Hearing that, those distant relatives of the Goddess of Life's family saw no problem since they themselves could not use such a thing.

Faith Power was only created through the worship of known figures. But they were totally unknown to 99.9% of the Spiritual World, while Minos had billions of people who depended on him.

In this case, it made perfect sense to let Emperor Stuart use such a thing if he would help them collect it and get in the way of the Veora family.

"That's not a problem for us." The group leader looked at her companions and agreed after seeing them nod in the affirmative.

Minos smiled and said. "Very well, now that I know about your history and dangers related to your people, we can plan things together. However, for the moment, we are weak and have more urgent problems to solve.

Therefore, I ask you to hold on to your revenge for a while longer. We will pursue this matter in the future when both my empire and you are stronger."

Those people did not expect to achieve their goal in a short time, nor that Minos would get stronger quickly, so they already expected that they would have to spend some time in this empire without getting involved with their desire for revenge.

This would also be good for hiding their tracks, so none of them complained about Minos' words.

With that settled, their group would soon disperse into Dry City to get to know the place better and wait for the low-level grade-4 spiritual judges Minos would request from the Flowers Kingdom.

Only people of that level could confirm a Soul Contract between him and these people, and no one else close to Minos had professionals like that other than those women.

So it would take a few days before they could learn about the Black Plain Empire's most important secrets and matters.

But there were many things they could be involved in right away!


While the descendants of the Goddess of Life's family were beginning to integrate into Minos' forces, the Veora Kingdom royal family envoys were camped near the Black Plain Empire's core.

Earlier, a group of high-level Spiritual Saints had been dispatched by one of the princes of that state to Dry City with orders to offer aid to this state.

The interest of that member of the royalty was to hinder the advance of the Spiritual Church in the northern region and make it difficult for this enemy group to collect faith power in that area.

However, while this group was traveling, its members ran into a problem. The news of Minos' return alongside two level 99 Spiritual Demigods!

This was no small thing, and a state like theirs that didn't even have level 97 Demigods couldn't casually take a chance on someone connected to such strong people!

As such, this group had stopped their journey towards Dry City days ago and was waiting for a return from their sovereign to know how to proceed.

Meanwhile, they were camping in the Cromwell region, waiting peacefully.

But this wait would not last long!

On this day, a message finally reached them!

"Come on, people, let's return to the kingdom." Their leader said right after reading the prince's words.

"What? Are we really giving up?"

"We have no choice. A level 99 Demigods are involved with this state, and from recent news, the western region may face a calamity soon.

His Majesty himself is calling back all the family members, so His Highness has decided to back off from his plans for the Black Plain Empire for the time being." That man said, feeling that this would be better.

The situation on the continent was getting strange with Henry and Vico's movements and the arrival of Maximillian and Darren. As such, in times of uncertainty, the best thing to do would be to shut down and not get involved with the unknown!

Those men in this group felt a bit frustrated but soon understood that this retreat was for their family's own good.

With this, they would soon gather their things and return to the west!


Meanwhile, in the Snow region...

In this area commanded by the Snow family, where in recent times various external powers had been interfering in the local situation, the Supreme Pontiff's disciple was in an outpost of the Church in this area.

Forrest, level 92, had come to this state weeks ago to provide his assistance after he met with Minos.

While Emperor Stuart and Gloria were missing from the Black Plain Empire, Forrest had spent his time at this outpost near the east coast of the Black Plain Empire, where many experts passed through every week.

This was not a good place for a Spiritual Demigod like him to stay for long, as it was very poor in many ways. But with his mission to approach Minos peacefully and the passage of many experts through there, this was the best place for him to wait.

Experts from all over the Central Continent were passing through this place to go to Elves Island, so he could at least take advantage of the situation to make contacts.

But in his wait here, he had heard about Minos' unexpected ally and more about this person's connection to the Spiritual Church!


"What? Maximillian Flamen is still alive? How is that possible?" He asked one of his subordinates, who had just brought this information to him.

"It seems that his innate ability was better than we thought..." That woman dressed in silver robes said this to the handsome man before her. "In any case, the Supreme Pontiff is calling you back, Cardinal Howell. The core of the Church will be meeting in the next few days to talk about the future."

Forrest clenched his fists as he heard this, uncertain about what would happen from now on with this gigantic variable that had just emerged.

It had been a long time since the Church had had two level 99 cultivators in its ranks at the same time, so thinking about this present situation, this disciple of Duncan couldn't help but worry.

"What about Minos?" He asked.

"The Supreme Pontiff didn't quote Minos, but from what I've heard from other factions, everyone will back off their pressure towards his and Matriarch Gloria Frost's group.

As talented as they are, their potential is no match for Maximillian's power. So as long as there is uncertainty about him, I judge that none of the major factions will pursue their pressures against the faction of these two."

"Sigh... This is terrible. All our plans are already being disrupted!" He said but decided to follow that recommendation.

Following that conversation, he would soon depart back to the Evergreen Empire.

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