The Rise of the Black Plain

After his brief conversation with Gloria regarding what he would have to do after leaving the Spatial Kingdom, Minos focused on recovering from the previous energy expenditure.

So, soon the four people in the Spatial Kingdom meditated for two hours, recovering the minor damage they had suffered in the previous battle and their energy reserves.

The battle had been quite demanding for them in terms of power, as they had had to use large portions of their strength against opponents of several levels above theirs. Because of this, their recovery had been slower than it would have been in other situations.

But when they finished, Minos' first two wives heard from Gloria what he intended to do, and neither of them tried to convince him otherwise when he finished his meditation.

"Gloria said you want me to do something..." Abby said in a low voice, trying to understand if this was what he had told her before.

"Hmmm." Minos nodded at her and explained. "As I had said when you advanced, your technique, Infinite Mirrors, is compatible with my fusion. So, I want you to make something similar to that mirror sphere you sometimes use, only in a smaller size, and also that can last away from you."

Ruth and Gloria understood what Minos was talking about, but the queen of the Black Plain still had doubts in her mind. "But how will that work away from me? That's just a spiritual technique..."

Minos laughed and said. "You still don't understand all the knowledge of the Goddess of Life... Anyway, when you learn a technique, Abby, you can manipulate the Natural Laws behind it and produce real objects, not just things made of energy."

That was true. But in typical situations, warrior techniques, like these people's, were used in fights, and cultivators did not worry if their attacks would disappear out of their range or after a while.

These attacks were real as long as they had the energy to sustain them, so there would be no sense in wasting time on the idea of making them more physical, lasting as non-spiritual objects.

But it was possible to use these techniques to produce, for example, real mirrors with this blue-haired woman's technique.

"If your knowledge is deep, you can make, for example, mirrors from the atoms in the sky and on the earth. That's how I produced a black hole that can exist in my absence." He explained to Abby, also opening Ruth and Gloria's eyes.

"But if your understanding has not yet reached that level, all you have to do is have the materials necessary for a mirror and try to activate your technique on those materials. The result will be the same as you would have activated your technique normally, except that such a thing would continue to exist after you are done."

"Oh?" Abby's mouth dropped open in surprise at that possibility. 'On second thought, it seems that woman knew that...' She thought about the memories of the Goddess of Life.

Minos was already used to using Henricus Longus' memories since he had been doing that for over 15 years. But Abby had just awakened from her heritage, so she still needed to thoroughly analyze some of the Goddess of Life's memories before using them.

Ruth then asked. "If that is true, does this item left behind have the same characteristics as when the technique is activated? For example, do they have defensive characteristics in the case of Abby's mirrors?"

He nodded in affirmation. "That's right, that's the most amazing part of this. In fact, another user of this technique from the past once produced countless such mirrors."

"Eventually, he didn't even need to activate this technique in a life and death situation. Instead, he used his previously built mirrors to defend himself and fight off his opponents."

Minos looked at his queen and finished his comment. "If Abby does what he did, she will be able to use those mirrors with her chain technique the same way she normally does, only without having to activate the mirror technique."

All three of his wives were excited about the possibilities behind this, eager to start experimenting.

Gloria asked. "And why don't you normally do something like that?"

He laughed. "There are techniques that such a thing doesn't work. For example, one can't do something like that with techniques that don't use material means. As an example of techniques like that, I have Devouring Art, Infinite Dream, Chaotic Gravity, Explosive Steps, and my cultivation technique..."

"My defensive technique acts on my body, so it doesn't work either. Finally, I see no advantage to producing real blades from my sword technique..."

"Then none of your techniques are useful with that..." She muttered, understanding his situation.

"Some of their fusions are, as in the case of the black hole," Ruth commented in her husband's place.

Minos nodded to Ruth. "In any case, that's how it is... Anyway, I already have the materials for you to do that for me, Abby."

"All right..."

He took the items from his spatial ring and gave them to her to do what she needed. Meanwhile, he said to the other two. "You can do your tests around here for the next few hours. I think it will take some time before I can return."


With that, it did not take long for Minos to accompany Abby in producing the mirror sphere he needed.


Meanwhile, in the capital of Vogel...

Minos' black hole had already expanded its event horizon by a few more meters, having already devoured three blocks of that area of the capital. But no one else had died since King Vogel's order, so there were only material losses in that area.

With that, many Spiritual Saints were still in the vicinity, while hundreds of Spiritual Emperors watched over the area's security perimeter.

Among the Spiritual Saints were the King, the Crown Prince, members of the Church, and several local experts on a terrace of an abandoned building in the area, talking about the matter.

"How should we resolve this?" Someone there asked, looking toward a Spiritual Saint who looked like an old man as old as Oswald.

That man, Vogel's famous creator of spiritual techniques, opened his eyes and said in a grave tone. "That thing acts through a strong force of attraction. So, the only thing I can think of is to counter that force with an even greater one."

"Are you sure about that?" A local high-ranking member of the Church asked. "Because it seems that such a thing will get stronger if we increase the pressure against it. I mean, the thing already seems to press against itself."

"Hmm, it's bizarre!"

"Common sense doesn't work with that..."

Comments erupted in the surrounding area, with several people doubting that local expert's proposal.

"Then we can do the opposite..." Someone suggested. "Let's produce an even greater force of attraction next to it to destroy it."

While the people there were thinking about this possibility, still under the darkened and cloudy sky, with several rays falling on the horizon, Minos appeared inside the black hole.

The people outside it could feel no such thing and thus had no idea that he had teleported from the Spatial Kingdom to that place.

But when he began to manipulate the black hole, everyone in the area sensed something was about to happen!


"What's happening?" Several of them turned toward the black hole, filled with anticipation in their hearts.


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