"Of course. With you at my side, I can significantly strengthen my state and advance several of my plans." Minos was sincere. "On the other hand, you can get a supporter and a chance to live in a less dangerous state, where it will be harder for enemies to track you down.

That's a good deal for both sides!"

The level 81 woman, who seemed to be their leader, stepped forward and said. "I'm not so sure about that. It seems to me that you would be the biggest beneficiary in all of this.

Meanwhile, our ancestor's heritage is in the hands of people who don't deserve it!"

Abby stood up and said. "I don't deserve it? Her soul fragment clearly recognized me as her heir. So are you saying she made a mistake?"

"She didn't know we existed. If she had known, she would never have given you what she left behind!"

"I wouldn't be so sure. We were the ones who fulfilled the Goddess of Life's last wish, to eradicate the tracks of the God of Death from the Spiritual World." The Empress said as she glared at that Spiritual Sage. "Where were you people for that? Why didn't you and your ancestors accomplish this mission in our place?

You had plenty of time to roam the Spiritual World, find and erase those traces... But nothing was done until my husband got involved in the matter!


That Level 81 young woman clenched her fists angrily but without much to say to Abby.

Kendrick was wide-eyed in his mother's arms, looking at her, seeing that his sweet mother could be scary when she wanted to be.

Meanwhile, Minos raised one of his hands, indicating for Abby to back off her attitude.

He then said. "Let's not get agitated, dear. We may soon be on the same side."

"Tsk!" The level 81 woman turned away, not liking this at all.

The level 80 man then asked. "Do you really believe that? Why would we choose to subordinate ourselves to your state? If it's to escape and seek opportunities, we might as well go to the Divine Continent."

The others looked at Minos and listened to his reply. "Traveling to the Divine Continent would be good if you can get there safely.

But in that place, you will have nothing. You will have to start from absolute zero and deal with much more intense disputes.

On the other hand, in my state, you could live in peace. Currently, we have obtained the support of a powerful expert and will no longer have to worry about the threat of Demigods."

Those four heard this and were not surprised, as they had already heard the rumors of the level 99 Demigod who had passed through this city recently.

They had their doubts, especially regarding how Minos had achieved such a thing. But upon hearing his words, they left it for another time, feeling that as crucial as it was, it would not affect them at the moment.

They were Spiritual Sages, weaker than the ones the level 99 Demigod had said he would protect this state against.

Minos finished. "At the same time, we have things available here that you would have to compete with thousands in other places for the chance to get them. But here, all you must do is enlist in my forces and be guaranteed them!"

The level 85 man had his doubts about this and asked. "What about the inheritance of the Goddess of Life? Can you show us what you got?

That is the thing behind those possibilities, right?"

"Wrong," Minos said. "What the inheritance of the Goddess of Life gave us was good, I admit that. But, it was good for the one who got the main part of it," he indicated to Abby. "That was of extreme value. But for others, like me and my state, such a thing at most could be considered valuable for arming and strengthening a few dozen people.

But do you think I could get everything I have today from that alone? No, the opportunities I promise you to have another origin. However, to learn more about it, you must join me and swear eternal allegiance!"

Those three nobles were silent momentarily while the level 85 elder stopped to think about it.

'It makes sense. The soul fragment is what matters most in such an inheritance. But that can't be recovered. As for items, I can't tell if he's being sincere...

What do I do? If I stand against him, winning won't be easy, and what we can achieve won't be worth so much... This may also alert our position to our enemies, putting an entire state on our tail.

But can he keep his word?'

Minos saw that these people were uncertain and decided to help them.

"You must have traveled a long way. So rest in my city for a time. Visit places like the Dry City Cultivation Tower and see what kind of opportunity even people outside my group can get just by being part of this city.

After you see enough, I am sure you will make the right decision."

Minos looked at one of the imperial guards and said. "Eduard, get them credentials to access the main cultivation room in that place. Also, leave someone with them to guide them locally."

After a few moments, Eduard quickly accepted those orders and left there with those people.

With that done, Sarah left to take care of some business while Abby returned with Kendrick home for this young man to return to his studies.

Only Minos and Ruth stayed behind to settle matters unconnected to the previous conversations.


While the two groups of newcomers to Dry City settled in locally, hours would pass without a definitive position, and the news about Maximillian would finally reach the rest of the western region!

With this news, Emperor Quinn promptly warned his forces to consider Maximillian and Darren as potential enemies. At the same time, his high-ranking members were to avoid trouble with the Black Plain in the short term, while he was unsure what was happening.

But some men were already moving into the North Sea to begin the investigations he so desperately wanted to learn more about the dangers to his continent.

Amid this, this man saw Grant's face again after years of this fellow living under house arrest in the empire's capital.

"Your Majesty, it is good to see you again," Grant said as he made a gesture of greeting and waited for what this man wanted from him.

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