After walking around the headquarters, Minos and his two girlfriends arrived at the top floor of the army's cultivation tower.

When they arrived at that location, there were already a few dozen soldiers from the Black Plain Army inside the cultivation room, where Minos would make his advance. However, besides the 130 people who would have the opportunity to level up during this occasion, dozens of other soldiers were outside that place, in the corridors of the upper floor of this building.

Many of these people were high-level soldiers who were off duty or those weaker soldiers who would typically only stay inside the headquarters.

As they didn't have so many things to do, since they couldn't cultivate and train all day, these people wanted to watch young Stuart's progress.

That was because it was unusual for people from this region to make stage advancements while being watched by people. After all, cultivation could be considered a vulnerable time for cultivators, and it was also quite important to maintain a particular concentration during such times.

There were cultivation bottlenecks, and at decisive moments such as stage advancement, the slightest distraction could decrease the chances of success. Therefore, rarely would people of lower levels have the opportunity to watch someone step up.

However, this desire to see someone stronger leveling up was not gratuitous. It was not just simple entertainment!

On such occasions, the cultivators who would experience this would increase their affinity with the Natural Laws, which other individuals could feel.

Each cultivator would have a set of techniques, and each of these techniques would be related to at least one of the Natural Laws. And when increasing cultivation stages, as long as that cultivator had trained enough in each of their techniques, the techniques' phases would also increase at the moment of the promotion.

Such a thing could be felt at the moment when there was an increase in that individual's affinity with the Natural Laws related to his techniques.

But, even though each cultivator had unique paths, situations like that could generate benefits for weaker people. By increasing at a stage, such a person would experience an increase in affinity with several different Natural Laws at once!

And this could be useful for other cultivators of all kinds!

For example, some might better understand the options during the stage progress, the risks and might even have a chance to increase the comprehension of their techniques.

So, observing the advancement of experts could help those weaker ones.

But of course, this would not be so significant to the point that a person, for example, would no longer need to train his techniques. No, what would happen would be a particular individual feeling more effortless in his progress regarding his comprehension.

But at the end of the day, the essential thing would still be the constant training, the focus on self-improvement.

On the other hand, people at the lower stages of cultivation would have an affinity to few Natural Laws. After all, the number of techniques would be smaller... So, any benefit they might have would be minor.

Because of this, situations like this didn't happen very often in a place like the north of the Central Continent. That is, most people around here didn't have enough, or high-quality, techniques for their stage advancements to be of any use to other people.

Hence, this kind of situation was not common even in Minos' army.

Anyway, those dozens of people were in the corridors on that floor, a place surrounded by several glass walls.

While the many people in that place started to get even more excited, Minos entered that room alone while his two girlfriends joined the other spectators.

They didn't need to enter that place to feel the changes that could happen to Minos after his Physique's evolution and the stage advance. But, on the other hand, if they entered that room, it might hinder the progress of the Corporals who were preparing to reach level 40.

Therefore, the two women had stayed outside that place together with all those soldiers there.


Minos finally entered that collective cultivation room, greeting some of those soldiers on his way, until he reached the center of that place.

"Well, everybody, get ready because I'll start now." He said so that everyone there could hear him. At the same time as this, he quickly took off most of his clothes, leaving only a pair of relaxed shorts.

After that, he quickly sat down on a cultivation cushion and stood in a meditative position before removing the King-grade medicine from his spatial ring.

As he did so, young Stuart looked from one side of that place to the other.

He then saw that each of those 130 soldiers already had their eyes closed as they circulated their respective cultivation techniques.

Since they had not reached the 5th stage of cultivation and could not sense the free energy without cultivating, they could only know the right time to act if they were doing this.

Consequently, they had all begun to do such a thing and would not have the opportunity to watch the evolution of Minos' Physique, nor his stage advance.

'Time to start...' Young Stuart thought to himself as he looked meaningfully at the King-grade medicine in his hands.

After doing so for a brief moment, Minos took a deep breath and closed his eyes. The next moment he began to eat that King-grade medicine while he had a disgusted expression on his face.

However, all of this was entirely normal. Spiritual medicines were notorious for their repugnant flavors, which could cause even sensitive people to pass out if they weren't prepared to eat them...

Plus, because Minos was well aware of how bad such a thing tasted, he immediately took the necessary precautions...

'Damn! The taste of this is much worse than I imagined...' So, he thought to himself as he swallowed some of that medicine and felt an intense chill run down his spine.

At the same time as that, young Stuart's face was already ashen, while to anyone watching him at the moment, it would look like he was going to throw up at any moment.


But after struggling for almost 10 seconds, Minos finally swallowed the last bit of that medicine while shaking and sweating. 'Fuck... It's finally over.' So, he thought before leaving the horrible taste in his mouth aside and starting to focus on the medicine inside his stomach.

That's because, after he ate such medicine, he couldn't wait for long, or his body would try to absorb the energy of this resource on its own...

But this would be a disaster for him. After all, such a thing had more than 15 times the amount of energy that his body could support at the present moment!

Hence, Minos had to hurry to use all this energy to his advantage. That is, instead of allowing this energy to be absorbed by his body; he had to direct it to be used as the catalyst for the evolution of his cells.

But although laborious, doing this was not difficult. All Minos would have to do would be to suppress his body from absorbing that energy and have it slowly 'wash' all his cells!

And he quickly began to do this.

Solar God Breath!

He activated his cultivation technique and immediately began circulating his soul power throughout his body. Then he slowly started that process of directing the medicine energy to 'wash' his cells in order for evolution to be activated.

As he began to do this, his body slowly became redder and redder for the people who saw him. At the same time, a colorful flow of spiritual energy was slowly forming around him, almost as if he were a tiny quasar.1

At that moment, the evolution began!

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