The moment he lost his connection with his 'batteries' in the surroundings, Minos finally 'grabbed' the air and raised his arms vertically over his head.

At that instant, the large black ring circling his surroundings progressively decreased in radius until it stood between his two hands, rotating counterclockwise while gaining a new movement.

As this black ring began to rotate on its vertical and horizontal axes, Minos manipulated the gravity on one of the points between his hands.

Devouring Art: Black Hole!

Chaotic Gravity: Black Hole!

As the Spiritual Saint launched his spear against Minos' body, the sky suddenly darkened as the two techniques in question merged.

Lightning began to appear on the horizon, drawing the attention of the still living invaders, who were looking at Minos without understanding what was happening.

Suddenly Minos had turned away from them, and then that man had appeared to attack him.

But they had not even had a chance to feel a bit of relief at seeing their enemy in trouble when shivers began to run through their bodies.

The black ring infinitely accelerated until it disappeared completely. At the same time, the deformation over that point in space became denser and denser, generating a small black sphere the size of a fingernail.

When this sphere was wholly formed, it shook for a moment before Minos threw it forward using almost all the remaining strength in his body.

As he felt his body becoming much weaker, with a massive pallor appearing on his face, he laughed and muttered. "Good luck."

Then, under the doubt-filled eyes of that Spiritual Saint, Minos teleported into the Spatial Kingdom, finally losing control over that technique.

'He ran away? But what is that?' The Spiritual Saint looked at his spear flying towards the black sphere thrown by Minos, sensing that something was wrong.

Unfortunately for him, it only took half a second for him to understand precisely how terrible that was.

When Minos stopped restraining his black hole, it emitted a powerful pulse. Then its event horizon expanded hundreds of meters away from its center, covering that area where its enemies were.

The instant this happened, everyone in that space felt their bodies being pulled uncontrollably by the small sphere in question, accelerating so that not even their thoughts could have time to act.

Each of the more than 7,000 individuals still alive was sucked into that thing in fractions of a second. First, they were accelerated. Then their bodies did not resist, being completely disintegrated before colliding with that lightless point.

Only the Spiritual Saint in that area had been able to see this since he was the only one to partially resist the gravitational effects of such a black hole.

Because of this, he had a look of complete terror on his face, shocked that thousands had turned to dust just before the small black sphere swallowed them up.

He was trembling with fear at the moment, but not only that. Although he had resisted being accelerated like Minos' victims, his body had deformed in a way he did not understand what was happening.

It was as if his body had turned into a giant noodle string!



'How did it... How... It... Did... That... Possible?' He shivered as he tried to think, but other than the great fear in his heart, nothing else was right about this powerful level 70 Spiritual Saint.

Unfortunately for him, the fusion used by Minos was not the kind that its effects passed on being used. No, the initial black hole was artificial, but it had become authentic by compressing the mass of over 7,000 people and part of the area!

Because of this, its effects increased considerably after the complete 'digestion' of that 'meal.'

'Uh?' The Spiritual Saint realized this when the event horizon again expanded, and the gravitational force drawing him in rose to a level that now even he could not withstand.

After that, this man felt the same as Minos' more than 7,000 enemies, being totally disintegrated before being added to the small black hole.

Then, only noise remained in that space of hundreds of cubic meters as the little black hole continued to spin, expelling spiritual energy.


Meanwhile, the observers in that area were all trembling with fear.

"What is it?"

"What happened? Why did His Grace's battle site suddenly turn into this lightless space?"

Several soldiers felt bad omens, watching that horrible thing, which seemed to make their souls tremble.

"I don't know, but we'd better not get close. I can't feel anything beyond that edge between the lightless region and the surrounding area." So, one of the strongest there said after trying to scan the area.

'What is that? How can space change like that?'


In the camp that Abby's group was attacking, each person still fighting there looked toward the place where Minos should be fighting.

Great darkness suddenly appeared in that area, with many clouds and lightning in the surroundings, forming a terribly frightening area for each person there.

"My goodness..." Some Spiritual Emperors there ignored their enemies and looked at such a thing in awe.

"What is that? Why did it go dark in that area?"

While many were in awe of this mysterious phenomenon, Abby and Ruth looked at it and then at each other. They knew what it meant!

"Minos!" The two shouted in concern, as he definitely would not use his card up his sleeve to just deal with mere Spiritual Kings!

'He used the Black Hole... What happened? Who appeared to force him to do that?' Abby approached Ruth, already intending to go towards that place.

Ruth then said to the Spiritual Emperors in there. "That was Minos. We'll go see what happened to him."

"Your Grace!" Angela shouted as she flew towards them.

"No! Stay here and resolve the situation!" Ruth said as she looked back and flew beside Abby away.

Abby remembered something and shouted at them. "In any case, even if you come later, don't go near that thing. No matter what!"

"There is only death for those who go beyond that horizon without having Minos' techniques!"


Sounds of saliva being swallowed arose as the last enemies there continued to die, with no time to worry about other things.


Meanwhile, in the Spatial Kingdom...

After appearing beside his lake house, Minos fell to the ground in front of a dozen members of the Elite Squad.

"Your Grace!" Those people immediately shouted this upon seeing the mighty king in such a frail and finished state for the first time in their lives.

Among them, young Ayn Hunt, level 45, Lee's younger sister, rushed to Minos' side and held his arm. "Master!" She said in a tone laden with concern.

At the same time, Neal and Maxwell, those two low-level Spiritual Kings who had not participated in today's operation and were in the Spatial Kingdom looking out for this group, rushed in front of Minos.

"Your Grace, what happened? Are you all right?" The two simultaneously said as they bent their knees in front of Minos.

"Cough! Cough!" Minos coughed up a little bit of blood a few times, but besides extreme fatigue and minor internal injuries, he was fine.

Unlike the last time he used the fusion, his body and soul were much better prepared for this. Hence, he was not as bad off as he appeared.

"Uh! Cough! I'm fine..." He replied in a hoarse tone. "Uh, a Spiritual Saint appeared... I had to throw something at him and run."

Apart from Ayn, who saw the slight smile on Minos' lips, each of those people trembled at hearing the term 'Spiritual Saint.'


"Spiritual Saint?" Maxwell clenched his fists, feeling helpless in front of those words.

"How can that be?"

"What a great disgrace!"

As the soldiers there saw the worst, Minos commented. "Don't worry. He's dead."

Silence spread through the Spatial Kingdom, with only the sound of the winds in the trees and water in the lake remaining.

"He... He's dead?" Neal asked in disbelief.


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