"Mmmmm~" The two finally kissed, at the same time using their hands to feel each other's bodies, still standing in front of the front door of that residence.

Minos had one of his hands going back and forth around Regina's slender waist while his other hand was resting against the wooden door there. Meanwhile, she had one of her hands behind this young man's neck while at the same time feeling his chest with her other hand.


After doing this for almost three minutes, the two parted their lips, when Minos finally looked at her for a second before taking the lobe of one of Regina's ears to his mouth. As he did so, he took the opportunity and gently groped her soft breasts, making her moan softly.


As she felt a pleasant sensation through her body, Regina was getting carried away by these responses, feeling an increasingly noticeable warmth in her body. And as she closed her eyes and tried to enjoy this situation, unconsciously, one of this mature woman's hands reached for Minos' groin.

'You certainly are a good kisser... But let's see if your little friend can satisfy me.' She bit her lips as she continued to feel Minos' hands on her breasts and ass.

"Oh?" Regina exclaimed in surprise as she opened her eyes after feeling the volume stored in young Stuart's crotch. 'Not bad!' She thought before finally realizing that Minos was slowly stopping his actions.

"What are you doing?" She asked. Regina had been looking for this for a few weeks, and finally, when she got the opportunity, this young man stopped...

Minos then smiled and said. "You were thinking of doing this here?"

Upon hearing this, Regina regained her senses while a slight smile appeared on her lips. "Hahaha, I'm not shy, but it wouldn't be good to do it here." She said as she looked to the sides of that place and also scanned the surroundings.

As she did so, she realized that someone was coming towards that place at this moment.

"Well, let's meet at your apartment tomorrow. Are you interested?" He asked as he looked at her lips and then at her purple eyes.

Regina then fiddled with her purple hair for a moment as she tilted her head slightly to the left. She laughed and said. "For me, it could be even now, but you probably have things to do... So, all right, I'll be waiting for you."

Minos then smiled at her and began to straighten his clothes that had been messed up earlier before finally seeing Regina start to walk in the opposite direction of that residence door.

As she got near the end of the hallway there, she looked at Minos significantly and said, just so the two of them could hear. "You had better be prepared to stay from early morning until late afternoon with me. Or I'm afraid I won't be satisfied..."


"What about Mirya's treatment?"

"I can do it at night."


After this short conversation, the two said their goodbyes, with Regina heading toward her residence in Dry City and Minos turning back to the occasion that was taking place in that mansion.


While some people were planning fluid exchange sessions in the Dry City, two large groups were approaching each other at the same time in another part of the Black Plain...

After a few hours from the moment they had entered young Stuart's territory, the Gill family group had finally reached the central parts of the northeastern Black Plain!

However, they had come across something unexpectedly grave... Instead of finding empty ground, with only the natural irregularities of the soils of this region, and perhaps having stopped to rest in a temporary camp, they had come across another group!

Upon arriving in that northeastern part of the Black Plain, they had immediately come upon a sizeable temporary camp, which seemed to have just been built.

At the same time, hundreds of people seemed to be working on the temporary structures there. In contrast, others kept watching on the surroundings.

But to the misfortune of both sides, both had spotted the other side almost at the same time.

After all, the terrain of the place was favorable to this kind of thing. Also, the Gill family group had not taken precautions to keep hidden since they had not expected to find something like this on their trip to Dry City.

So, before they knew it, it was too late to worry about hiding.

Both sides had already seen each other and were at this moment watching each other. And all this had made these numerous Gill family guards and leaders uncomfortable, especially when they had identified the source of the opposite side.

They could see that all those people were members of the powerful Silva family.

That was a problem!


"Those people are from the Silva family!" The weakest Spiritual King of the Gill family group said this in a low voice while standing outside a noble carriage, next to the only two people stronger than him in that team.

After hearing this, the level 52 Spiritual King then turned to one woman, the group leader, and said. "Lady Beatrice, what do we do now? They've already seen us here, and they don't seem to have liked that at all..."

"That's truly a problem..." She said in a somber tone while clenching one of her fists tightly. 'That group is a threat to my family's interests!' She thought to herself as she analyzed the situation.

Her Gill family already 'had' Dry City under their control, and since no one knew about such a thing, they could enjoy the benefits of such a place for a while. However, if another noble family discovered such opportunities, there would only be two scenarios for House Gill.

One scenario would be that the organization that discovered the new Dry City decided to hand over such information to the royal family in an attempt to threaten the Gill family. That is, if such power were not able to take this territory from the 'hands' of Beatrice's family, nor to get a slice of the benefits, they would undoubtedly appeal to the Brown family.

The other scenario was if such an organization was stronger than the Gill family, which would result in Dry City being taken over by this opponent of Beatrice's family. But not only that, to prevent the Gill family itself from spreading the news about such a place, this enemy organization would probably try to eliminate the opposite side...

In both cases, the Gill family had a lot to lose... Either they would lose something they had just achieved, or they might even face the danger of extermination!

"We cannot allow them to leave the Black Plain alive! If we eliminate them now, we can prevent information from leaking out, and the worst happens!" Beatrice said in a cold tone after thinking the matter through.

At first, the Gill family was powerless to confront House Silva. But as dangerous as Beatrice's thought was, the chance of those opponents causing more trouble for them in the future would be greater if they did nothing at the moment.

That was because the opposing side had seen the symbols on the armor and carriages of Beatrice's group, which displayed the unique Gill family symbol.

And suppose that group had already discovered Dry City and had decided that that place should secretly belong to the Silva family. In that case, the entire House Gill could be exterminated soon!

Consequently, for the sake of the Gill family, Beatrice had decided that only by eliminating the enemy side would they stand a chance here!


"Lady Beatrice, are you... Are you sure? That's the Gill family we're talking about!" The Level 51 Spiritual King said in an uncertain tone.

However, before Beatrice even said anything, the other Spiritual King there answered his companion. "Bond, don't you realize that we are already at a dead end? Even if that family hasn't found out about Dry City yet, if they find out about it in the next few days, then sooner or later we'll have to endure attacks from House Silva."

"Since that's the case, isn't it better that we attack them first?"


"Indeed, you are right... I hadn't thought about it properly." Bond commented in a low voice as he finally began to circulate his energies, preparing himself for the only alternative that lay in front of him.


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