Seven weeks later...

After traveling peacefully through the Kingdom of the Waves, Minos' group finally arrived in the vicinity of Athela, where local forces were already waiting for them.

No one knew when Minos had left Dry City. Yet, with the many vassals and subordinates of House Walker, that organization had found out about his group's passage through various cities in this state. Because of this, all preparations were already in place to welcome him.

"It seems this state has improved a lot since the last time I was here..." Gloria commented in surprise as she sensed more than 400 auras of Spiritual Kings in this capital city.

It was customary in capital cities to have more experts since not only was the royal family located in such places, but the services were also better, which attracted people from other families.

But previously, this city had less than half that number of Spiritual Kings. So, Gloria was surprised to discover this place so well after Minos' violent passage there years ago.

Abby nodded and said. "It's only natural. With the existence of the Black Plain, the regional powers can no longer focus their resources only on their privileged members."

"Now meritocracy is finally in effect, and whether nobles or people of common origin, everyone with talent is getting what they deserve in the regional states."

"Oh?" Gloria looked at Minos, impressed that he had generated this. "I guess some bad things come to good, don't they, dear?"

Ruth laughed upon hearing that but could not help but agree. "The region needs someone strong to run it..."

Minos did not think that bad and said. "If we compare this region to the Flaming Empire, there isn't a big difference in area or population. The only problems here are the density of spiritual energy and the separation of the states."

"But with me here, everything will be different. I will solve the spiritual energy problem, while the previous war already solved the separation of powers."

"I thought the previous war was only for the independence of the Black Plain..." Gloria commented as they flew into the center of that city.

"It was," Minos calmly commented. "But it is undeniable that my actions corrected such a problem."

"There was a lot of freedom in that region, which brought insecurity, chaos, and uncertainty to everyone. But with a ruler in power, many possibilities have disappeared, and now everyone can focus their attention on what matters."

"Getting stronger, peacefully, and sustainably developing the region!" He finished his words, not feeling bad for having stolen freedoms from the people in this region.

Gloria nodded as she heard everything Minos said but said nothing. 'Everything in this region has worked since his ascension. Even powers without support from the Black Plain are thriving, even though the supply of resources hasn't increased that much.'


'The human collective is a mess. Without the presence of a leader, people get crazy, lazy, greedy, do the unimaginable.'

'With freedom, they have so many possibilities that they don't know what to focus on. But with restrictions, they get right out and stop wasting time on foolishness and stupidity.' She looked thoughtfully at Minos.

Previously, Gloria had thought Minos' methods were a bit harsh. But the more she stayed with him, the more she realized that he was right and saw the advantages of acting like him.

And so, she could not help but admire him even more, feeling proud that this was the father of her baby!

"Hmm?" Minos did not notice how Gloria was looking at him, but he sounded surprised as he sensed something unexpected. "There is a Spiritual Emperor in this place. Could it be..."

"Wilfred?" Abby noticed that spiritual fluctuation and asked aloud, completing what her husband was about to say.

"Looks like it's him." Minos smiled, noting the family had been lucky to complete the requirement necessary to participate in the advanced stage of the Goddess of Life's inheritance. "They were fortunate. They narrowly missed out..."

"But isn't that better?" Ruth asked. "Now we won't have to wait for the deadline you gave them. We can just get started on that inheritance right away!"

"Hmmm." Abby nodded in agreement as their group finally arrived in front of the local royal palace.

"Your Majesties, welcome to our humble city!" Blake welcomed Minos' group with the necessary reverence.

As he did so, the Spiritual Kings in the surrounding area swallowed their saliva as they looked in shock at Minos. 'Level 61? He's already achieved a breakthrough?'

Only recently had news of Minos being a Spiritual Emperor spread throughout the region. Consequently, almost everyone thought King Stuart was just a newly promoted 7th stage cultivator.

However, now these people could personally see how wrong they were!

'That fellow truly is a monster!' Wilfred's mother looked at Minos in admiration of his incredible talent.

She did not hate him that much. After all, despite the heinous things he had done against this family, none of this woman's loved ones had been killed by him.

And considering how fairly he had treated them in the post-war period, she no longer felt hostility towards him and even respected him for some of his actions.

And hell, it was awe-inspiring!

But not only does she think that.

'Fucking hell!'

'I damaged my foundation and did everything possible to reach the 7th stage, but even so, Minos still surpassed my cultivation speed!' Wilfred looked open-mouthed at the brown-haired young man.


'At least I didn't die, and now I'm a Spiritual Emperor...' He felt terrible.

Wilfred had advanced a few days ago, narrowly having survived his advance. But, in any case, he had accomplished his mission and was ready to represent his family in the inheritance of the Goddess of Life.

As such, he soon put his defeat to Minos aside to listen to this fellow.

"Your family isn't bad, Blake. You got a Spiritual Emperor in the time limit I gave, so I'll keep my word to let you participate in the inheritance."

"Oh? I'm glad..." Blake said sincerely.

Meanwhile, a young level 51 Spiritual King was steadily looking at Minos. 'Ah, I still feel afraid seeing this person...'

'At least this time, he's not here to kill anyone.' Ava sighed as she saw Minos and his wives walking peacefully with Blake's group.

Minos then greeted Wilfred and this fellow's mother. "I wish you good luck, but if you have to compete with Abby, you will lose."

"I understand..." Wilfred did not feel bad since this was indeed a possibility that, after his advancement, everyone was worried about. "I hope that doesn't have to happen, but if it does, I will quit."

"Hmm, that's better," Abby commented in a low voice.

Minos then looked at that level 59 woman. "Go to Dry City after this inheritance is over. I will let you train in a special place for you to get to level 60."

"That..." Wilfred's mother looked at Minos in surprise, not expecting him to give them such an opportunity. "Thank you, Your Majesty. But..."

"May I ask why? Before, there was no such possibility for us..."

"Because you have already fulfilled the previous requirement within the deadline." He laughed. "On the other hand, I want to strengthen the whole region, so it will be good if your state doesn't lag behind."

"By the way," He looked at Blake. "Any Spiritual King from your state who reaches level 59, send them to Dry City."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Blake said with eyes full of emotion.

"OK. Now let's go to the crypt where the inheritance of the Goddess of Life is. I want to start whatever is there immediately!" Minos said aloud.


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