For the doctor's training, they used spiritual arrays that simulated living beings, in which the expert would apply his techniques to accomplish specific goals. For example, treating an intestinal wound, stopping bleeding, removing a poisonous substance from the bloodstream, etc.

Such arrays created these simulations, which could be seen as illusions, used to train the understanding of these specialists.

There was a method behind each technique that would result in the treatment of a given anomaly. However, even considering the different ways of solving such problems, the final result and some conditions would have to be obtained.

And that was the purpose of these arrays. Increase the proficiency of these cultivators in certain situations.

What is the best way to treat an exposed wound using a specific technique? How to remove a poison to minimize the damage to the patient's body with such a technique? How to treat a cultivator's soul without further damaging it? And how to do all this and more to recover the patient's previous condition fully?

All the functioning of such arrays were made so that doctors, or other professionals in their areas, could increase the mastery of their techniques, aiming at a better result.

It would not always be suitable to train with living beings, as mistakes could be fatal for such professionals.

While a warrior like Minos could train his sword technique without fear of making a mistake, such a thing was not valid for doctors.

The wrong treatment could result in problems, which could be irreversible. For example, someone has a foot problem and is treated incorrectly. That could result from a constant discomfort in this region, with no cure, to even the complete loss of that part of the body!

Therefore, there was no apprenticeship with living beings, 'guinea pigs'... Instead, a doctor achieved a certain mastery over his area, and only then would he start treating those cases to the level he would be able to.

In the case of the doctors who'd emerged in the Dry City, they'd consulted Dillian several times, and only after getting this guy's permission did they start working full time as doctors.

And as for how these arrays were produced, well, it was related to the combination of various professions.

In general, a product would not need to follow the precepts of just one professional area. That was even the simplest and most common to see, but there were also things produced by more than one type of specialist.

As in the case of the Cultivation Towers, in these places, there was a need for array masters, blacksmiths, and designs to work together. But this wasn't something like, 'you do this part, and I do the other.' No, each item was planned and made considering the objectives and precepts of the three areas simultaneously.

The same was true for these medical arrays.

An array master would mold the formations needed for this item to work. At the same time, a doctor would make the recordings using his medical understandings.

What kind of proficiency would be measured? What are the goals of these simulations? How would a body in a given circumstance react to treatment? All this and much more were proposed by the doctor who made the recordings in a given array.

And obviously, some arrays trained different skills since the doctor who made the inscriptions in a given array would certainly not be specialized in everything...

In the same way that some warriors trained only with swords, others would train with spears, bows, no weapons, etc. Thus, a doctor couldn't specialize in all areas.

There were a limited number of techniques to be learned, and each might or might not enhance the other. In other words, the ideal would be to follow the path of specialization in a given part of medicine!

The best doctors capable of treating poisoning would undoubtedly be the ones with the most techniques to treat conditions like this!

Finally, after a while, Minos' group decided to use one of the hospital's elevators to reach the top floors, where the medical school was located.

Previously they had not done such a thing, as taking stairs from one floor to another was much more practical. However, the three floors above were basically the same as the first floor, and they wouldn't see anything new in those places.

As for these elevators, this was one of the few buildings in the entire Dry City that had such a thing!

Even though many buildings had more than five floors in the current Dry City, most did not have such an item due to the high cost of this means of transport. And given the fact that cultivators could climb many floors without much effort, there wasn't any reason to spend on such superfluous.

And it wasn't long before the group reached the top floor of the hospital.

That was where several training rooms were located, with spiritual arrays for each area and different training classifications.

Once there, Abby looked at the many glass-walled rooms in the hallway where she could see the various arrays. "Wow, you guys bought several arrays! What is the teaching capacity of this place?"

Minos had ordered 100 low-level grade-1, 50 medium-level grade-1, and 25 high-level grade-1 medical arrays. All of this had cost 1.5 million low-grade crystals!

As for grade-2 arrays, they only had one of these, which Dillian had used since Minos had received Elen's first payment.

"Currently, we can train 300 low-level grade-1, 150 medium-level grade-1, and 75 high-level grade-1 doctors. As for those of low-level grade-2 classification, we can only train 3 of them." Dillian replied, remembering the equipment numbers on this location.

For him, such arrays would not be helpful in his training due to his recent advancement. Until Minos bought a medium-level grade-2 one, he couldn't evolve the mastery of his techniques!

And such an array was challenging to order...

But luckily, Minos was heading to the Kingdom of the Waves very soon to solve this and other problems.

"We can train more than 500 doctors. That's very good!" Eda commented.

"But these numbers are only achievable if we have the medical techniques focused on each specialty, right?" Minos asked Dillian.

Hearing this, the butler nodded his head in agreement and said. "That's right, young master. Most of them can already be used, as we have techniques to test many of these arrays. But we don't have techniques for some areas, and we will have to wait until this is resolved."

"But 60% of these things can already be used considering the techniques currently available in the library of the school."

Hearing this, Abby commented while she was still watching the place. "That's a good number. I believe that this will not limit things too much around here. After all, it shouldn't be so easy to find more than 500 people in this city who want to be doctors."

"Hmm, it's true. Apart from the few who have already started to learn this with Dillian, no new apprentices have appeared recently." Minos commented.

But that was expected. Naturally, with a population of fewer than 150,000 inhabitants, the Dry City lacked enough people to have more professionals in areas such as medicine.

Even a city with more than 500,000 inhabitants in this northern region of the Central Continent might not have 500 doctors!

So, Abby's comment was entirely right. The structure of this hospital was prepared to receive many students, but it would take time for its total capacity to be reached.

Thus, this would not be a problem even without using all the arrays to train the new doctors.

Finally, after that, the tour of the group through the General Hospital was completed.

This site had many structures planned for the near future to avoid constant renovations. And this equipment wouldn't need such costly maintenance, so it was worth making the investment upfront.

However, given the small capacity of employees, the hospital would start operating today with less than 30 trained doctors. Dillian would be the director, who would handle the most severe cases and teach the new doctors.

Lastly, there were several other employees in this place, such as cleaning, administration, security, and maintenance personnel. Minos' group had already greeted them all when they finally left that place.

Only the butler was left behind. After all, this would be his second occupation. In the mornings, he would still work as Minos' butler, helping this youth with the administration of the Black Plain.

But in the afternoons and early evenings, Dillian would take care of the local hospital!

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