
"Yes!" Minos confirmed for her shortly after swallowing his saliva in anticipation.

He was preparing himself psychologically for this because, unlike Abby, who could suppress the pain of this procedure, this young man could not. But far worse than this was the fact that Minos' body contained far more significant amounts of impurities than there were in the body of that girlfriend of his.

After all, the impurities present in a cultivator's body were related to the substances ingested but also the quality of the Physique of that living being.

As such, since the classification of his Physique had decreased to Common-grade at the time of Albert's sacrifice, the ability of the cells of Minos' body to use specific resources more efficiently and eliminate toxins had significantly been impaired.

Consequently, his body could not utilize the ingested resources as well as before, and the impurities retained in his cells were much more significant than those with higher ranking Physiques.

However, even though he quickly improved his Physique after arriving in Dry City, he had spent nearly six years as a human with a Common-grade Physique.

After that, he lived as a human with Warrior-grade Physique for almost four years. And, although better than the previous one, it was still much worse than what it would be with a King-grade Physique, the original classification of his Physique.

Thus, the toxins in the body of the young sovereign of the Black Plain were not small, even considering the fact that he never used pills or unnecessary resources for his cultivation!

He always used foods rich in spiritual energy, those with the least amount of impurities. At the same time, he cultivated using only crystals and the free energy in nature.

But even doing all this, he could not change the fact that his body was not as efficient at the moment as were the bodies of Ruth and Abby, who had Saint-grade Physiques. Yet, with a mutant Physique that could continue to evolve with the necessary resources, Minos knew that one day he would have a Physique even more efficient than those two.

Of course, they could also go through an evolution that would make it possible for all of them to achieve similarly efficient Physiques, something very interesting for them...

Anyway, the fact is that it would still take years for this young man to reach those two, and he would need to go through many sessions like the one he was about to go through at the moment.

Such things could ease his cultivation path, as it could remove toxins stored in his body without him having to make any stage promotion. Hence, it could somewhat speed up Minos' development, reducing that initial disadvantage he had.

Anyway, it didn't take long for Regina to activate her spiritual techniques one after the other and start using them on the young man's body.

First, she started the treatment on Minos' back, pressing firmly on that part of his body, almost as if she was massaging him.

But this was not exactly a massage. After all, what Regina was doing was sending small amounts of poison through the pores of her patient's skin and directing them to the areas of importance to the treatment.

She could not ask him to ingest these poisons, as such a thing would be too strong for him, and his body would probably be poisoned before he had a chance for his cells to be 'cleansed' by such a thing. So, even if this was a quick method to target the cells of living beings, it was not good to do in a treatment like this.

So, she needed to expose Minos' body to her poisons carefully, in small amounts and in a more localized way, something that was totally under her control.

Anyway, sensing that Regina's poisons had begun to act on his body, Minos pressed his jaw. At the same time, the veins on his forehead and neck began to become more visible.

"Ohhh!" He made a sound of pain as he had his mouth closed, still lying face down on that bed. 'That truly hurts a lot...'

As his body shook in pain, fragments of the toxins began to flow through the same entrances through which the poison had penetrated his skin.

"Wow..." Regina said in curiosity, not understanding how someone with so much impurity could have such supreme skills and strength.

This woman knew that talented people had extremely efficient bodies at eliminating such negative things. Hence, she couldn't help but be surprised at the reality exposed by such a situation.


"That's because I still have a Warrior-grade Physique. Ohhh!"

"So, my body has impurities stored deep in my cells, as well as my metabolism is somewhat deficient..." Young Stuart said in pain while sweating heavily and already had a specific paleness on his face.

"Is that so? That's unexpected..." She said before finally squeezing Minos' back even tighter.


"Well, I think we're going to have to split that poison treatment of yours into three sessions. Is that okay with you?" She asked, after realizing that she wouldn't be able to handle Minos' situation so quickly as to resolve everything in a single day at her cultivation level.



While young Stuart was suffering at Regina's hands, in one part of the Brown Kingdom, in the middle of a large city, a commotion was brewing inside the property of the local sovereign.

In that place, dozens of people had expressions of terror on their faces, while some were as pale as white leaves, sweating coldly.

"Beatrice attacked a massive group of the Silva family a few weeks ago. You all know that..." An elder said aloud while sweating coldly and explaining the situation to the rest of the family.

"But now, we find out that the Silva family has cut off all contact with us, as well as the same has happened with the allied organizations of this noble house... That is, all of a sudden, they began to ostracize us!"


"Damn! Why did we get involved in such trouble?"

"This is that person's fault!"

"Nonsense! Beatrice just had some bad luck, and she did what most of us would have done in the same situation!"

As voices echoed through that place, finally, the strongest person there said firmly, causing everyone else to shut up. "Silence!"

"No matter what you think about whether or not we have a culprit. Whether or not it was bad luck. The fact is that we now have information that confirms the idea that the Silva family wants to destroy us."

"They have already begun to ostracize us, and we even have news of some of their spies in our territory."

"So, we have to decide how to deal with this as soon as possible, or it may be too late for us to do anything about it!" He said as he looked at the people in that place, with a dark countenance on his face.

After this was said, another person then replied. "The way I see it, we have few options here. That is, we've wiped out a group of the Silva family, and we certainly can't expect them to simply forgive this..."

"Even if we give the Black Plain to them, we will most likely just buy ourselves some time until House Silva destroys us!"

"Hmm, that's true..." Other people muttered that simultaneously.

The person from before then continued. "So, either we ask the royal family for assistance, or we risk continuing to explore the Black Plain on a much more intense level!"

Anyway, the people continued as they debated the paths before them and the consequences of each choice.

But with each passing minute, they seemed to realize that the situation of the Gill family only seemed to get worse as time went on. And even considering the recent regional instability, this would at most give them a few more years of existence...

But would such a thing be enough? They didn't know!

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