that brightened the lush, green forest.

On the path where it echoed for a very long time, Vera spoke with a troubled look on his face.

“…You’ve also changed a lot.”


“No, I think it’s more accurate to say you’ve grown.”

Vera’s gaze shifted to Renee.

Her beauty, which seemed to be the only one in the world, was still the same as ever.

Her radiant smile and the warmth of the hand he held were still there.

Nonetheless, something had undeniably changed.

“You’ve certainly become a better person as you carried out your revelation.”

The criteria for ‘a better person’ might vary from person to person, but at least in Vera’s eyes, that’s how it felt.

“You’ve become a little more understanding of others. And you’ve become a braver person than you used to be. And…”

He pointed out the changes he had seen all this time.

It was a reminder of how Renee had become a person he wanted to walk with, and not just someone to chase.

Renee’s face flushed red.


At Vera’s praises, which occasionally made her feel embarrassed, Renee hesitated for a moment, clearly blushing, and then let out a sigh before speaking.

“…Stop it, please.”

Her lips pouted.

She furrowed her brows, creating a glare.

Now, Renee knew.

Beneath Vera’s lavish praises, there was more than just reverence.

“Are you having fun?”

At some point, she noticed that there was a hint of laughter in his voice.

What could that mean?

It meant that he was enjoying her reaction every time he did that.

Renee was correct.

The sight of her squirming in embarrassment was one of Vera’s favorite traits about her, so he seized the opportunity to play a prank on her.

Upon hearing the hint of resentment in her voice, Vera pulled down the corners of his mouth.

Then, in a calculating voice, he answered.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“You’re awful.”


The hand jabbing at his waist was an unmistakable gesture of complaint.

Feeling his insides tickle for no reason, Vera let out a long gulp of air.

And so, at the end of their walk, which was adorned with small talk…

“…We’re here.”

They reached their destination.

It was a small pond that Renee had visited whenever she needed a quiet place before she left Elia to follow the revelation.

The small and beautiful pond welcomed them both, just as it had a year ago.

Renee’s head snapped up.

“How does it look?”

“Everything is the same.”

“Even the stump?”

“Yes, it’s in the same place as before.”

It was the only place to sit on this pond, and it was also Renee’s reserved seat.

“Please have a seat.”

Vera grabbed Renee by the waist and slowly led her toward the stump, but Renee stopped moving.


“What’s wrong?”

“Then you’ll be standing again.”

“I’m okay wi—”

“I’m never okay with that.”

Renee lifted her head and turned it in the direction of Vera’s voice.

“You should sit, Vera.”


“Come on.”

Renee tugged on Vera’s arm, led him to the stump that bumped into her heel, and then forced him to sit by the shoulders.

“Well, there you go.”

“If I sit, then the Saint will…”

“There’s a way for everything.”

The smile on Renee’s face was filled with pure mischief.

She walked over to Vera.

Not taking off her hands that were still on Vera’s shoulders, she sat sideways on his thighs.


Vera’s body shook.

“We can just do this, right?”

Somehow, his body heated up at the question that was uttered as if to ask his opinion.

The thought that his deceitful lover was putting him to the test again made Vera feel uncomfortable.

“Now, like this…”

Renee took Vera’s arms and began to wrap them around herself.

“This way, I won’t catch a cold, right? You’re warm, after all.”


“Think of it as my reward for all the hard work I put into your birthday.”

Renee said as she leaned into Vera’s chest, and then added, feeling Vera’s heartbeat quicken.

“…But I guess this is a reward for you, too, right?”

Vera’s face crumpled strangely.

He thought she was being a bit naughty today.

However, for Renee, who was spending time with Vera for the first time in a very long time, it was an act of claiming what was rightfully hers and also an act to gain something.



“I’ll ask you a question.”

A pounding heart and warm body heat.

Lost in them, Renee smiled and continued.

“Is there anything missing today?”

Vera couldn’t help but get confused at the sudden question.

“What do you mean?”

“Well, I wonder what it is.”

“By anything missing…”

His words trailed off, making him seem like he was thinking about it.

Renee found Vera so ridiculous and spoke in a giggling tone.

“A gift.”

Vera’s body tensed up at once.

In the woods, with just the two of them.

He and Renee were sitting there, clinging to each other.

And the word ‘gift.’

If this didn’t remind him of something, he must either be sexually dysfunctional or possess an intelligence below that of the twins.

Vera’s head turned groggily toward Renee.

Renee whispered to Vera, reveling in the sensations she was receiving.

“Your birthday gift this time is…”

Her whisper was as sweet as the devil, and just as dangerous.

“…Me as an adult.”

Her whispers, carried with her warm breath, lingered in his ear.

It dug into his eardrum and tickled deeper inside.

There was a tremor that followed at once.

It was his primal desire.

The good news was that Vera was a person who knew the value of self-control.

And that his temper, which enjoyed being in control, was above his nature.

For a moment, Vera thought that Renee was acting too full of herself.


Vera’s gray pupils flickered to Renee.

Then, he leaned his head forward.

It was a kiss.

The distance between them grew closer.

The sudden softness on her lips.

And a breath that was different from hers.

All of that made Renee stiffen at once.

It was also something that made her brain stop working when she recognized what had just happened.

Renee, having lost all composure, gaped blankly after the moment that felt like an electrifying current running through her body. Then, Vera spoke.

“You’re still a long way from adulthood. I can’t believe you’re stunned just from something like this.”

Following those amused words was a whisper that sounded exactly like what Renee had done to him.

“…Isn’t having your first time outdoors a bit of a perverted taste?”


Renee’s body shrank like a frog in front of a snake.

Her reddened face was akin to a mastermind caught in their own trap.

There was no doubt about it.

Well, that was the advantage of experience.

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