The Rise of the Black Plain

Hearing Minos' voice, Garrick pressed his teeth together, feeling a mixture of envy and anger at this person next to Ruth.

"Honey, this is an old childhood acquaintance I have here. His name is Garrick." Ruth explained to her husband as Abby and Gloria ignored the people on the outskirts trying to talk to Minos.

"An acquaintance? And who do you think you are to want to challenge me?" Minos questioned such a person, looking into his eyes. "Besides, who gave you the courage to discuss my relationship with my wife?"

Garrick, level 60, felt like hitting Minos in surprise. Still, given the level difference between the two, he knew he had to be careful. A two-level advantage in the 7th stage was not impossible to reverse, but it was not something easy to do either.

So he did not attack right away, trying to stick to what he had gone there to do, challenge Minos to a match where he would control the outcome!

'This bastard doesn't deserve someone like Ruth!' He felt his blood boil as he thought of the nightmare of this black-haired young woman giving herself to Minos but also crying when King Stuart was going to have fun with the others...

At the same time, when he saw how beautiful Abby and Gloria were, he could not help but curse Minos in his mind. The two were true goddesses, beautiful in face and body and talented.

Unfortunately, they had all fallen into the clutches of the vile Minos while he, Garrick, a good man, was alone...

It was simply too unfair!

'This is unacceptable! He has three wives! I only wish I had one, Ruth!' He turned red as people in the surrounding area noticed the tension in the air rising and lowered their yells to pay attention to them.


"Never mind! I challenge you to a battle! Do you dare to accept?" He shouted, trying to focus all his attention on this bastard who did not deserve to be surrounded by women.



"Looks like the senior brother is truly pissed off with this outsider from the northern region..."

"I wonder what's going to happen?"

"The King of Black Plain's level is higher than Garrick's, but his techniques are probably at most Black grade..."

"Hmm, maybe King Stuart will learn a lesson in this place!" Comments circulated through the crowd of disciples. At the same time, people in that business area were already starting to pay attention to them.

"Hmm? Isn't that Minos Stuart?"

"It looks like..."

"Is some disciple challenging the sect master's grandson? Is he stupid?" A Spiritual Saint nearby questioned in a low voice, watching from inside his store the movement on one side of the square.

"Challenge me?" Minos laughed, looking at that blond individual as if he were watching a clown. "You don't have the qualifications to challenge me! Even if you attack me with all your powers, you couldn't hurt me even if I stood here, motionless."


"How can that be?"

"Is he bluffing? How can someone at level 62 withstand something like that?"

Incredulous comments rang out over there as Garrick felt this invisible 'slap' that Minos had given him by speaking those arrogant words.

He then gave a strange smile and said. "Well, let me attack you once! Then, if you're that good, I'll go back from where I came rolling in, and I won't bother you anymore!"

"Oh?" The people there opened their mouths, interested in whether Minos would accept this ridiculous bet.

"If you lose, you'll have to free Ruth!" He shouted as drops of saliva fell from his mouth.

Ruth frowned her eyebrows. "Who do you think you are? Do you think you can decide who I stay with? Stop dreaming, Garrick. I love Minos, and I'm with him because I want to be."

"Wow, he could sleep without that one!"

"Poor guy, being rejected in front of dozens of people..."

"Well, he asked for it, didn't he? He tried to get involved in other people's affairs..."

"Hehe, I thought he deserved it!"

"Ruth..." Garrick looked at that woman and felt terrible. Still, considering Minos' viciousness, it was not impossible to think that such a person was manipulating her.

'That's right! Scumbags like him are even capable of drugging their women and making them sex addicts!' At that thought, he got an even uglier expression to think of the depravities Minos had probably made Ruth do.

"Do you accept or not?" He shouted at Minos as some of his killing intent spread to the surroundings, scaring the weaker disciples.


"Is he thinking of fighting here?"

"That's crazy! Has he forgotten the sect rules?"

Minos ignored the people's comments and took two steps ahead of his women. "Come on, worm. Feel the difference between us... But don't regret it later." He said, opening his arms and showing his unprotected chest to Garrick.

Minos was without his armor, so when people saw his gesture, many put their hands to their mouths, afraid of the blood that would soon fly through the air from his body.

At the same time, some of Minos' fans were looking doubtfully at his wives, who had shown no concern about what he was doing.

"What ungrateful women! If I had such a man, I would never let him get into such a ridiculous dispute!"

Meanwhile, Garrick laughed maliciously at Minos. He intended to strike a blow not necessarily to kill but to leave an incurable wound for people at their cultivation stage.

'With this, you will not only be deformed, but you will no longer be able to lie with these goddesses!' He thought as he took his spear from his spatial ring and prepared to strike Minos.

He then spun that weapon several times through his arms, as if in a dance, as he approached Minos.

After a few steps, he infused much of his spiritual energy into the tip of that weapon. Then, he slashed toward Minos' face, intending to leave a diagonal cut from one side of his opponent's face to the other.

Upon seeing that, Minos stood with his arms open, circling his two proper techniques in defense, Devouring Art and his Indestructible Body.

He had promised to stay still, and he was. But that did not mean he would accept a blow from an enemy without using his spiritual techniques!

So he promptly put some fraction of his energy into these techniques, making his body stronger. At the same time, the Devouring Art passive ability increased its intensity.

Just as the blade of Garrick's spear was about to touch Minos' face, some women hid their eyes with their hands, and young men watched with excitement this blow. Many were expecting to see some blood, especially considering that the one being attacked was the famous King Stuart, not just a nobody!

Unfortunately for those expecting a bloody show, none of this happened. When the blade of Garrick's spear touched Minos' face, only the sound of his weapon meeting something rigid rang out, along with the appearance of a strange expression on the attacker's face.

In that instant, he felt like he had hit a wall, not someone's face!



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