The Rise of the Black Plain

After Minos' group arrived, preliminary talks quickly got underway, with several of the patriarchs and leaders of local organizations voicing their support for King Stuart's plans.

With much of the local support, no one there would attempt to bar the agreement that was about to be signed, so no one among those present attempted to question Minos on previously discussed matters.

Because of this, within a short time after the talks began on this day, Minos and his wives were already signing Soul Contracts with those Spiritual Saints.

But on this occasion, not only the confirmation of their agreements was taking place. No, such a thing would take all day to be finalized due to the need for rest for the people in Minos' group. As such, many local leaders took the opportunity to determine certain matters concerning the Assembly of Vogel.

"Your Majesty Minos Stuart, when exactly will this assembly starts its operations?" One of them asked him while that young man was resting after signing some contracts.

"That depends on you," Minos replied. "The Church is running the state for the moment, but you can already meet to discuss some issues."

Abby then said. "Pick the location where this assembly will be, and create special rules and events to connect your families with this new form of government. And then, while the Church still has powers over this state, use this location to decide joint actions."

Minos nodded. "You don't need to wait until my coronation to act as a united kingdom in the face of your external adversaries. From now on, act according to our plans and plan together your internal and external movements in this assembly."

"That will be crucial for Vogel's survival without a strong royal family."

Hearing this, several of the Spiritual Saints agreed with these points.

That might seem obvious, something that someone with common sense could conclude easily. But the truth was that for these people who had for thousands of years followed the Vogel family or at least respected their orders, it was problematic to accept the command of others just like them.

And this could become highly problematic in a scenario where they had to protect themselves against the mighty Flaming Empire, which would show no mercy whether they were in a moment of weakness.

There was a very significant risk that the ego of some would speak louder, and they would ignore the situation they were in to avoid having to take orders from someone who, until recently, was an equivalent person or power.

The figure of the king and the royal family was crucial, going far beyond a state symbol. Such institutions maintained the state's balance and made certain relationships work almost mystically!

Therefore, without such mechanisms, it was not easy for these people to act as expected, and Minos and Abby's advice could be helpful for them.

Since they would have to rule this kingdom through the assembly anyway, starting to act together, even before the Church finished its regency, would be of great importance for their unity as a state!

"Perhaps we should already choose our representatives and send them to talk to our allies..."

"Yes, a place like this will be ruled by the most influential groups, so it is of utmost importance that we form our alliances within this assembly."

"Well, our family will send Spiritual Emperors for that representative function."

"Haha, I will not waste my time on such a thing. I have to cultivate and take care of my family..."

"Same for me..."

Conversations spread throughout that area in much more tranquil tones than could be seen later in the families of this state and Vogel's allies.

Seeing the smiles in the surroundings, the representatives of the royal families of Blackrock, Rosser, and Albano could not help but be pleased but also surprised at how things had developed.

'The problem seems to have been solved easier than I had imagined...' Lulu watched the local leaders arguing as if at an end-of-year party.

'The model this guy presented is not bad at all. It empowers the local organizations, takes the weight off his shoulders, and he is still the least bad possibility for everyone.' She looked at Minos, trying to understand what was in this person's head.

'But I wonder what he has in mind? Is he going to go through with these agreements? Or is he taking one step back to take two forward in the future?' She was curious about this, knowing that Minos was ambitious and had a habit of making dubious moves.

Lulu had studied a little about how Minos acted during the Black Plain's War of Independence, but she had also seen how he did business. He had suggested the Giant Tortoises deal, which seemed highly favorable to Albano, but something told her it was not so simple.

On the surface, it did not seem so, but she felt that Minos would gain far more from that deal than her family would. And right now, she felt the same way about Vogel, feeling that all these people were underestimating the king of the Black Plain too much.

Minos realized that he was being watched by her and just nodded, remembering that on his way back, he would pass Albano to look for the inheritance of the God of Death.

So, while some experts talked about the local assembly, other people thought about their plans for the royal throne, hours passed, and all the agreements were signed.

In the end, each person who participated in this event returned whence they came in a hurry to begin to settle the affairs of the Assembly of Vogel, which they wanted to make real as soon as possible.

As for Minos and his group, they bid farewell to Elen and her team, who were to continue in this state until his coronation, to help the formation of the future Stuart family government.

Elen was also going to start some business between Vogel and the Black Plain, so she had a lot of work ahead of her in this state, and it would take a few years until she returned to Dry City.

Finally, for the next day, Minos and his wives agreed to use some teleportation posts for their trip back to Payton.

The Church's Spiritual Sage had already assured them that he would not help them return to that city, so they had no other options but to do this so as not to have to repeat the same trip as before.

Since Ruth and Gloria were well aware of this service available in these states and the Flaming Empire, they would only have to travel a few days until they reached Payton!

For this, they would have to spend a lot of their medium-grade crystals since such convenience did not come without a cost.

But Minos accepted such a thing while storing in his mind the memory of each crystal to one day return this 'gift' to Margot.

'You thought you were going to keep me away and still get in my way, but you will be shocked to find that you have only accelerated the strengthening of my state...' Minos thought about this as his group moved to the first stopping point.

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