After an irritated voice that almost no one knew sounded, everyone stood up from their seats, feeling the power of the person who had just arrived.

"What's going on?"

"Are we under attack?" Minos' various friends said this as they put up fighting positions.

"Level 77?" Maisie stood in front of her son and those women of his as she looked toward where that Spiritual Saint was running.

"Who is that? How did she get into my city?" Minos looked at his mother in doubt.

Maisie then said in an embarrassed tone. "Your defenses aren't enough to restrain someone like that, but they weren't destroyed either... Which means she probably followed me."

Before Minos could say something to his mother, Gloria felt a chill and said. "That's my mother's voice..."

"What, my mother-in-law?" Minos felt less bad knowing it was not an enemy.

"Mother-in-law?" Finally, a gorgeous white-haired woman appeared inside Minos' house's dining room.

She looked intensely in the direction of where Minos was standing, seeing how her precious daughter was holding one of that fellow's hands.

"You... Are you the one who did this?" She showed Gloria the soul lamp, trembling with the desire to beat the crap out of Minos.

As Gloria stood in front of Minos, afraid of what her mother would do, King Stuart looked at that soul lamp and nodded in agreement. "Of course, it was me. Who would get Gloria pregnant other than her man?"


Saliva swallowing sounds rang out there as every person in this place looked at Minos in apprehension over his boldness.

Even Gloria looked back in surprise, not expecting that Minos would have all this pose, even in front of a level 77 Spiritual Saint.

'Remembering well, he wasn't afraid of me back then either...' She remembered their first meeting.

On the other hand, Maisie was already sweating about that woman being there since she knew that Gloria's mother was one of the oldest members of the Spiritual Church in her state.

And she was a fanatic about her religion!

Margot Frost was originally from the northern region of the Central Continent. But going to the Flaming Empire after an edition of the Spiritual Tournament, she had stayed only a few months in a sect until she left it to join the organization of her future husband.

Since then, she had grown considerably, finally becoming one of the strongest in that Church post!

Knowing this, Maisie was already worried about Minos.

Margot then felt more anger at this man who had contaminated her daughter and impregnated her out of wedlock. "You are bold! Where does your courage come from? What makes you think I won't wipe the floor of this place with your blood? Do you think that just because Gloria is expecting your baby, I won't act?"

"Oh? And why should I fear you, mother-in-law? Even if you were a Spiritual Demigod, I would still treat you the same way!" Minos said as he took the front of his woman and looked intently at that beautiful white-haired woman.

"Minos..." Gloria pulled at his clothes and looked at Abby and Ruth as if asking them to help her.

But Ruth and Abby seemed very quiet at the moment, causing this redhead to look at Minos again, in doubt.

"Demigod?" Margot looked strangely at Minos. "Besides being bold, you're an arrogant one!"

After saying that, she walked toward him, snapping the fingers of her hands. "I'll give you a chance. If you can take one minute of fighting with me..."

Minos did not care what Margot intended to say and spoke. "I'm not going to fight you. I don't need other people's approval for my relationship with my women."

"What? Your... Women?" She looked at Gloria and saw this naive daughter of hers blush.

"Minos already has two wives..." Gloria softly said.


"Now, you really can't escape a beating, brat!"

Maisie then said. "Mrs. Frost, aren't you exaggerating? Gloria is much stronger than Minos. How come you act as if he forced her into something?"

"You think I don't know that?" Margot said.

This part was what irritated her the most!

She had raised her only daughter with all her love and taught Gloria about how seriously marriage and children should be treated. But still, this foolish girl had given herself to a pretty face and allowed herself to become pregnant by a man she hardly knew, who had not received her family's approval!

That was disappointing!

Margot even liked the idea of becoming a grandmother one day, not least because she was already old and, depending on her bad luck, might not live to see her grandchildren. But she wanted her daughter to follow tradition, marry a good man in the Church, not just a nobody...

She continued. "I'll deal with Gloria later, but for now, this son of yours has committed a serious crime, Maisie!"

But Maisie continued to insist. "Mrs. Frost, you can't act against Minos. You must have seen the happiness in your daughter's eyes, right? Do you want to destroy that? Do you want to break her heart?"

"Don't worry. He will survive." She coldly laughed. "After all, he must marry my daughter in the Church to clear her reputation."

Margot then used her spiritual energy to seal Maisie's body, so this woman would no longer come in her way. "Brat, who will defend you now?" She stood face to face with Minos, surprised by his determination to face her without fear in his eyes.

'I admit you have enviable courage!' Her eyes narrowed.

Minos then answered her with a tease. "Your Spiritual Church is fascinating, mother-in-law. Besides not keeping its promises to the region, now it sends a Spiritual Saint to deal with a Spiritual Emperor..."

"We didn't keep our promises? What promise haven't we kept?" She ignored the second part of Minos' speech as she grabbed this young man by his neck.

"Spiritual Saints attack us when they want to. Just yesterday, I was almost killed by one of them." He said with difficulty.

Hearing that, Maisie trembled with anger, but she could not say anything because of the strength of that white-haired woman.


"We will deal with each of these rebels when the time comes. But that's all..."

He interrupted her again. "That's not all. At least one Albano organization with Spiritual Emperors was trying to invade my territory."

"If I hadn't acted, this whole region would be under their control in no time."

He saw this woman looking at him with irritation that he was using these matters that were unrelated to Gloria's pregnancy to get out of trouble. But he did not care. "Even Spiritual Emperors challenge the powerful Spiritual Church..."

"Well, perhaps that is the result of Spiritual Saints giving more importance to what their children do in their privacy than to their work." He looked fearlessly into her eyes.


"Mom!" Gloria finally moved against her mother, trying to get her to let go of Minos' neck. "Stop it. If you hurt Minos, I will never forgive you! Don't make me choose between him and you!"

"Oh?" She looked at the girl at her side, who was already in tears.

"You destroyed all the education it took me decades to instill in my daughter in a few weeks... You are too good, brat!" She angrily looked at Minos.

Gloria then continued. "Mother, I will stay with Minos one way or another. Even if I have to leave the Church!"

There was only one way to leave the Church besides death, and that was for such a person to cripple their spiritual power.

Because of this, Margot could not help but sigh in defeat after hearing this, feeling that her daughter had the same weaknesses as her. 'Sigh! Gloria is also ready to do anything for her man...'

'I had ignored that. What a fool I was...'

Besides her husband, Margot had only one weakness, her daughter. Because of this, seeing that Gloria was willing to hurt herself to be with Minos, this woman relieved her anger and let Minos go.

"Brat, you will come with me to the Flaming Empire. Then, starting today, you will serve the Spiritual Church. That is your only alternative to be with Gloria and save yourself from possible punishment."


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