After saying those words, Elena watched these men for a moment, seeing the desperation in each of their eyes.

The technique she had used was fatal, but since both of those individuals were stronger than her in terms of cultivation, they were still resisting with all their strength.

In fact, these men would not have ended up in this situation if they had been more cautious towards this young woman from the Neel family.

However, they were unprepared to deal with the powerful Silver-grade technique that Elena had learned in the Black Plain Army by not acting prudently.

Such a technique was quite fatal, but if the opponent protected himself against it and had more than 100% more energy than the person who attacked, there would be chances of survival. But none of these conditions had been fulfilled by those men, and now they were feeling the effects of such a thing on their bodies and souls!

Finally, when Elena realized that it would still take a while for them to die, she decided to act and get it over with as soon as possible!

It wouldn't be interesting if one of these two had the opportunity to pass along the information of her capabilities through a letter or some passerby.

In this way, Elena again got back into action as she ran towards the strongest of those opponents, the one who seemed to be in the best position.

In doing so, she first activated her movement technique and ran up to that person's back in just a split second. Then she once again used her attack technique while she held that man's head.

"No!" He screamed in terror, realizing that while trying to endure the physical and soul damage that young woman had appeared behind him.




However, amidst his screams of pain, Elena's technique suddenly appeared in that spot, this time right on the side of the man's neck. After that, his head exploded like a watermelon, causing this Spiritual King's lifeless body to fall towards the ground slowly.

A level 52 cultivator had died!

And even though the explosion of his head had been quite shocking, not a drop of blood had come out of that place. In fact, the only thing left was a piece of burnt charcoal meat!

Anyway, it didn't take long for young Elena to do the same with that other individual, who hadn't even noticed the death of his companion.

He was in a much worse state than the other Spiritual King, as his level was lower, and he had to deal with the same offensive power as his comrade.

Upon receiving the second attack, this man hadn't even cried out in despair or tried to beg for mercy. On the contrary, the pain he felt was so strong that the moment Elena got on his back and attacked him, for him, it was the best possible result!

He was going to die anyway, so that at least ended his suffering!

With that, the fight was over, and Elena had killed two Spiritual Kings!


'Unbelievable!' The old coachman of the carriage Elena had rented in Sapphire thought to himself, completely pale with fear.

This old man had already reached level 40, so he understood very well how strong were the people who had stopped in front of his carriage earlier. And when he had realized that such people intended to fight Elena, this old man had felt very bad for this woman.

However, reality had come as a big surprise to this old man... The woman who should have been taken from here half-dead was fine. She had also demonstrated terrifying power and killed her two opponents!

As such, this old coachman could not help feeling disbelief and surprise.


On the other hand, the fear he felt at that moment was as great as the surprise, and he couldn't help swallowing his saliva in awe.

'The world is truly vast... No wonder they say not to judge a book by its cover!' So the old man thought to himself as he watched Elena collect the spatial rings from those two corpses.

'Ah, the next time I see my kids, I have to teach them this so that they both don't end up like these experts!'

'Most of the time, the level is everything. But who knows if the other side is one of those monsters? The best thing is never to disturb...'

While that coachman had many thoughts running through his mind, Elena finished collecting the belongings of those Spiritual Kings.

'They weren't poor!' She thought in surprise after analyzing the entire contents of those rings. '6 Black-grade and 21 Blue-grade techniques. 200,000 low-grade crystals, 2,514 medium-grade crystals, hundreds of high-grade grade-1 items... Dozens of low-grade grade-2 weapons, pills, and arrays... And even a medium-level grade-2 shield!'

The wealth of those two indeed wasn't low by the standards of low-level Spiritual Kings in this region. However, this was not so strange to happen. After all, opportunities do not always appear for everyone, and sometimes luck could help a lot!

On the other hand, those Spiritual Kings who had attacked her had probably lived for centuries. With that, they could have had several opportunities that would typically not be common for young cultivators like Elena, who had only a few years of experience.

It would be easier to get items at certain times, and at others, these same products would be scarce. Given that reality, Elena hadn't been too concerned about it, other than her initial surprise.

'These grade-1 items and techniques I will give to the army in exchange for merit points. As for the rest, hehe, I'll keep one part and sell the other!' Elena pondered this achievement as she entered that carriage she'd rented.

"Come on. The road is already clear!"

"Yes, ma'am!"

When that carriage returned to run towards the central parts of Stone Island, Elena didn't take long and soon began to cultivate.


Quickly time passed, and at this moment, the carriage the young Elena was traveling arrived close enough to Old Stone for its passengers to see the city from afar.

It was the beginning of the day in this region, and the characteristic freshness of the morning was over this place while Elena felt the breeze of the wind on her face outside that carriage.

"Ahh, it's good to be back!" She muttered as she had her eyes closed.

After days traveling from Sapphire to here, Elena hadn't encountered similar problems as before. She didn't know if she had just been fortunate or if the enemies had been scared of her.

But what mattered was that none of this had disturbed her. She just traveled through her homeland while gradually getting to know the current situation in this state.

On the surface, things seemed to be going well. Most of the time, routine life seemed to predominate in most of the cities she had passed through. However, it was undeniable that tension was widespread throughout the state.

It was not uncommon to hear news of great battles, deaths of thousands of people, and even some Spiritual Kings falling!

And from what this young woman had learned, the struggles between the Nash and Allen respective alliances seemed to be in balance.

Elen had many allies who had promised to help because of the products marketed by this young woman. However, even though the Allen family had a disadvantage in numbers on Stone Island, they constantly got outside support, which was a significant factor in the current balance.

Upon discovering such a thing, Elena was amazed.

She knew how difficult people in that family were to deal with, but not even in the worst of this young woman's nightmares would she have thought that such power had so many cards up its sleeve...

'Is Elen around here? I want to know how things are. This Allen family seems to be much more dangerous than I thought....' She thought about it, just before her carriage entered that big city!

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