Three weeks later...

At this point, several people were formally positioned on the Black Plain royal throne hall, with Minos seated on his throne, Abby on his left side on a throne similar to his, and Ruth on his right side.

In addition to this trio, there were 15 other Spiritual Emperors there, all of them dressed in the armor of the Black Plain Army.

Some of them were profiled on the right side of the room, holding banners with the royal family crest.

This crest was a little different from the symbol of the Black Plain. Instead of just a golden tree, there were also a pair of swords and a serpent wrapped around the tree trunk in it.

In front of these people holding such banners were the other individuals, each with a different coat of arms on their armor, indicating that they were of different orders within the army.

Besides these people standing silently at the sides of that place, in the middle of the space between them, the stairs to the throne and the exit from that place, was a red-haired woman.

She had light green eyes and wore a beautiful white dress with openings at the sides that showed a little bit of her well-toned legs. But the most impressive, besides her divine beauty, was her level.

Level 68!

"Gloria, you've gotten stronger in this period..." Minos casually said, smiling at this newcomer to his city. "It seems that the Flaming Empire is not so bad... Or is it your talent that is way above average?"

Upon hearing Minos' words, Gloria closed her eyes and gave him a bittersweet smile, feeling a mixture of joy but worry at that instant. "I see that I lost my bet... You set all this up for that, right?" She looked at the nine people with different crests on their chests.

Each was a spiritual professional from the ten different spiritual professions, with only one spiritual judge absent, a profession that had been left out of Minos and Gloria's bet.

Watching these people together with Dillian and Regina on her left side, Gloria could not help but admire Minos even more. 'It's truthfully amazing! Some of them are already close to level 61!'

She then looked at her right side. 'There are also six other Spiritual Emperors here... They must be warriors.'

'Besides, the three lovebirds are all at the 7th stage...' Her eyes focused on Ruth, who at the moment had already reached level 61.

'Impressive, really impressive!'

'Has he solved the problem in this region?' She wondered before hearing Minos' voice. "It is as you say, dear Gloria. All my soldiers are here to mark my victory in our bet..."

"Now, I hope you have come prepared to stay in my city."

After hearing that, most of those Spiritual Emperors who did not know what was happening there finally understood the situation, as they looked at Minos in admiration.

'Our King is truly domineering! He even wants to bring an Archbishop of the Spiritual Church into his harem!'


'That's how a man has to be! He must not be intimidated by any woman and act only according to his wishes!'

'If the Archbishop marries His Grace, the Black Plain will become stronger...'

Various thoughts passed through the minds in the surroundings as Gloria looked steadily in Minos' direction.

"I promised to come and live here, didn't I? Then I won't embarrass myself and change my mind now." She walked toward him, but no royal guards tried to stop the one doing such this time since they already knew Minos' intentions toward this woman.

She reached a step below the level on which Minos and his women stood and asked softly. "But will the King of the Black Plain accept having a person from another organization who is stronger than him in his territory? I hear he is pretty brutal with threats to himself..."

"Stronger than me?" Minos laughed, not finding her teasing terrible. "I'm not sure about that, dear Gloria."

Her eyes widened in interest upon hearing that, but she did not question it.

"In any case, you will soon become part of my family, won't you? So there's no problem having someone that strong in my state." He made the three women in his surroundings blush, one looking at the other in an embarrassed manner, while the Spiritual Emperors there tried to breathe lower so as not to draw attention.

"Pardon?" Gloria finally said something.

"Minos!" Abby said softly, looking at him meaningfully.

"All of you, get out!" Minos said as he realized that his two women were almost losing their patience.

Then, in the blink of an eye, only the four stood there, while the temperature in the air seemed to have cooled a little.

"Minos, how can you say something like that?" Abby asked. 'I don't like this woman!' She looked coldly at Gloria.

Realizing this, Gloria frowned her eyebrows and took the last step up that flight of stairs. 'What's wrong with her? She always stays with him, but she acts like I'm getting in her way!'


'It's only because of you two that I've spent four years suffering with the idea of having to share him...'

Minos then heard Ruth's voice. "Honey, you shouldn't say things like that in public. We should have talked it over in private first."

"Hmm, but you two already know my intentions toward Gloria."

Minos looked at each of his women and then focused on Gloria. "I know you have feelings for me, and I have for you as well. So, I won't let us continue to waste time. I want you to become my third wife, Gloria."

"Minos..." Gloria blushed and forgot Abby, feeling touched. "But... What about the difficulties I already told you about? We can't just get married..."

"Hmm, those difficulties don't matter. I don't need anyone's approval but yours to make you my wife. So, as long as you want to, we can solve any problems." He rose from his throne and stood face to face with her.

As she thought about his words and felt that doing this informally would not cause any problems, Gloria clenched her fists and then embraced the handsome man in front of her.

"Let's talk about this alone later..." She whispered in one of his ears before kissing the lips she had dreamed of for months.

Gloria had come to the northern region of the Central Continent twice in the last four years. But the last time was almost a year and a half. So, she had been all this time repressing her desires, which at this moment were not contained, even in the presence of Abby and Ruth.

"Mmmmmmmmmm~" She fervently kissed him as he embraced her, full of desire to be with this woman.

"Minos!" Abby shouted her husband's name and then used one of her hands to pull him out of Gloria's arms.

Gloria felt angry at having her moment disrupted and said. "Why did you do that? You're already with him every day! Don't you feel ashamed to stand in our way? I haven't seen him in months!"

"What?" Ruth exclaimed.

"Minos is my husband, so what if I stay with him daily?" Abby took the lead from her husband, ready to control the situation since Ruth seemed too weak to do anything about it. "But as far as I know, you're an outsider. So, I don't want you kissing him in front of me."


"Then why don't you leave us alone?" Gloria retorted, not going too far as this was Abby's home, and in a way, it was the queen who had reason on her side.

'It's because you are his wife that you are still breathing...' She looked coldly at the blue-haired beauty in front of her.

'Bitch!' Abby thought in her mind, feeling an itch in her hand to slap Gloria's face.

Seeing Abby's hand moving, Minos remembered one of his queen and Ruth's first encounters years ago and smiled.

He rushed over and stood between the two, promptly using one of his hands to hold Abby's moving wrist.

"Darlings, let's not get carried away." He softly said as he brought those two into his embrace.


"Minos Stuart, I will not accept that you keep bringing women into our home!" Abby looked him in the eye but did not refuse his embrace.

"That's something I can agree with you on." Gloria stated, feeling bad for having to use the word 'agree' with Abby. But she did not remain 'friendly' with the queen for long. "But I believe that is your fault, no? If you hadn't allowed him to be so promiscuous, none of this would happen."

"What did you say?" Abby angrily glared at the woman on the other side of Minos.

"If I had met Minos in your place, he would never have been with so many women... He would have been mine alone. But you..."


"You couldn't keep him at home!"

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