Upon hearing that warning, Minos immediately moved to the cockpit of his yacht, leaving those two beasts in fighting positions on deck.

He then followed their instructions and turned his yacht 90 degrees to the east. At the same time, he already had his Chaotic Gravity acting subtly on this yacht, facilitating its movement.

Seconds after Randall's warning, Minos and his two traveling companions saw a tail at least 7 meters long and 4 meters wide throw up water and appear where they were moments ago.

In that instant, Minos finally saw what those two had warned him about, the piece of a level 85 underwater being!

But along with that tail, Minos and those two fish traveling with him saw a colored fin, which was supposed to be from a being of similar proportions to the tail owner.

But that being was only a level 84 beast who seemed to be fighting an exhilarating battle with that stronger level creature.

"You bastard! You're going to pay me for eating my children!" The colorful fish brandished while the gigantic sea serpent continued with a cunning look on its face.

"If you wish, then I will devour you too!" That dark-scaled serpent shrieked, trying to wrap its slender body around that fish.

The world of beasts, whether aquatic or terrestrial, involved predation, in addition to all the other possible implications of the cultivation world.

The main cause of disputes was over territories, but predation also generated conflicts everywhere.

In some cases, the beasts of the species that had part of their members predated could do nothing about it because beings higher up than them were the predators.

What could a fish do if a dragon devoured its offspring? Nothing, it should be thankful that it wasn't devoured too!

Most beasts could have offspring more easily than humans, so even if some of their offspring were devoured, it didn't necessarily mean the end of their lineage.

This is also why beasts were less attached to their offspring than humans and elves, for example.

But battles could take place when the predation was by a being of a species not so much stronger than that of the prey.

In the case in question, that serpent was a natural predator of the species of fish it was fighting against. However, the difference in strength between the two tribes was not significant enough for that fish to ignore the death of its children!

It had only 30 children, and 6 of them had been devoured by this enemy earlier today. So it could not hold its anger and was battling this creature for the last 15 minutes, having achieved this impressive feat of holding out for so long in a fight against someone stronger.

Minos and those other two fish realized the problem and looked with concern at those two fighting near them, who could very easily hurt them a lot by fighting so close to them.

"Ed, we have to run away quickly. Those two are worse than we imagined!" Sapphire said, already preparing to jump into the sea and flee in its bestial form, its best way to protect itself and escape.

But Minos then looked at those creatures trying to hinder his journey, feeling that if he didn't act, he would have his yacht badly damaged by them.

Beasts at this level could easily capsize his yacht and cause problems that could incapacitate it, even though it was supposed to withstand even the power of level 89 beings.

Unfortunately or not, beasts were different from humans in that they had weak soul power but solid physical power. This meant that the bodies of these creatures were as tough as those of human cultivators far above their level.

This, in practice, meant that they were excellent close combat fighters but also that a shock against their body was something that would damage even items of higher rank than their body.

Case in point, even though Minos' yacht was fully capable of withstanding the blows of a level 89 cultivator, it would suffer against the body of a level 84 or 85 beings.

Knowing this, Minos promptly used the beasts' weak point, their mind, against them to stop them.

"Stop immediately!" He shouted as those two beasts felt part of their consciousnesses switching between the real world and a fantasy one created by the Infinite Dream.

Meanwhile, Minos flew up from where those two were and used Chaotic Gravity to pull them out of the water, knowing that sea beasts were stronger in the water.

Fighting there would be a disadvantage for him!

The two fish accompanying 'Ed' on this trip opened their mouths in shock, standing frozen in astonishment on the deck of that yacht.

They wanted to run away after alerting Minos, but with the sudden action of this human, the two were so surprised that they couldn't help but stay and watch him act.

So far, Minos had not shown much of his abilities to these two. So they had no idea that he could be even stronger than they were.

But these two were very surprised by the powerful spiritual fluctuations that Minos was releasing while using his Soul Avatar.

"Is he that strong?" They wondered as they saw the bodies of those two coming out of the water.

The dark-scaled serpent was at least 40 meters long, while the fish was 25 meters long, 10 meters high, and 6 meters wide.

They were two great beings!

But as they felt their strange consciousnesses and their bodies floating up into the sky, they both shifted their focus from the fight they had to look upwards, where a human in the form of his soul projection was suppressing them.


"How dare a mere human act against this superior? I will kill you!" The dark serpent brandished, feeling enraged.

Minos looked at that level 85 creature, which he could not be hit by as he would immediately lose the battle, but he was not afraid.

As impressive as the physical power of beasts was, if one kept their distance from them and used mental and spiritual advantages, it was possible for one even to defeat beings of much higher levels than they could normally face.

He then said. "If you wish, I will help this fish get revenge, gray worm!"


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