As Lance laughed like a madman, Minos activated his 7th technique and the Infinite Dream, merging the two to attack this target.

Minos placed his hands in front of his face, parallel to each other, as they squeezed the air as if he were squeezing an invisible rubber ball. At the same time, his eyes glowed in rainbow colors, preparing to shoot powerful energy rays.

Infinite Dream: Shaking Reality!

Rays of energy shot from Minos' eyes, hitting the invisible sphere being compressed by his hands. That then created what appeared to be a small universe full of shining stars.

Chaotic Gravity: Shaking Reality!

When the fusion of Minos' techniques showed its effects, Lance stopped laughing insanely to look at his enemy with a strange look.

He felt a chill and tried to stand up to act against Minos.

Unfortunately for him, Minos had fused his techniques so fast that this blond barely had time to circulate his energy into his techniques.

When Lance realized the troublesome situation he was about to encounter, he felt as if his soul had left his body. At the same time, his body began to shake uncontrollably.

His mind was 'pushed' out of his body, and the surroundings swayed as if light and gravity had stopped functioning normally.

At this moment, he felt in terribly bad shape, unable to understand what was happening.

'What is it?' He panicked, noticing how powerless he was to move or react against Minos' attack.

Meanwhile, Ivory had watched every movement of the two in the last few seconds. So she saw the incredible energy that had shot out of Minos' eyes after he placed his hands in front of his face.

She did not quite understand what happened at first, but she realized that this was not a good thing to feel since even she felt frightened.

But before she could unravel the mysteries of what Minos had done, this young man ran into Lance just before hitting such a person with a kick toward his opponent's head.

Minos had used a lot of his energy. Still, because of his latest advancement, he could control himself better during and after his fusions. Thus, he still had enough to use his techniques and fight his opponent!

As Lance fell to Minos' blow that he had not prepared for, he lost all control over himself. He was already in an illusion where his soul seemed to be outside his body while he felt the terror of a shaking world!

Such an illusion was terrible. One who came under its effects would feel as if they had the greatest headache and lack of sense of balance, seeing a world where even the light trembled.

Feeling this, Lance could not stay conscious of what was happening in the real world and soon took the first blow from Minos.


Minos' left foot slammed against Lance's nose, causing the blond's body to fly out of that room through the same window he had entered earlier.

Minos saw this and did not forgive his opponent. Since this person dared to make threats against his family, he would beat such an individual so that Lance would never forget it!

Ivory saw this and was incredulous. She did not believe how Minos had taken down an opponent eight levels above him and now come out to beat such a person who happened to be defenseless.

'What is going on here? How can this be?' She wondered as she put on a few more pieces of clothing and went out to watch the 'fight' between Minos and Lance.

At the same time, the neighbors listening to their argument suddenly stopped enjoying the commotion. They decided to move as they heard and felt the beginning of Minos' one-sided battle.

"What happened? What was that attack?" One of Ivory's friends asked her companion, as the two were already running to the front of that blonde woman's house.

Ivy was also moving, worried about what would happen to Minos in this situation. 'He did something terrible to Lance... That blonde idiot will probably try to hurt him!' She imagined as she ran over there too.

Even some of the sect guards in this area were heading to Ivory's residence, concerned about someone breaking the rules of that organization.

Everyone had heard the discussions of those three. Considering who Lance was, it was very likely that a fight would happen. Since it was not every day that someone at level 70 moved, even those not interested in such matters wanted to see the battle that seemed to have already begun.



Minos began to beat the body of Lance as this man lay on the ground unconscious, already with several purple marks on his face and blood running down his clothes.

Seeing this, Ivory felt she should stop him. "Minos, that's good enough. You don't need to..."

"No. Stay where you are." Minos said. "I'll stop when I think it's necessary." He delivered another kick to Lance's stomach, causing that body to spit out a mouthful of blood as it flew back a few meters.

Meanwhile, Lance's face was terrible, expressing his sheer terror. Not because of Minos' physical blows, which would hurt later, but because of the bothersome feeling of the illusion he had fallen into.

Unlike Gavin, the young man with the Eyes of Destruction that Minos had defeated using such a fusion, Lance did not have a powerful lineage related to mental power. Thus, he was many times more vulnerable to such a fusion than that red-haired man that King Stuart had left in his territories!

Because of this, not only was it more difficult for Lance to escape this illusion, but it was also more unbearable to endure it!

"Oh, mine!" One of the first women to arrive there to follow the fight shouted in surprise as she saw a level 70 Spiritual Saint being beaten by someone at level 62.

Along with her, several other people arrived at the sides of Ivory's residence and the nearest neighbors of that house, immediately seeing Minos beating Lance.

The fight happened in the property's small garden, where Minos kicked Lance in the stomach and sometimes punched him in the face.

Seeing this, Ivory's two best friends were open-mouthed, while Ivy stopped in shock to see her friend's son beating up that person.

"What?" She wondered aloud, along with the more than a dozen people watching this most unbelievable situation of their lives.

"Hey! Stop what you are doing!" One of the first guards to arrive there shouted in fright, seeing the situation in which his group would have to save that Spiritual Saint's life!

"Damn it. I said stop! Aren't you listening to me?" He shouted as he saw that Minos had started to hit Lance even harder.


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