The Rise of the Black Plain

"You did what?" Iris asked as her mouth opened in shock, and her back shivered.

She usually felt quite aroused around Minos, but this time she was sure that her shivers were not from physical attraction but from pure awe and fear.

Minos smiled and said. "I acted against the people in that place, testing their strength in a military exercise... But rest assured, although they are somewhat horrified, they are still alive."

The queen's eldest daughter stepped forward and asked. "How did you do that? I know you are powerful, but dealing against so many Spiritual Saints is not simple! That amount of cultivators you quoted would give even a Spiritual Sage hard work!"

And it was not a lie. Suppose a Spiritual Sage did not use their spatial manipulation skills in a fight like that. In that case, they might even be seriously injured when facing so many opponents simultaneously!

Minos then asked the crown princess of this state. "Do you want proof of that? I can show you some of what I did in that place..."

"What are you saying, Minos? Are you here to challenge me?" Iris did not like this suggestion.

He promptly replied. "No. I came here to let you know what happened and to strengthen our relations with more agreements that favor the empire and Albano."

"Vogel has many possibilities and, if managed properly, can improve its margins. I know I can do that and that I will soon have the support I need to do it. So I am here to ask you if you are interested in going further with our agreements."

Some elders in the surrounding area, pale from some of Minos' words, readily understood what he was doing.

'He wants to stifle the powers of that state, using its resources to secure outside support for his actions...'


'He's taking away the last chance those families might have to cry out for help!'

The situation of the Vogel powers that did not want Minos as their leader was not good when one thought about the emperor's individual power. But considering they also had several Assembly colleagues who did not accept their ideas, their situation was even direr.

They could not even be considered one against Minos. Instead, they were more of a 'patchwork' that could suffer from internal and external threats.

So the last alternative for Vogel was their three historical allies.

Of these three, two states had not been showing much brotherhood recently, but it was still possible that one of them might decide to help in the moment of greatest need.

After all, Vogel's present could be the future of one of these kingdoms!

If they did not help prevent Vogel's situation from becoming unrecoverable, they could soon face the same problem!

So Minos using that state to buy the support of Rosser and Albano was a decisive move to 'kill' the hopes that some of his enemies in that territory might still have.

Without outside support, those powers would be totally at the mercy of Minos!

Iris realized this, too, since she was one of the oldest there, although she looked as young as Minos.

But she had already agreed to stand by his side, so it would not be because of this warning that she would back down. "Is that so? I'll be happy then."

But Joan, level 72, then said. "I want to see your skills. I don't know if I can believe your words if you don't show that you can do that."

"Joan!" Iris yelled at her daughter, seeing how foolish and impulsive this woman could still be, even considering her level and age.

'Minos is probably telling the truth! But even if he isn't, we'll find out the truth in a few more hours!' She thought about this as she looked meaningfully at her daughter.

Joan did not know what her mother was thinking, but she knew it was not favorable to her foolish idea.

Before she could go back on her words, Minos smiled and said. "That's fine with me. How about all of you become my training partners?" He indicated with one of his arms to all those people there, even Queen West.

Those elders looked at each other and muttered sounds of doubt due to those words, but before they had a chance to think better of it, Minos flew up high, making a hole in the ceiling of that area.

Then he activated his technique, Chaotic Gravity, and made all those bodies follow him, whether those people wanted to or not!

Those people immediately realized that Minos' abilities had considerably evolved when they felt this.

With that evidence, they realized that his words should not be lies!

'That level of suppression...' Iris thought as her face contorted into seriousness, with her feeling the sense of standing in front of someone superior to her.

'How can that be? Just a few years ago, he was much weaker than me!' Her eyes fluttered as Minos activated his avatar, making not only her but everyone else feel the enormous pressure of his cultivation.

At that moment, as they felt the heavy gravity trying to bring them down, they noticed their energies disappearing into the black rings on their bodies. At the same time, the mental heaviness caused by the Infinite Dream soon began to afflict these mid-level Spiritual Saints.

Joan was the only low-level Spiritual Saint among them, so she was the first to faint, not even having a chance to observe Minos' forces after she stopped flying uncontrollably toward him.

Meanwhile, Minos used his visual ability combined with the Dark Sea and immediately began to make those people feel the nightmare of facing an enemy capable of seeing their weaknesses and manipulating them.

'Come on. I'm not up for a fight, so fight amongst yourselves.' He thought of this as he ordered the weaker ones there to attack the stronger ones.

As darkness covered an ample space above Albano's royal palace, the queen, for the first time in her life, found herself being attacked by her most loyal subordinates!


One of them activated his Soul Avatar and punched his spiritual body toward Iris, seeing a terrible monster in that woman.

"Die, devil! I will not allow you to contaminate Her Majesty's vicinity!" That individual shouted in a heroic tone, beginning to fight on behalf of his goddess.

Iris saw this and then looked in Minos' direction, finding it amazing the ability he had to make an enemy become an ally in a matter of fractions of seconds.

'What incredible power!'

'He can turn many of his opponents into allies and thus make it much easier to dominate a group as large as that!'

'Not for nothing!'

'That's how he defeated the elders of the Assembly of Vogel!' This woman concluded this, not having the slightest notion that Minos had not even activated the Dark Sea during his action in the Vogel capital.

Minos could imagine what was on his ally's mind since that was his goal. She was going to find out what he had done in Vogel anyway, so seeing a new side, which he had not yet shown in that territory, would be an extra stimulus for her to want to continue on his good side!

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