Upon hearing Hannah's comment, Minos bitterly smiled, but he did not fear this woman being so close to his children.

There was no honor in an expert at that level acting against a junior and a newborn. It would be a shame for her and a warning sign for the entire continent if she decided to act against Kendrick and Sarah.

If she took them both hostage so that Minos could be forced to return to the Flowers Kingdom, she could achieve nothing but destruction, not because of the Empire of the Black Plain but the states on this continent. Each would see her as a breaker of her promises and have to strike to prevent their men from being under the same risk as Emperor Stuart.

Minos knew that such a woman would do nothing on account of all this and also was not surprised that she arrived in such a spectacular manner.

The local defenses were not designed to protect this city from Spiritual Demigods, so she had easily managed to bypass the city's barriers and get there through a wormhole.

Since she was much stronger than those arrays in the surrounding area could handle, Hannah had even manipulated the space in a way that her intrusion did not damage the local defenses.

The experts on the side of the local imperial family were also aware of the weaknesses of the local barriers and stood by Minos' side without worrying too much about how that woman had gotten there. The only thing that mattered to them was whether she would follow through as expected and proceed to the Endless Snow Mountain Range at the emperor's side.

After seeing the bitter smile on Minos' face, Queen Mcbride looked at each of his wives, noting the value of each, their talents, and abilities.

They were all talented and capable of going far in cultivation, considering their bone ages and the level of their souls.

Two of them had even given the emperor children, something impressive for someone as strong and young as he was.

"I see your family is doing very well. Each of them has formidable souls and a promising path ahead." She praised. "And they are naturally beautiful, haha. You really are lucky."

"Hmm, I don't deny that." He said before asking. "So, is Your Majesty prepared to go and meet one of those skeletons? I can take you to where one of them is now."

"One of them? You have more than one around here?" She asked, dropping the subject of Minos' family.

He replied. "It's not that. It's that there are many of those throughout the Spiritual World... One is within my empire, in the Endless Snow Moutain Range."

"Endless Snow Mountain Range?" She frowned, remembering that name. "So this place is an artificial construction like the legends say?"

Legends said that the Endless Snow Mountain Range was actually a place built by humans to seal off something terrible.

Hannah knew of the legends regarding this mountain range in the northern region but had never explored it to find out for sure. So upon hearing that from Minos, she immediately connected the dots and understood what that terrible something was.

"More or less that," Minos replied. "The place existed before these giant skeletons appeared, but it was not as we know it. The differences were created by cultivators who wanted to keep the rest of the world away from those bones."

"Is that so?" She asked, interested.

But before she spoke further, she decided it was better to head straight to that place and stop wasting time.

She knew how to get to the Endless Snow Moutain Range, so as soon as she took Minos by one of this sovereign's wrists, she opened a wormhole and went from there.

It all happened so fast that the people in the surrounding area were taken by surprise. In the blink of an eye, Minos and Hannah disappear from the area.

"Where did they go?" Someone asked.

"I think to the Endless Snow Moutain Range..." Sarah replied, feeling that this was the most likely.


At the same time, a few dozen meters above one of the highest peaks of the Endless Snow Moutain Range...

A wormhole appeared in that spot, and then Minos and Hannah stepped out of it, with Emperor Stuart barely having time to notice the shift in space between his previous and current position.

Hannah had moved so fast that he hadn't noticed the action until they were already halfway there!

He frowned as he realized this, noticing for the first time someone able to totally overcome his instincts to the point that he didn't even have time to think about escaping to the Spatial Kingdom.

'If someone at that level wanted to kill me, I'd be dead before I realized it!' He pondered this, feeling a chill in his stomach.

Hannah then got in the way of Minos' train of thought. "So, we're already here. Now what? Where exactly do we go?"

Minos sighed and looked at his surroundings, trying to identify where they were.

Noticing the way to the entrance of the Immemorial Graves Sect, he said to his traveling companion. "In that direction..."

With that, the two flew for about 10 minutes until the two landed on the peak where the entrance to that sect was, from where this expert immediately saw what was inside that hidden space.

"So that's one of the skeletons of the primordials?" She manipulated the space and appeared together with Minos in front of the only giant skeleton in that area, the smallest of the ones there before.

Minos was not surprised to appear inside that sect with Hannah. He just remained momentarily silent to get used to the constant jumping of space.

That was not simple for someone at his level to endure like it was nothing!

Meanwhile, Laura Cox, the leader of this sect, currently at level 68, saw those two appearing in the sanctuary of her organization and ran over there.

"Your Majesty!" She shouted upon seeing Minos but soon stopped as she realized that the person next to him could be considered a monster.

The difference in Minos and Hannah's auras was so great that if compared, his energy level would be like a drop of water and hers a whole bucket, overflowing.

'Is that the person he said he would bring here?' Laura wondered, swallowing her saliva in shock. 'What absurd power!'

But like most people in the northern region, she didn't even have the potential to reach that level, so seeing someone like that was like seeing a God since she wasn't that different said from the point of view of normal beings.

Minos finally overcame his constant jumping about space and told Queen Mcbride. "Yes, this giant skeleton was sealed here along with others by cultivators millions of years ago when there were not even Silver-grade techniques in our world."

"Along with others? And where are they? I heard that these skeletons are enormous and heavy... How could anyone move one of them?" She asked, interested to know about it to move one of these to her state on her own.

"Well, someone must have stolen them..."

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