While Minos was attacking the main post of the invaders coming from Albano, the observers from that main camp had already noticed the beginning of the confrontation.

Because of this, several warning signs were already going off at each post where the Black Plain forces were waiting to attack!


When their group's sound warnings went off, Abby and Ruth immediately flew together with the other Spiritual Emperors towards the nearby enemy camp.

They were about to face the second strongest camp since they were the strongest group on the Black Plain in action this day. Considering this, both Minos' wives wanted to resolve the situation there as soon as possible so that maybe some of them would have a chance to go to the other enemy camps.

Thus, after flying for a few moments, when many cannon attacks by their group targeted that camp, they got close enough to their prey!

In that instant, each of them distanced themselves by a few dozen meters from each other and began to circulate their energies in their attack techniques.

One Thousand and One Spears!

Eduard was one of the first to form his attack, creating a series of spears made of spiritual energy to attack the many opponents beneath his feet.

Stellar Destruction!

At the same time, Celeste took charge of one of the boundaries of that camp, hurling a reddish ball of energy at the many enemies trying to figure out what was going on.


"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Shouting sounds spread to the surroundings, finally causing everyone there to start gathering to fight back against this surprise attack.

While the Spiritual Emperors were attacking from the air, the Spiritual Kings in that group were being led by Gaia by land, with many following behind this creature.

With the chaos generated by the Spiritual Emperors, several invasion points in that place had arisen for these people. With that, they took advantage of the opportunity created to kill the weakest in their path, many of them using all their strength for the first time in years.

"Kill every one of them! Don't let even one escape!" Some of Minos' soldiers gave shouts of encouragement to the people in the surrounding area.

On the other hand, the other side did not know what to do in this chaotic situation where they were attacked from all sides in their camp. They were just desperately fighting for their lives!

"Damn it! How can this be happening?"

"Who are you?"

The leaders of this place finally emerged amidst the explosions, smoke, and blood, looking in the direction of where several beings flying around the area were attacking them.

Abby saw those people and did not miss the chance to test her 7th technique in a battle for the first time.

Infinite Mirrors: Prison of Mirrors!

Many spinning mirrors appeared around 10 level 59 Spiritual Kings, quickly forming five large spheres, trapping 2 of those people in each one.

Now that Abby had learned a mental technique, her attributes related to this had considerably increased and enabled her to form multiple attacks like this!

Cursed Chains!

In the blink of an eye, several chains appeared from those spheres' inner faces, firmly trapping those people's bodies.

Sensing what was happening inside those mirror prisons, she used her mental technique on the people there as her chains strangled them.

Daytime Nightmare!

As they suffered through their worst nightmares arising, not understanding what was happening, they were quickly killed by Abby's chains.

Abby could use her chains to butcher them if she wanted, but she thought that kind of death was horrid. So, she choked them to death by breaking their necks.

With that, as the prisons of mirrors disappeared, revealing those corpses, it was not long before Ruth also took action against a bunch of high-level Spiritual Kings.

Thunder Fists!

Small bolts of lightning spread in her surroundings as she moved her fists against her opponents, causing a powerful bolt of lightning to break toward about 30 opponents.


This blow consumed several people without leaving them a chance to scream in pain, but some of the peak Spiritual Kings in that place held out a little longer, feeling terrible pain all over their bodies.



Abby saw this and then had an idea. "Whoever kills the most opponents today will have a chance to place an order regarding what we collect later!" She shouted for the whole battlefield to hear.

At that moment, her enemies trembled with fear, feeling that these lunatics would slaughter them. But the members of the Black Plain forces shouted in joy, with the Spiritual Emperors looking forward to the slaughter.

"The wealth of a group like that cannot be underestimated. So, I will take that first position!" Patriarch Hayes said in determination as he eliminated 25 opponents in one stroke.


While Abby's group was vigorously attacking the second largest camp of the Albano criminals, the one led by Emlyn was also advancing against another enemy outpost.

Burning Light!

Elena activated her primary offensive technique, making golden balls of light appear in her hands and then shoot light beams at her many opponents.

"Kill everyone in your path! Eliminate those damned people!" One of the invaders from this region shouted in hatred as he watched his comrades being killed right and left.

But as some of them burned with Elena's technique, Jade and Linette joined Kyla in eliminating the group of the man who had just shouted.

Kyla went ahead, slicing the air with her claws and sending blade attacks against her enemies in front of her. At the same time, her tails swung uncontrollably, defending her body and counterattacking enemies on her sides.

"Die, invaders!" Then, Jade made several ice spears appear near her hands and attacked six people in her path, making each of these ice weapons penetrate her opponents.

On the other hand, Linette defended her harem sister's rear, sometimes taking out the bravest enemies near them.

"This is being easier than I had thought!" She shouted to Jade as she watched from afar as Emlyn killed dozens of enemies one after another.

Hearing that, Elen, who was standing near them, said. "It's only natural. Every level 60 Spiritual Emperor can probably kill at least 100 enemies before he gets tired. Our Spiritual Kings are not weak at all either..."

"They have greatly underestimated us. We are too strong for only 60,000 of them to challenge us!" She said in a confident tone, but the truth was that she had been surprised by this too.

Earlier she had thought that the battle would be more difficult because of the differences in the number between their side and the opponents. But the truth was that a newly assembled group of outlaws was in no position to fight as a group against them!

Because of this deficiency and the unusual ability of the local warriors, each of those ordinary people in Albano had made a big mistake in targeting the Black Plain!

Elen then killed several more opponents, still listening to those two women.

"Do you think Minos is going to be okay? I mean, he's not just facing 100 or 200 opponents!" Jade said in a worried tone.

Elen then smiled. "Unless a Spiritual Saint shows up, it shouldn't be a problem..."

As they talked, Lorelei had already wiped out 50 opponents and was grinning from ear to ear, feeling how intense it was to fight so many opponents.

'Maybe I should do a little more like Minos in the future... This kind of situation does cause a different kind of pressure!' She crushed an opponent's head with her hands as she thought about it.

On the other hand, not far from this woman and her younger brother, Emlyn had just bitten off half a human body in one motion.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!" That person screamed in desperation as he felt the sharp teeth of that Nine-tailed Fox on his belly, chest, and legs.

However, he would meet a fate far worse than many in the surrounding area, and he soon felt the terror of being chewed before that beast devoured him.



People in the surroundings saw Kyla's mother devouring that human within seconds, barely able to believe the scene in front of them.

After that, many started running in desperation, trying to escape this damned hell.

"Au! Au!"


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