The Rise of the Black Plain

"That's what came up. But there is nothing concrete of the Saints Killing Sect's involvement with the past acts of Abe Vogel and his group." That Spiritual Sage told them this bit of information not to help them but to try to understand a possible motivation for such acts.

Abby then exclaimed. "So that's why that royal family attacked us! That damned sect wanted to take revenge on the Spiritual Emperors who died on the Black Plain during the war!"

"That must be the case..." Ruth nodded in agreement, feeling that it all made sense now.

"But if that is the case, it is surprising that Abe Vogel agreed to connect with a power of an enemy state and still take such a risk. I wonder what they offered him?" She asked Minos.

This brown-haired young man then said. "It must have been some help to replace his father or to make him stronger. He was very ambitious, after all."

The Spiritual Sage heard this exchange of words between these youths, but none of this was enough for the Church to knock on the doors of such a sect and destroy them. However, this was helpful information to add to the investigation into the Vogel family's rebellious action.

The Church was naturally concerned about two organizations performing unusual acts against them within a few years of each other. Thus, they were looking for reasons to justify such acts, perhaps something to direct them in policies that might prevent further acts of this kind.

But besides keeping this information in his mind, this Spiritual Sage could not help but find Minos' line amusing. 'The dirty talking about the unwashed, eh?' He laughed at how King Stuart had talked about Abe being ambitious.

While this man was thinking about it, Minos was already considering the matter of the Saints Killing Sect more seriously. 'I was right to mark that organization as an enemy to be destroyed!'

'I only defended myself against the people they sent, but even so, they went so far as to do something like that...' He pondered, not even needing a confirmation that such a sect had indeed given orders to Abe.

Unlike the Spiritual Church, Minos did not need a reason to mark someone as an enemy since he did not care about his public image or whether other organizations would think him fair. For him, his suspicion was enough to move him to that organization!

Therefore, he already considered the leaders of such a power as his mortal enemies!

'Very well, I was going to eliminate them before on account of my subordinates who died at their men's hands, but now that will be a personal matter!' He clenched his fists, already considering how to achieve such a goal.

Gloria, Ruth, and Abby were thinking similar things, but they soon returned to answering other questions from that Spiritual Sage.


Sometime later, Minos and his wives finished their interrogation with the expert in charge of this state and were released by him.

In theory, they could now return to the Flaming Empire without further worries. But since they were in this place, they decided to stay for the next few days to try to talk to some local leaders.

But before that, as they were leaving the area where the level 81 Spiritual Sage was, they were stopped by some people from this temple.

Among them were Clarissa and Louise, as well as others they had seen before.

"Are you really the King of the Black Plain?" Louise, who already had more intimacy with Minos and those three women, was the first to ask, even considering she was one of the weakest there.

"Yes, this is me. And those are my wives..." He said, smiling at those people.

Clarissa then stepped forward and remembered how everything had happened. "You used the Church to conquer this kingdom? How did you have the courage? Do you know how many of our people died?"

Gloria then stood in front of Minos. "You talk as if it's our fault. But it was the Vogel family who decided to do all those things! We just reacted against them!"

But then Minos held one of Gloria's wrists and stepped forward. "As my wife said, the Vogel family is to blame for everything. As for the rest, it makes no difference. I helped the Church identify an enemy who would eventually try to get in its way."


"You don't deserve to compete for the position of the local sovereign!" Another person commented, feeling frustrated by the friends he had lost on both sides of the conflict.

Minos shook his shoulders and said. "It's too late now, I suppose..."

Minos initially did not want people to find out about his identity because it might somehow get in the way of his legitimacy in contesting the local throne. But since the local negotiations with Elen's group were already advanced, something he had discovered through the Spiritual Sage, this concern of his had disappeared.

Now even if the people of this Church post raised doubt about Minos' intentions regarding this state, it would do little to affect the agreements that were about to be confirmed.

The local families were afraid of going to war against each other, while they were even more afraid of a future in which their allies no longer existed. So, considering the alternative that had emerged in recent weeks, many had already convinced themselves that with Minos, they could continue living as before the fall of the Vogel family!

Hence, Minos was confident in speaking in such a way in front of these local temple Spiritual Saints.

And with that, Louise could not help but be more hopeful about her deal with him since, as the King of this state, Minos would undoubtedly help her with many things!

'Maybe I can become the next local leader with his help!' She clenched her fists in satisfaction.

Meanwhile, some there felt uncomfortable, but remembering how Minos had started all this, they felt a little afraid of the Black Hole.

They knew this young man could not create such a thing to be already instantly as powerful as that Black Hole they had seen. But nothing stopped him from creating something and feeding it until it reached the level of that abnormality!

Hence, they also had a certain level of respect for Minos that could not be ignored!

So Minos and his wives talked to some of those people for a while until they sent Louise and others of their local allies to arrange some meetings for them.

Many leaders in Vogel lived in this city, so Minos wanted to notify them of his presence to get a chance to talk to some of them about his intentions regarding this state.

Elen was very good at what she did. He had confidence in that. But there was no comparison between talking to a representative and doing it with the de facto leader of an organization!

With that, it did not take long, and hours later, the King of the Black Plain and his wives would soon meet with local leaders in the area of the destroyed royal palace of the Vogel family!


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